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Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: March 10, 2025 at 2:42 AM
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PLEASE DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN. I don't wanna see cringenatic dominate again.

posted 1 month ago

Are they fr? for one bad B03?

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Fuck chemistry. They don't have time to build chem in national team sports and football worldcup either but it's fun regardless. It could be done in the offseason, people would rep their national teams. It's gonna be lit, esports is an entertainment business as long it's fun it's gucci to me. What tf they have now is much worse cuz it competes with VCT in a way.

posted 1 month ago

Yall, I thought this shit was gonna be country based teams and turns out it's not??? I was getting excited for walmart VCT? Why is it called a World Cup then? Fuck Saudi. These dumb cunts duped me.

posted 1 month ago

Someone gave him those 4 to choose from. Although, he said tenz is by far the best among those 4 and they are like the 4 horsemen of valo so I don't think his opinion about the best mechanical player would have changed no matter what.

posted 1 month ago

yeah but people nowadays act like his fame came out of nowhere and regurgitating the same 'overrated' narrative makes it seem like he's not a hall of fame player, it's kinda unfair. Thankfully top tier pros recognize how special he was

posted 1 month ago

tenz is the kind of guy that would never beat his own drums

posted 1 month ago

he doesn't hate it, he just gets bored of things very quickly. When he's bored he gets upset, once he gets upset small issue becomes a big issue. You know the drill, classic ADHD behavior. This is why he keeps changing his mouse, sens and shit like that. Hopefully he will get bored of being a CC sooner rather than later.

posted 1 month ago

Verno said TenZ has the best mechanics out of aspas, demon1, zekken and tenz. Can't lie, bro knows ball.

posted 1 month ago

He was decent at least. No way he was this terrible but what you say is true as well. There was a curative narrative that aspas was upset cuz nzr was kicked lol. I don't know if there's any truth to that cuz why would aspas care that much about nzr? They never played together and weren't even friends to my knowledge

posted 1 month ago

Sacy would have never read that and even if he did he wouldn't have gotten the kill. This idea is that sacy is someway better than Narrate is just a fantasy LMAOO

posted 1 month ago

I love sacy but it wouldn't have been 2-0 by that point with sacy

posted 1 month ago

Why is he frauding so hard? He is taking the dumbest fights and losing LMAOO

posted 1 month ago

Told yall. You can just tell there are just levels to these teams and neither mibr or kru are on that same level.

posted 1 month ago

Freght not. We smoke mibr or KRU for sure.

posted 1 month ago

AHAHAHA this is soooo spot on. On split this guy was 16-14 at one point and I didn't see him get a single important kill up until that point. It's crazy

posted 1 month ago

Or may be we hit the bracket lottery this time. G2 game will tell honestly

posted 1 month ago

But at least those were clean 2-0s

posted 1 month ago

So, SEN won against two teams that got their shit rocked in the lowers and got insta eliminated? Hmmm.... pondering.

posted 1 month ago

CAP. zekken, leaf and mada don't exist?

posted 1 month ago

This guy looks like an AI sometimes? Doesn't clear corners, walks in a straight line like what are you doing?

posted 1 month ago

kicking out immi won't solve C9s problem. yall are delusional.

posted 1 month ago

He should. He's a funny guy, let's not take the fun out of a video game product. He's like a comedian, he is NOT really a mean guy.

posted 1 month ago

I mean you scrim what planned out on the board, what you cooked up on the valo plant. You need time to come up with those strategies. If you are just gonna play custom games like it's a ranked game with better comms then I agree it's better to just scrim top quality teams in international bootcamps.

posted 1 month ago

I get where he's coming from. If I was an org owner I would be mad too watching my team play once in a blue moon while I'm paying hundreds of thousands of dollars every month. However, I don't really solution to this other than 100T just getting good!
Nadeshot would be complaining too if his team played more games, lost them and then never had enough time to actually get good. Preparation is everything in this game. That's why it's so hard to be consistent in VCT because once people figure you out, you are done. The point of having a downperiod for loser teams is to give them enough time to prepare for the next split, cook things up, watch the top teams play and formulate a strategy to beat them. That's how 100T won split 1 last year and LOUD got basically fucked over for the whole year, simply because they lost too much prep time in spain and Ireland.

posted 1 month ago

loud deserves top 5

posted 1 month ago

may be but that's a 'cryo' issue too partly. It's not anything new too, everyone knows and admits this. Watch the game on pearl. He had has dash popped but didn't go in bc he saw the razor vines, his team already blew the util load at that point you are waiting to die.

posted 1 month ago

cryo jett is not fine. He's like wardell, not good at making space. He is a much better player on support agents.

posted 1 month ago

That's what I'm saying, put him on supports. You can't always force omen if the agent is off meta. He's good on sage, brim as well. He's just a good player and i'm sure he would do very well on senti too.

posted 1 month ago

could work but boostio is a very good IGL ngl. Like when I watched the game it didn't feel like boostio caused them to lose then I check VLR and hes like negative -30 so there's that. 100T has too many young players that do not know when to stop, they need another exp player who is a hard fragger as well.

posted 1 month ago

He can but can't play aggressive entry

posted 1 month ago

Get a Jett player that is aggressive and can OP as well may be give tenz the bag that we know you wanted to give him Nadeshot, put Cryo on support roles, keep eeiu. Don't care what you do with the rest, doesn't matter.

posted 1 month ago

unreal hating 😭

posted 1 month ago

This guy always seemed to get away with the most amount of bullshit, specially with the jumping kills, however he cost his team 2 VERY CRUCIAL rounds by jumping mid fight against both SEN and NRG. Put a smile to my face can't lie. Karma really is a bitch huh?

posted 1 month ago

Bro he looks sooo scared in these situations. Hes thinking of whiffing before he even takes the fight that's why hes spamming his full mag. He needs to retire ASAP if he doesn't want to become a total meme ngl .

posted 1 month ago

not hating. you right. I forgot the rnd no. but he kept holding flank with an OP for forever in a 2v2

posted 1 month ago

Furia being absolute dogshit isn't heat's fault. The whole team is ass

posted 1 month ago

If it was FNS people would have put out a reddit post already ffs

posted 1 month ago

My GOAT doesn't fk with NRG. It's either gonna be SEN or 100T

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

How is this brother more washed than yay? wtf!

posted 1 month ago

I have so much respect for sacy but n4rrate is definitely a better player. There should be no doubt about this

posted 1 month ago

He is fake supporting. Trust me he's grinning ear to ear inside. I would do the same if I were him

posted 1 month ago

100T looks really fkin good tho. You see how they are enabling him with these perfect util? cryo and eeiu don't get enough credits. These two are playing perfect

posted 1 month ago

He pays me. I am a millionaire

posted 1 month ago

sage is good wdym? You have so much delay potential and with tejo it's bordeline broken. Also, sage util can't be broken by tejo either

posted 1 month ago

AHAHAHA SEN fans coping sooo hard. They always be coping. bang> tenz, we don't need tenz or sacy, zekken is the greatest

posted 1 month ago

is lucxo already signed to loud?

posted 1 month ago

Greatest Watch party EVER

posted 1 month ago
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