Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 19, 2023
Last post: January 3, 2024 at 12:15 PM
Posts: 960
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We know they have been trialing a bunch of people
From the rumors what would be the better team option?
Personally I believe
Raafa ( IGL / Flex )
Silentzz ( Sentinel )
RGL ( Controller )
Qck ( Duelist )
Pollo ( Initiator / Flex )

Peu as assistant coach

EDIT : Nvm Pollo makes more sense

posted about a year ago

He confirmed he will be staying at LOUD for another TWO YEARS.

Source: His twitter annoucement

posted about a year ago

Second Caller
But both he and MWzera will probably Co-Igl

posted about a year ago

Does Loud win a second international?
Does any of the other BR teams make it to a International?
Does Som ever come back to Valorant?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Wtf going on with LOUD?????
FRod is leaving??? Why???
Havoc is signing with Lev WHO ALREADY HAS ASPAS???
Askia is going to KRU so we can’t get him either
Saadhak still ain’t confirm he will stay or not
GuhRvn is rumored to be the new controller??

Is Noyn talking out his Ass or does this shit have any truth to it???

Also WHO in Gods green earth can sub for fRod on LOUD? Koy is Ass, peu is a downgrade, fluyr is nowhere to be seen, ONUR is insane, and BzKa is just MID

posted about a year ago

I know he still has the contract, but I think as soon as it expires pancada will try to go back to loud.
Well, for the last few weeks Pancada has been constantly posting on his Instagram stories about “how long has been” and how “he misses the glory”.
In almost everyone of those posts he is wearing the loud jersey, the teammate that has been in most of those photos is none other than Less
And as most know Less is the last player that will leave Loud since his Gf is ALSO in the org as well as being the one org to give him proper spotlight.

Call me delusional, but I feel Pancada is coming home

posted about a year ago

Oxe, mas eles são rock, e eu não falei que eu gosto deles, eu falei que são os mais relevantes.
Tem tipos diferentes de rock daí eu pus vários tipos diferentes já q n sei o que o cara gosta.

posted about a year ago

On the cheek? 100% chance, Its a common greeting here.

But even if you were 5”8 and chubby there would still be a higher chance than your current one.
Brazilian women are in general nicer and more open to different types of dude, as are our men.

posted about a year ago

Really? But I could’ve sworn there was a bigger military presence around there during the Bolsonaro turn?
How reliable are those stats? Cuz they could be using the pandemic to increase the stats since most of the focus was shifted to health and not deforestation.

Either way, thank you for the links, I will dive deeper in to this topic by myself.
Thankfully we all agree deforestation is bad

posted about a year ago

We still hate the Germans

Most Brazilians hate the Germans because of the 7-1 rather than the moustache guy thing Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  • Kaká
  • Pacific (he seems to like Japan)
  • No
  • yes
  • depends on the city
posted about a year ago

We aren’t cutting it down. We have a problem with illegal deforestation (which is why the military takes care of the Amazon), during the Bolsonaro run we actually got rid of a lot of the criminals responsible for the deforestation since Bolsonaro has a strong tie to the military. Unfortunately Lula has his eyes on other stuff and kind of neglected the forest again (the rate went up, to the number it was when he ruled).

You wanna avoid São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, or atleast stay only one day there.
Good cities to visit are
Balneário Camboriú
Ouro Preto
Foz do Iguaçu

posted about a year ago

Food is bad like every other airplane company. Service is alright, and the planes are pretty good.
I actually had a scarier time traveling inside the USA by airplane, for some reason their airplanes are smaller when flying domestically.

posted about a year ago

There are a few, but since I don’t know what rock specific genre you like my suggestion will be a bit all over the place.

Engenheiros do Havaí
Legião urbana
Capital inicial
Mamonas assassinas
O terno
Os paralamas do sucesso

posted about a year ago

Lan Houses where pretty big at the start of the internets boom, which led to a very profitable scene with a wide pool of talent since lan houses weren’t that expensive

posted about a year ago

What do you define as good? If plane quality then yes, they are good

posted about a year ago

Pretty safe, it’s like most civilized countries where there are “zones” with danger. But with the bare minimum of knowledge you can easily live in a healthy and safe city/ neighborhood

posted about a year ago

No those mostly exist in two states which ironically are the most visited; São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro
Here are some other safer states with good tourist locations and overall tourist experience
Santa Catarina
Rio Grande do Sul
Minas Gerais

posted about a year ago

Aí você foi meio displicente trembinho, pra MiBr a TheUnion não levava pau não. Murizz ia encontrar um jeito de entregar

posted about a year ago

Talvez ele esteja falando do Keznit?
“Sonho” muitos não gostam dele porcausa da treta do Dgzin

posted about a year ago

Damn not one South American team??

