What about 43% from Myssen in HL? If Scream is the King one tap, Myssen is the God one tap.
The God headshot machine is there! 100T is favorite to win agains HL, but if they underestimate our boys ohhhh Hiko, Nitr0...you're dead.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | August 14, 2021 |
Last post: | September 29, 2024 at 6:21 PM |
Posts: | 7481 |
What about 43% from Myssen in HL? If Scream is the King one tap, Myssen is the God one tap.
The God headshot machine is there! 100T is favorite to win agains HL, but if they underestimate our boys ohhhh Hiko, Nitr0...you're dead.
I think everyone here wanna see their region playing.
I can't wait to watch VK and HL.
Go Brazil :D
I agree. Hiko and Nitr0 have so much lan experience. It could be a plus against HL.
I hope HL don't play with their hands shaking.
Being sincere, 2x1 100T. If HL play naturally it will be a awesome game to watch, let's lee.
how about this 13 years old playing in radiant (with pros) in Brazil.
clip of 30 seconds, take a look D:
he's insane
I got your point.
Prepare to see 3 initiator on Bind. HL loves that and they are playing very well coordinate with their abilities.
If I'm not wrong I read someone saying that 100T played with 3 Initiator a few time ago (I'm not sure if this is tru and if so I didn't watch this match).
Can't wait till Sept 10th
Let's goooo
you can be right.
Do you think Hiko is trying to implement his "CS system" in Valorant?
I think Hiko, nitr0 and Steel experience on lan will help asuna in Berlim. I hope we watch a good fps match :D
55% x 45% I watched Envy x 100T and I didn't see anything special about these 2 NA teams.
NA FPS is hyped due to the best team in the world Sentinels.
HL and VK has a good chance to win.
Btw I like to watch Hiko, Nitr0 playing. Bring me back to my CS days it is funny.
I don't care about Vikings. I just like to watch a good FPS.
Now it is the time to HL and VK show their power.
Just a question, now that Liquid is out of Berlim are you gonna cheer for the others EU teams?
Confesso que nos ultimos dias não estava acompanhando tanto o Valorant NA, mas agora que tive tempo resolvi dar uma olhada novamente nos últimos jogos.
Tai a ultima partida entre Envy x 100T, os dois adversários Brasileiros de VK e HL.
Sendo muito sincero, NA tem boas equipes, a Sentinels é bem fora da curva, melhor time do mundo, mas acompanhando as demais partidas não vejo o porque de tanto hype no FPS NA. Times bons, sim, mas nada demais.
Acredito que a HL e a VK tem boas chances de passar pela primeira partida.
Vamos Brasil!
Not even close my boy. Scream has more positional game play style. That's why he do a lot of one taps.
Heat is the real entry frag. I'd say he could be more compared to Asuna or Tenz due to his agressivity.
3 close maps. Let's go Berlim here we go
10th place is good. Let's keep our spectations low.
Bom a HL se adaptar a isso. Lá fora o que mais tem é esse avanço com a jett de OP. Ascent, Bind e Heaven são uma armadilha.
Good match too. D:
Yeah, They playing on Bind and sometimes on Ascent too. The combos are beatiful :D
I see. In Brazil HL is playing very well and it is beatiful to watch.
Let's see in Berlim :D
what u thoughts about it?
Do you think it could be the new meta?
HL is playing very well with Sova, Breach and Sky
there is no need to rush, Brazil is good in FPS, we will win it eventually.
NA was clearly ahead of all teams in Iceland. Now I bet in EMEA, Turkish and Russian teams are good.
BR improved 100% since the Iceland. But not enough to bring an international champ.
I bet we need 2 more years to win
Not bad for map 1
Tá bonito de ver a HL jogando mesmo, estão diferenciados. Não perderam um mapa sequer.
Vou torcer muito pra eles em Berlim
Será que a VK ainda tem folego?
VK 2 X 1 GL / VK 2 X 1 SHARKS / VK 2 X 1 VKS / VK 2 X 1 FURIA?
Espero ver melhor de 3 dnv.
VK 2 X 1 GL / VK 2 X 1 SHARKS / VK 2 X 1 VKS / VK 2 X 1 FURIA?
VK 2 X 1 GL / VK 2 X 1 SHARKS / VK 2 X 1 VKS / VK 2 X 1 FURIA?
Cara, não tenho nada contra a pessoa do GTN, mas as estatísticas mostram que ele está abaixo do time. VKS precisa de um duelista top BR pra ficar mais forte ainda.
que isso altos combos, foi muito bom o jogo. Sem comparação com o primeiro VCT. Os times BR's estão melhorando demais.
Não dou 2 anos pra conseguirmos um mundial de Vava
Our region improved bro. We don't have a dream team as Sentinels to dominate the cenario.
It was a good game btw. Let's see VK x Furia now for the last spot in Berlim
Sacy is one of the best Sova in the world, but with Jett he is just ok.. good but not as Heat
Don't wanna spend my time with this guy. Bye again and for ever
Brazil don't need him.
good for him. but He will never play in a big organization again.
Just the truth, we don't need an overrated player like him. Stay in Canada is better.
Nooo, I hate him.
He likes to hurt woman, get out of my country with this mf
O dono da VKS é jogador de futebol mano, joga em um time do exterior ai...dinheiro tem uhahuahu
True. I bet VKS and HL in Berlim. Let's see
VKS precisa de um duelista baludo, GTN não da conta, infelizmente
Que surpresa boa ver a Furia jogando taticamente. Espero que mantenham essa mentalidade em todos os mapas e esqueçam os rush de ranqueada que andavam fazendo.
Parabens, mapa 1 foi loco
They are completelly different, i'm not saying they gonna win but they stand a chance
Sharks gonna surprise you guys. Print thi comm if u want
Nice, but nobody outside our region cares about it. We gonna be more relevant after we get an international champ.
I do not believe we gonna win in Berlim, my bet a Brazilian team will win in the next 2-3 years.
448 ACS - 37/13 - 44% headshot
not bad too :)
A lot of individual gameplay without checking corners, EU sucks
Not gonna lie, low level gameplay. Sad EU
De fato a chance de um time tão desorganizado como a Furia vencer contra a Sharks é remota.
A call da Furia se resume a: "Vamos rushar A, B ou C?"
Isso no ataque ou na defesa, falta muito pra eles chegarem aos pés do melhor time do BR atualmente.
Ta lindo ver a Sharks jogar com muita estratégia e muita bala.
Obs: Não torço pra time nenhum, só gosto de ver um bom FPS, que vençam os melhores.
Can't see a so desorganized team as Furia beating Sharks