Oxi mas tu vai me dizer que o havoc não é promessa?
Vamo dar hyper então pra outros
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | April 19, 2023 |
Last post: | January 3, 2024 at 12:15 PM |
Posts: | 960 |
Oxi mas tu vai me dizer que o havoc não é promessa?
Vamo dar hyper então pra outros
Can we please shut up about NTK and Pancc every time the Union plays? The jokes are fine, just the constant “they did dirty” is getting annoying, everyone on this site already knows what happened
Just let the mfs play and IF they win ascension we can all have hissy fits about wether they should go or not
Just please lay low for a little
Me with pacific ascension fr fr
Trust the plan
Trust the Saadhak
Trust the Loud
*** NRG vs LOUD
Tier 2 Fnatic is Karmine Corp
Tell her she can only continue if she gets a girl for you to sleep with every time she gets a guy, and if the guy is prettier than you the girl has to be prettier than her
Its not like there is any problems. It’s just that a lot of ORGs want to purchase Aspas
Well, all of LOUD
But Saadhak won’t budge cuz he is happy there.
Less will stay for a while to continue learning to be an IGL under Saadhak
And Aspas is already solidified, he is a great player, understands the game and is overall complete as a purchase. LOUD doesn’t have the money to keep up with offers from Euro/Dollar orgs so if Aspas decides to make it in the gringo scene LOUD can’t stop him. So, as a way to continue the teams consistency they want to integrate new blood on the team
Mano, cadê esse cara véi, eu sei que ele saiu da The Union
Mas o q ele tá fazendo da vida?? Tá treinando com algum time de franquia não oficialmente pelo menos???
Alguém sabe o q tá acontecendo com este forninho?????
The other teams are just too free
They lost to a 2 week of training roster that had 3 role switches with a Sub and without their dragging star player…
Hell KRU has a better chance than 100T
Com pai assim pra que inimigo KKKKKKKKKKKKK
Where did you read that???
O seus bando de corno
Se vocês fossem obrigados a montar um time no tier 2
Do Brasil
1 import no máximo
Vocês podem contratar os manos da Furia e da MiBr
Mas não podem pegar a galera da TheUnion nem da Loud
Como fica o time de vocês?
I root for The Union because I want Raafa to prove Brazil has a goated IGL outside Saadhak. We need more and raafa seems to be the best bet right now
Unless Kon4n shows up
Nah you didn’t just use LULdwigs invitational as a comparison to actual LANS
Bro is insane
I hope Pancc and NTK makes it to franchising just so we can continue to have these type of jokes
Imagine the Union stomp a team and NTK is popping off.
“NTK thinks 100Ts his girlfriend the way he beating the shit out of them”
I know it’s dark but it’s funny
Take out Sentinels and you’re sane
They sucked all of Louds talent in order to win ascensions
That LOUD scrim really solidified them huh
The problem is that her util doesn’t stand on its own.
She NEEDs someone else to make her strong while other agents don’t. Kind of like yoru and reyna.
Her trips are good IF you have someone to trap play
Her crouch grenade is good IF you can combine it with a Molly
Her Ult is good IF you can isolate a 1v1, cuz even if the teammates whiff a bit you still need someone to be looking at the capsule in case the teammates destroy it while your are facing them.
KJ, Cypher, Chamber util works without Sinergy
They stand on their own
HOLY W, That was actually a great idea, it only stuns on sound but detects on line of sight. Someone get riot right now
Thats the advantage, BR challengers was entirely on LAN so they are warmed up and comfortable on stage. While The Guard was only online
May your woes be many, and your bitches few
Didn’t he refuse to comply with investigations? Also isn’t this like the second time it happened?
Pancc didnt assault a girl
He didn’t even meet her
Pancc was talking to a girl who was interested but was a minor, before they even met he backed out and said he didn’t think it was a good idea for them to date. The girl later exposed him and he publicly and privately apologized to her.
He did something wrong but he realized and was regretful, he also thankfully didn’t cause irreparable damage to the girl, which leads me to believe it’s fair to give him a second chance.
You are thinking of NTK
And NTK beat up his girlfriend, nothing sexual about it.
Also NTK was convicted unlike Sinatra AND served time in prison
I believe. The Union can absolutely win, 00Nation on the other hand are free RR unfortunately
It’s gonna depend on which one has the most interesting narrative, the loser team or the coach sub team. I’m ok with either winning aslong as they make it far
Put some spaces between the words, line spaces between country
Would be Unironically fun to see KRU dog on the LCQ teams
“They were hiding strats the ENTIRE tournament just to classify through LCQ”
Unfortunately she is a ranked agent for now, cuz everything she can do is done better by other agents, she can’t sub in the current meta comps, there will be a neeed for a whole new composition for her to playable, it also doesn’t help she can’t mono sentinel
Infelizmente o cenário inclusivo vai acabar sendo dominado por NBs e Trans, as mulher vão de base.
Pq os homi são melhor?? Não, pq um bando de profissional sem sucesso vai se “revelar” , e como o cenário feminino tá atrasado, infelizmente esses cornos vão farmar no GC
No worries your dog ass team didn’t even make it to masters
The Union
Ok putting mine in the comments so no wall of text.
ORG Zero Sleep Seven ZZZ
twyx Controller
Plasia Flex
amb3r Initiator
G GY0 Duelist
eGø Sentinel