he need to change his nickname! s0mZ
Flag: | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Registered: | October 16, 2021 |
Last post: | November 13, 2021 at 6:45 PM |
Posts: | 208 |
he need to change his nickname! s0mZ
dude! it was 1v3 and he was the first who went alone and died! what a delusional fanboy LMAO!
what drugs do you use pls? it was a 3 v 1! skrossi thought he can do shit and started going first while his mates was far away!
dude! it was 1v3 and he was the first who went alone and died! what a delusional fanboy LMAO!
wait and see! sen wont win shit anymore! their time is over and lets see if you will remain tenz fanboys when you realize once again he will be useless af in berlin! dont tell me once again its his teams fault or something...
why should they sign someone? even if its TSM, it makes no sense. expect valuable news new year imo! valorant is rn only a 1 major a year only game...
they wont get paid for doing nothing. i bet its written in black BIG BARS in the contract. turkey is not a financal power when it comes to esport.
yes they are looking for a team in premier league rn.
others switch to kebab industry i heard. izzy will be main kebab meat slicer and brave will care about the bread. Turko is going to be a baklava expert.
and FPX was like "lets see and wait if SMB drops some of their GENIUS players!" until end of year nobody will be signed really anymore! theres no reason... and i doubt they want a random turkish IGL that has no real experience.
who ever says mixwell should stay is a spanish fake flag user! only spanish girls want him to stay!
because why not? NA is to hard for just bootcamping. the visa requirement and especially corona policy is annoying. europe is simple and CIS and EMEA are the best region in VAL so practising against all the EU Teams is genius!
dude of course i havent wrote down all calls you make in games! its obv how they communicate... they don't write a book obv!
Asunabrück, NEISU!
this people really think you have to speak fluently to make people understand your comms. they dont know they are calling stuff like "i go a, we need the reveal in 10 secs, lets rush B with breach ult suka blyad!"
the people here think you have to make whole sentences to make people understand you lmao! this site gives me really a heart attack soon!
pauras IGLing is not really great. he knows some shit but thats all what he has copied from others so his IGLing has limits and thats why they got read like a book last few games. russ might have good aim and shit but hes also to predictable and has literally no good qualities beside aim. he will never see big success as he is right now! mark my words!
no money org lmao turkish economy to bad to feed this people for doing literally nothing. valorant might be a great game but only having VCT to compete in a org is poor af and many Teams will disband after failing to qualify for the next upcoming event.
calls me bronze lmao! dude, pls stop this here and now! play minecraft pls!
i bet your turrets always look to the wrong direction, to a wall LMAO!
he aleko and he is from planet alokonoid. very unique alien that plays val
they performed the same shit since the beginning and they thought people won't get used to it one day. that happens when your igl has only 1 site of strats!
i smell a harsstuck silver here... imagine thinking viper kj sova are hard to play LMAO!
dude, its just the turret, your mollys and a samn viper wall you use as your team wish or depending on your role!
i swear you must be iron and who ever downvoted my comment. i wonder what you guys playing lmao!
of course you cant just first time lock this agents (except kj) and think all comes from nothing. just join a goddamn custom server and watch some line ups and try them! or make some yourself! its the easiest thing that cost just a bit time sometimes! of course you have to be good at things like pysics... its not hard to use a drone, be able to do some shock dart line ups. they all can be copied from others! and KJ... LMAO! imagine thinking KJ is hard to play! really, im done here after this bs! hard stuck irons forever fanboys!
Because Agents like Sova, KJ, Viper aren't that hard to play as people think! In the end you're just doing some line ups you have stole from others and play your Guns...
they had a good day yesterday. today they will be destroyed 3:0
Told ya guys! if SEN would play LCQ they would end up like G2!
i think they didnt even take a pause to sort some things and this just looks sus to me after seeing their performance yesterday. theres no way they do this plat elo rushes and play uncoordinated af!
Propably goes to NA and joins SEN to replace zombs and tenz
What Melee is he using? He should use the new Katana because Sasuke from Naruto had a similar Sword lmao
what did he look for in this situation with a phantom already in his hand? he picked up a spectre and i swear to god the phantom would have killed the last 2 cubby players!
i know he was under huge pressure and stuff! really unlucky for him but not G2! i hate G2 because of carlos and he deserves to lose this games!
They can only beat T2 and worse Teams from now on! Mark my Words!
Country: Turks and Caicos Islands
Registered: October 16, 2021
Imagine thinking sentinels are still a good team lol
Just trying to make Riot nerf this annoying Agent -.-
Viper herself wears a Mask in her Ult to not get poisoned herself while her Mates don't wear Masks inside and get no damage inside it. Dear Riot, give All Agents a Mask or make everyone except Viper (on both Side) lose health! That would be a good and deserved nerf!
the reason he plays so good is because of his mental. he doesn't play to much ranked and that's why why his mental is so good! all the other players like mixwell kinda suck not because they are bad. they are just burnt out and mentally down bad and you can see it from their faces. especially from mixwell! he looks so tired from playing somehow.
Jamppi using the Operator like a telescope lmao