Flag: Honduras
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: December 2, 2024 at 6:27 PM
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I have high hopes for G2 and MxM

posted about a year ago

Well I'll guess we'll have to see about that one too bossman 🤝

posted about a year ago

Hot take; Sykko was only a good coach for XSET due to their angsty personality, won't work with Sen and their ego personality/experience

posted about a year ago

Well I'll guess we'll see that when the time comes!

Also, not TSM ☠️

posted about a year ago

He had good calls, good mechanics, what else can you ask of an IGL

posted about a year ago

Is playing TGRD in their first match.

RIP FaZe Clan stonks are not gonna stonk

posted about a year ago

hell no, G2 doesn't want that sack of potatoes

posted about a year ago

no, you can go with a work, study, tourist visa, but each has their own functions.

+getting study and work visas is harder then getting a tourist one

posted about a year ago

the US tourist visa allows you to stay there up to 3 months

but if they catch you working with a tourist visa it's GG

posted about a year ago

none really

posted about a year ago

They're all looking so clean

posted about a year ago

yo what the hell happened to SR they used to be so good

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

TBF they are a really good team, just haven't been able to close anything out

posted about a year ago

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease. It causes irritation, inflammation, and ulcers in the lining of your large intestine (also called your colon). There's no cure, and people usually have symptoms off and on for life. But the right treatments can help you keep a handle on the disease.N

posted about a year ago

of course we do, the team still sucks horse ass

posted about a year ago

whoa whoa whoa language, someone report this guy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

G2 Yay

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

sinatraa is an actual pro player that just has a bad rep
babyj is a delusional crybaby

posted about a year ago

this mf be like:

  1. Headshots do more damage, clicking on heads can be done by dragging your crosshair all the way to the enemies character model, crosshair placement good!
posted about a year ago

all faze clears is their face after being bukkaked by every team

posted about a year ago

"a real sentinel like babyj" lmao

posted about a year ago

let me talk to my people hold up

posted about a year ago

Dicey is an insane Jett wtf are u on about, he's just not used to playing Sentinels yet

posted about a year ago

you're on drugs if you think babybay is the problem in Faze

posted about a year ago

His mechanics are great, but he really does need to learn to adapt to other roles man he looks lost atm

posted about a year ago

bro you have to be joking

posted about a year ago

fuck no

posted about a year ago

IDK what happened to them man.

Dicey, babybay and supamen are such good players but they don't seem to accomplish much. They need a new coach and IGL IMO + a good initiator

posted about a year ago

no he can't 😡

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it's just SR and Faze man

posted about a year ago

Faze did not look good with Flyuh man what

posted about a year ago

bro just look at that pistol round, how do you lose a 3v5 with the opening pick going your way

I feel like they need an actual good coach and an actual IGL, they are just so unorganised

posted about a year ago

Babybay is playing his role and winning his duels man, it's just his team doesn't seem to be able to capitalise off of it

posted about a year ago

gets 1 good match: talks shit

Flyuh is dogshit, Poised is better

posted about a year ago

Listen buddy, I am not discussing the principles of aim practice or flaming you, I'm literally just saying players like that make DM fucking awful

posted about a year ago

I agree with all except Shin

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

flyuh is dogwater man, poised was a step up

posted about a year ago

babyj hasn't had a paycheck in like 2 years, he couldn't steal one even if he wanted ☠️

posted about a year ago

I love babybay but I think MxM take it, Faze has not been looking good at all in the past matches man.

posted about a year ago

Lmao at this point that's all BRs do

posted about a year ago

LMAO no fucking way

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Thanks for sharing! L org fuck them

posted about a year ago

people like that are the reason DM sucks -- shift walking, camping, holding angles


posted about a year ago
1 •• 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 •• 90