posted about a year ago

Teve rumores de que a Furia e MiBr foi atrás do Raafa e do peu mas as “requisições” dos cyberatletas foram “assustadoras”.
E se em vez de um valor muito alto de contrato, eles queriam manter a maioria da TheUnion? Tipo, “eu entro mas tu tem que contratar os outros mlks tbm”.
Eu acho isso bem possível, o que explicaria o pé atrás das organizações devido às polêmicas envolvendo Pancc e NTK.
Outra possiblidade é que Raafa e Peu tenham pedido contrato juntos, como dupla, “sem ele eu não entro” o que também pode ter afastado as orgs devido aos seus pés atados com BzKa e Koy

O que vocês acham?

posted about a year ago

Any updates on Loud?
Status on contracts and verbal agreements?
Is havoc joining?
Is Saadhak staying?
Is Tuyz staying?
Is Less staying?
Is Cauanzin leaving?

posted about a year ago

Zellsis could help out in that two way thing

posted about a year ago

Send them to MiBr

posted about a year ago

Sacy e Pancada ainda não ganharam UM título com a Sentinels ein

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Hey me too

posted about a year ago

Amor mío
Si estoy debajo del vaivén de tus piernas
Si estoy hundido en un vaivén de caderas
Esto es el cielo, es mi cielo
Amor fugado
Me tomas, me dejas, me exprimes y me tiras a un lado
Te vas a otros cielos y regresas como los colibrís
Me tienes como un perro a tus pies
Otra vez mi boca insensata
Vuelve a caer en tu piel
Vuelve a mí tu boca y provoca
Vuelvo a caer de tus pechos a tu par de pies
Labios compartidos, labios divididos, mi amor
Yo no puedo compartir tus labios
Que comparto el engaño y comparto mis días y el dolor
Ya no puedo compartir tus labios
Oh amor, oh amor compartido
Amor mutante
Amigos con derecho y sin derecho de tenerte siempre
Y siempre tengo que esperar paciente
El pedazo que me toca de ti
Relámpagos de alcohol
Las voces solas lloran en el sol, eh
Mi boca en llamas torturada
Te desnudas angelada, luego te vas
Otra vez mi boca insensata
Vuelve a caer en tu piel de miel
Vuelve a mí tu boca, duele
Vuelvo a caer de tus pechos a tu par de pies
Labios compartidos, labios divididos, mi amor
Yo no puedo compartir tus labios
Que comparto el engaño y comparto mis días y el dolor
Ya no puedo compartir tus labios
Que me parta un rayo
Que me entierre el olvido mi amor
Pero no puedo más compartir tus labios, compartir tus besos
Labios compartidos
Te amo con toda mi fe, sin medida
Te amo aunque estés compartida
Tus labios tiene el control
Te amo con toda mi fe, sin medida
Te amo aunque estés compartida
Tus labios tienen el control
Y sigues tú con el control

posted about a year ago

Colombia = Cock Lover Bias

posted about a year ago

I hope Saadhak Doesn’t go to NRG

posted about a year ago

Says the mf with a pride flag

posted about a year ago

How the hell did you know I like deadlock???

posted about a year ago

LOUD try to keep a roster for more than 1 year challenge (IMPOSSIBLE??) (DEPRESSING?!?!?)

posted about a year ago

Susto do caralho, isso ae é só o contrato que expirou poha

posted about a year ago

This is the most awful move I’ve seen
It’s not lateral
It’s downright abysmal

posted about a year ago

Small org

posted about a year ago

Pollo entra no lugar do Saadhak já que o saadhak tbm vai sair

posted about a year ago

Havoc e Pollo. O Tuyz fica

posted about a year ago

Not confirmed

posted about a year ago

Is it not a Sad event? Can’t I mourn it?

posted about a year ago

Sad ass year fr

posted about a year ago

Eu era fã do DaveeyS, eu ainda to devastado que ele morreu mano, é muito relevante

posted about a year ago
  • Aspas is out of LOUD
  • Mini out of Fnatic
  • Jzz out of MiBr
  • Runi out of C9
  • Zellsis out of C9
  • [——————————]
  • Yay is nowhere to be found
  • The “Guard” is still in trouble
  • Fns & S0m have no team
  • EG apparently is losing Demon1????
  • GenG and Zeta Rosters got Nuked??
  • Raafa and Peu still have no contracts

Why is Valorant Scene Colapsing????

posted about a year ago

Pollo or Cortezia to Controller
Tuyz to Duelist

posted about a year ago

Tuyz could go back to Duelist maybe, with his new found Gamesense? Maybe then get Pancada back or Get CTC / Cortezia / Pollo, who are Controllers too

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Another guy that is underrated is Pepa. Bro is amazing

posted about a year ago
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