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Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: February 7, 2025 at 8:56 PM
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Wouldn't mind trent if possible but otherwise this is the best take yet. Also they should try to get PRX Alecks as a first priority. His coordinated chaotic style suits SEN player profiles perfectly.

posted about a year ago

No one argues that he doesn't have clout. Are you dumb? They didn't have reason to drop him cz he wasn't the fkin problem and syyko made that decision not fkin rob moore. Syyko said that in a podcast. When you lose, everything becomes a problem and you overanalyze, that's what sen did earlier but if you give a roster time, good structure and fix the fundamentals like comms, defaults, trading etc then they are gonna be an insane bunch of people like EG no matter the player profile.

posted about a year ago

That argument is just boring. SEN were ready to drop tenz in 2022. They are a franchised team now and creating a competitive team is their highest priority. That being said there's no reason to suggest that tenz can't compete at that level. They lost LCQ bc they just threw crucial rounds, so now count how many rounds has tenz thrown and how many he has won for them. He is not there just cz he is the cashcow.

posted about a year ago

Marved will only get better at it. Unless they can get a top top IGL, I wouldn't want them to settle for someone else. The ghost core is the recipe for success for that M80 team. If u want johnQT, might as well get their whole roster.

posted about a year ago

Role would be clear if they had enough time. they had comms issues from the beginning and before LCQ they couldn't even get good practice. All the good teams that practiced against them said good things about them but unfortunately they couldn't show that for whatever reason. Also, it didn't help that kaplan didn't design their map pool to their strength, they fked up their vetoes against C9. These problems would get better with time. NiSMO and JohnQT wouldn't solve these problems right away.

posted about a year ago

Anyone can analyze what's in front of their eyes. If I see LOUD beating everybody and call them the best and analyze why they are so good there is nothing special about that. The sign of a good pundit or a coach is that when they can bet on the right thing even when everything is not going right for that team or that player. They are always making comments in hindsight but hindsight is 20/20.

posted about a year ago

You guys need to stop sucking sideshow's dick and balls. The guy doesn't know shit and always had a hate boner for TenZ. when have they ever got anything right? Didn't they shit on KRU even in their last podcast before LCQ? He wears the clown costume for a reason. We as a community need to stop giving them 'intellectual' treatment as we would give to sgares or sliggy, just take them as entertainment and that's fine.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

8/10. I feel like Ghost core has more to do with M80's success than JohnQT's IGLing

posted about a year ago

When she starts whispering it gives me ASMR vibes. idk how to feel about that

posted about a year ago

may be simply bc Raze is a better agent in some comps and maps?

posted about a year ago

okay the first one was a misunderstanding and that's clearly not the reply I was talking about. Instead of clearing that up you went blabbering about what's a reply and what's not.

posted about a year ago

It literally send me a notification as 'reply from TrialRunnr'. You need to chill out and figure out how replies work LMAO

posted about a year ago

Scores doesn't tell you everything. There could multiple reason why he dies. His nades are perfect, satchels are great, he's got the fundamentals figured out, rest are teamplay and timings.

posted about a year ago

yeah except tenz doesn't like playing senti. He needs to be involved, he can't be just sitting there in an island or watch flanks. Mentally he gets bored i think.

posted about a year ago

You replied to me!

posted about a year ago

I don't agree. In terms of fragging it looks like it but his Jett intuition is not top tier yet. I have noticed that his Jett smokes to help out his teammates isn't great. Also, his OP isn't very consistent.

posted about a year ago

Why does he have to be one trick? 1 duelist is meta and it's going to stay that way for a while. There are raze maps where he can play raze.

posted about a year ago

You just don't have the vision bud

posted about a year ago

zekken raze is as good as his Jett. He can be their main duelist if he hones in his OPing skill

posted about a year ago

He would be a fantastic duelist player that has 100% synergy, something like Fnatic but that is not the situation he is in rn. When he plays Jett he is either in an island himself or has some success when zekken can go with him. Also, not having full confidence on his OP doesn't help.

posted about a year ago

He said it himself that he is better at setting his teammates up rather than himself. TenZ has the intuition to become a full time initiator, even a sova. I feel like as a player tenz needs to learn to bait more and have a little more patience in midround situations. He has very good clutch potential and always gets his 1v1s and more. I feel like he will be a perfect initiator given enough time and practice and people will stop looking at his stats only for once.

posted about a year ago

rough spot mentally? He has always said he wants to compete. He played well and even with kangkang they would have lost this LCQ imo. Their strats were too flat and midrounding just wasn't there in some games. That's what a make shift IGL would do to you.

