Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 19, 2023
Last post: January 3, 2024 at 12:15 PM
Posts: 960
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This mf makes trembo look like a decent dude

posted about a year ago

So TenZ doesn’t have raisin ass?

posted about a year ago

Unfathomably Universal W from posting this

posted about a year ago

If you’re gonna flame loud fans at the very least put the Team Liquid flair mfs in there too.
You want psicopathy? They will give it for free

posted about a year ago

Im gonna be honest, fuck y’all.
Every fucking time this team comes up you goblin mfs come out the woodworks to claim the divinity of EDG, and then they get cucked out of every match they play.
I don’t believe any of you

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Saadhak will own them with his nerfed to the ground Chamber

posted about a year ago

Technically speaking the Americas league is a Semi International league
Since it contains countries from different continents

posted about a year ago

If Saadhak has diamond aim
Boaster = Silver
FNS = Bronze
Boostio = Silver
Redgar = Gold
Stax = Gold

posted about a year ago

People support haaland, but that doesn’t mean Pelé ain’t the King of Football

posted about a year ago

Put respect on Potters child’s name

posted about a year ago

2-0 C9 and Won against a woken up NRG
Also 13-3 Loud on their at the moment best map

posted about a year ago

The sex machine

posted about a year ago

It’s time to admit it
Saadhak IS the number one IGL

FNS doesn’t have his aim
Boaster doesn’t have his Anti-Strats
Stax doesn’t have his adaptability
Boostio doesn’t have his mental resilience

(All IGLs mentioned here are goated but are not The Goat)


posted about a year ago

If EG are given time to cook, they Can win against any team (except Loud, Saadhak is just too op)

posted about a year ago

Let’s all be truthful. KRU are the ones that would make for a fun LCQ winner, mfs are weirdly better than most Franchise teams yet went 0-9
Mfs are the AFC Richmond of Valorant

posted about a year ago

True, hated it as bronze, loved it as plat. The Marshall becomes incredibly fun on breeze

posted about a year ago

If Demon1 did that much damage to Loud.
He sure is a contender.

posted about a year ago

How is it copium if they won? They dominated their region in every split, got to grand finals at rejkavic and WON champions.
They were operating on half their power and still rawdogged everyone (except for optic and KRU)

posted about a year ago

They need to accept their Manlet status

posted about a year ago

Would be funny if an emea team Grouped NRG early.
Im tired of Saadhak vs fenis. I wanna see new rivalries
Saadhak vs Stax
Boostio vs Boaster
Etc etc

posted about a year ago

Ain’t no way bro forgot about Chadhak, the only true Chamber player

posted about a year ago

Your name always gives a slight amount of joy to me peepo, thank you man

posted about a year ago

Thank you for the contribution

posted about a year ago

Lmao why so many people lying?

posted about a year ago

Saadhak made aspas into what he is today.
There is no point in being a “ranked demon” if you don’t have a gigacock IGL to tame them

posted about a year ago

LOUD players got sick almost the entirety of 2022.
Hell, during the last matches of Champions 2022, Sacy had to play whilst he had diarrhea lmao, mf was literally shitting himself and still played well.
Aspas had COVID during rekjavic and was still nasty.

and that’s just the Brazilian team, im 100% sure there were cases like this on other teams so don’t use health as an excuse. Give Team Lulquid the proper credit

posted about a year ago

Damn I don’t know

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They will never understand

posted about a year ago

So, speaking from a tactical long term point of view.
Isn’t it better to do a slight amount of throwing at Grand Finals of your regions league?

This goes for all teams

Since teams today are getting the hang of hard anti stratting, isn’t it better to not show your cards so you can play them at Masters/Champions?

Sure you get the league trophy but does that even matter, the whole point of playoffs is to classify for Tokyo/LA, so why not sacrifice a small trophy for the big one?

TLDR: isn’t it better to save your strats for the big tournament when you are already classified instead of wasting it in your leagues Grand Finals?

posted about a year ago

Literally only the bandwagoners are insulting LOUD, EG fans are just happy to be succeeding

posted about a year ago

I just thought it would be cool to have something that you can actively spend the points on

posted about a year ago

A “betting” interface, not actual money, but a point system like twitch.
You could “bet” on maps, pistols, ecos, full buys, role diffs, round diffs, etc etc.
I don’t know what exactly you could do with the points, but some simple rewards on the site would be cool.
Things like; username colors, different fonts for the username, a temporary “banner” on your profile where you could display some picture/meme regarding valorant.

There could be a sort of “VLR inventory”
Basically you would be able to use the points to “buy” weapon skin “cards” that you could then display in your profile. Sort of like a collecting game you know?
There could be community events where we can send fan made skins that could also be added to the weapon skin market, teams skins could be made.

I know it’s a lot of work but I think it’s a cool idea

posted about a year ago

Metro Last Light and Metro Exodus

posted about a year ago

Go up to her and say “quero vê-la sorrir, quero vê-la cantar, quero ver o seu corpo dançar sem parar”

Make sure you do a little dance while saying it,
Trust me, it’ll make her like you

posted about a year ago

Dude, trust me, if she has a sense of humor, she will love this

posted about a year ago

Gringos being annoying and dismissive as usual

posted about a year ago

Miterunoka? YAY. (Sorry for bad Japanese)

posted about a year ago

I know it’s not funny to most, but does someone have the “aspas? Not good with raze” trembo rant?

posted about a year ago

Then proceeded to lose to FoFuria (in Portuguese fofo means soft, so soft furia, this an insult to be clear)

posted about a year ago

Really? To them it counts as “serious work”? damn I thought the stigma would help us out

posted about a year ago

Processo jurídico é foda Kkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure tourism visas are easier

posted about a year ago

The funny thing is, they didn’t even try to pander to us, we like the underdogs.

posted about a year ago

MiBr blessing

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Please if any Riot Official is reading this please pull some strings so Demon1 can go to Tokyo, PLEASEEEE

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

C9 1-2 EG

I believe in Potter!

posted about a year ago
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