F off pls
Flag: | Singapore |
Registered: | November 17, 2021 |
Last post: | December 7, 2023 at 2:29 AM |
Posts: | 429 |
F off pls
True, I shouldn't be reading braindead bait threads from 9 year olds.
Where are the "prx washed" threads? Retards.
I'll just screenshot this moment to laugh at it once we demolish your dogshit region and clear you narcissist assholes out of this community.
What a virgin, childish answer to a question.
Then why start making such bold statements? They haven't played their second masters, so how do you know they are frauds? Absolutely braindead weirdchamp
W caster
Worst take I've even seen, bring your dogshit takes elsewhere thanks
Sorry but they are dogshit international
Don't worry it's another malding Brazilian as usual
They won against G2 and The Guard bruh, tf you on?
Deryeon has to be the most inconsistent Jett ever
Jesus Christ stop being a dickhead and giving a bad rep for our country dumb fuck
Malding fans downfragging this bruh
I'm telling you this delby guy has like autism or something every sentence is either "cum" or "your mom" LMAO
Didn't know being top 4 at masters "isn't good" KEKW
Haven 13-9
Fracture 13-11
APAC, also known as “All Players Are Cracked”, is by far the greatest region in Valorant. They have the best highlights, most handsome pros and smartest strats in all of Valorant.
Bruh nobody could ever predict this wild of a playoff
Nah, he just had a bad performance this game. He is not this trash.
I mean they beat Xerxia so I'm just hoping for a good performance from them
You're already placing them in lowers? Sadge
"Focusing on champs" how to focus when u can't even get of grp stage KEKW
Who cars?
They admitted in a podcast that prx was messing around with weird comps and has not properly integrated jinggg into the roster well yet
Salty mfs downfragging HAHAHAHA
F0rsaken lmao
I support da homies but no way a meme team can beat boom
Idk man, bleed kinda looks more promising than Big rn?
Free gun btw
Regardless, they still would have done better. Underwhelming performance by full sense.
Nah. Prx threw, look at the stats of their game.
Honestly, no offense, I really think prx or nth would have done much better than fs. Seoldam, Jinggg and f0rsaken are all insane.