posted about a year ago

I am saying what should happen, not what dumbass Rob moore might do. They will definitely play together if they are given the opportunity, I don't know why the wouldn't.

posted about a year ago

mb lot of 'him's confused me lmao. I couldn't figure out who you were referring to. Just cz of his playstyle I feel like TenZ would be an insane initiator player with enough time put in. He has the intuition.

posted about a year ago

There was. I feel like shaz,dapr, tenz with addition of zekken, marved would have done better. Also we would have been a lot better off if we had trent and valyn,marved from the beginning just cz of the same language but instead syyko went wild and also his nepotism kicked in. But this roster doesn't need too much changes. keep zekken, tenz, marved and build on that.

posted about a year ago

Bombing the core was a reason for that. They had no chemistry and kept trying quick fixes to get it. Look at EG or KRU in the regular szn vs now. Hell look at any of the teams that are having success. All kept their core. People were clowning on EG earlier. This game is all about tactics and synergy and aim on top of that is bonus. If the BR guys want to go back to a BR team I would understand otherwise only thing they need is a better Coaching staff.

posted about a year ago

almost all the rounds? Brother they were bottom in tier 2, didn't win a single game iirc. I could say the same about tenz. He singlehandedly won them bind against 100T and keep them in LCQ. You guys just want to blame tenz for something. previously it was agent pool and now that he played 3 different agents at very high level he is still getting scapegoated.

posted about a year ago

yay who got shit on in T2? I would rather have koalanoob.

posted about a year ago

Onur literally called him out. SEN lost to LEV 5 times in scrims on fracture and still couldn't come up with a proper gameplan to beat them. That's on coaches, no?

posted about a year ago

that's just a lie. Fnatic were making LANs consistently even with their prev rosters. It was obv that with better player quality they would become the best and they have.

posted about a year ago

None of these guys are slouches when it comes to mechanics. There is no clean 1v1s in this game. Most of the duels are won before the shots are even fired

posted about a year ago

I can't focus :(

posted about a year ago

Yeah bombing the whole roster worked so great last time!

posted about a year ago

I am so fkin invested. This fkin team ruined my studies for last couple of weeks and now you are telling me this is the end for next 8 months or so? Nah, this can't be. I feel like a drug addict with withdrawal rn. Someone give me a good tv series or something to watch :( :( :(

posted about a year ago

May be you should shut up lol

posted about a year ago

That's not his problem tho. He did that multiple times when he had kay o ult and that's the point that you should combo util with kay o ult and fight together but they just bait him and he dies in an unresable spot. Should he just sit there with flashes,ult and not take advantage of it? It's a co-ordination issue.

posted about a year ago

Team is good. Get additional coaches or replace them with better ones. Thir strategies and mid rounding is too flat.

posted about a year ago

kaplan is a secondary coach kinda guy but there are at least 5 better coaches in NA for sure. M80 guys proved that the Ghost thing was mostly just players

posted about a year ago

Unpopular opinion: He was their best player this LCQ.

posted about a year ago

Even sean called out after the 100T games that SEN strats were too flat and he was upset that 100T lost to that.

posted about a year ago

TenZ was the best player on fracture and was trying the most on split when nothing was going for them. These ppl don't even watch the game, they just want someone to blame

posted about a year ago

That's your first thought? He was the only one trying on both maps. tf you mean? LMAO

posted about a year ago

It was cooked when we got the worst IGL from the prev year and our head coach didn't have any strategy and got sacked 2 games in.

posted about a year ago

How come you lose this map in scrims 5 times and still can't fix your mistakes and anti-strat them? tragic

posted about a year ago

I would do better probably. All these talks about practicing for 2 months and they have no character in their gameplay and make silly mistakes. We could have had a dominant first half if marved and pANc didn't throw like that.

posted about a year ago

What are these strats? Just have some balls. kaplan couldn't call the rushes against double duelists comp earlier? Whenever they have kay o ult they send tenz first with a pop flash as if they are not gonna just dodge it and as if they are gonna get a chance to res him again. Fraudulent , bait bait bait strategies. No depth to it. We really needed a Sean gares ffs

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tell that to kaplan man. idk people have weird fetishes this is the one that kaplan has .

posted about a year ago

Doesn't matter. kaplan wants his IGL to be with the pack,. That's why they made so many changes with the brazilians and dephs roles at the beginning of the szn in the first place

posted about a year ago
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