way better rifler get out your "JETT IS META OP IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MY TEAMMATES RIFLE" big mouf
Flag: | Laos |
Registered: | December 3, 2020 |
Last post: | June 29, 2021 at 12:26 PM |
Posts: | 295 |
way better rifler get out your "JETT IS META OP IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MY TEAMMATES RIFLE" big mouf
+Zellsis (Main duelist)
+Penny (Sage or Jett) much better team player, Wardell fans don't kill me please 0.o
+Hazed or Brax (preferably Brax cause he's younger)
Idea is going towards one duelist
Yup, let them qualify for Iceland then, if they get on form, yall don't know what's coming for you. This is not a senseless take btw. EU got fucked by ascend when they were ON FIRE. I think that's what is going to happen there is well over one month before Iceland. Let the boys heat up.......and style on EU. if this does not happen NA does not have a chance yeah. SEN NV and 100T (to some extent ) are NA'S best bet.
EXCEPT FOR ZYPPAN? zyppan is starting now winnable still
man dont sleep on NV, they r the na's most consistent best team
ABX is a good team definitely.
how tf is guild so overrated???
200000 peak but average 50k
shazam talking about strats????? lmao00000000000000000000000000000000000000
BBL-TL 2-1
yeah they take wayyyy too many aim duel its like they will peek u and will kill you, will not work against NA tbh
actually, I was dead bored, I watched gambit and oxygen games they are not so good TBH, nukkye also said they are not known to perform as well in ofc games like in scrims, I don't anymore think so that cis is a big deal to any region.
bro astralis is an org which almost went bankrupt bro, they got these 5 golden danish boys in cs astralis trash in everythinbg else
but it so much less
wh omegalul said they anti stratted them so hard? BBG had very few good reads.... did u even watch the match... Sentinels were so off, playing as if with no comms, this is what u call an off day. They were blatantly missing soooo many shots. that the only BO3 that sentinels have lost and that mattered in the whole of 2021. They have already gone through their worst it's only up from here.. And i believe they are nowhere near their peak so far.... This team is a star team if I have ever seen one.
this is not masters buddy
My only problem with this is Furia sharks and guild.
sharks def have to work on their ascent they looked so lost with the yoru, they had like 5 plays, and that's it.
Guild just feels like they depend so much on Yacine entry.
Furia can def be beaten by any team on this list IMO, I only recently started watching them (vct 2)
SEN can beat anyone on this list except fpx.
def geng now in identity crises all over again where players don't stick to their agent and keep swapping roles.
NV should be no 5 IMO if they don't choke they quite literally can beat any team in this list.
T1 2-0
bro wtf get lucky by getting ct, xset have one of the best splits in NA. TSM lost to XSET challengers 1, GEN.G challengers 2, LG AND 100T challengers 3, and all of them 2-0's except geng and xset. got their ass kicked vs immortals stage 1. what r u on abt, this is their 2nd time making closed out of 5 fucking chances. XSET beat LG and faze to literally qualify for masters. the lg which beat sentinels btw.
TSM make a closed and all of a sudden they are no 4? when XSET has played all closed, bruh
it is not masters it is called challenger finals just communicating :)
FNC new team have played 9 days of the official tourney and u are judging their consistency? huuh?
this ^^^^^^^
u can switch different players for every map
but didnt they compete against the rest of eu teams like fpx and nip bfore... and they lost to them... i am saying completely from match history . i don't watch their games... they have gotten 1 roster change but have not gone against nip , fpx in a long time
everyone can't have Stream deck,
Fucken', Moderator stands,
Sound filter,
Six monitors,
Um Uh, Gaming Guitar,
Ten computers,
Bunch o’ Fucken’ wires,
Sound pads,
Dog cam,
Cat cam,
Cat tree,
Cat this,
And a bunch of dogshit düd, right
They'll-they're ready to fucken' analyze NA-NASA's landing speeds, düd
i bet u got all these to shit post in VLR
why u don't wanna comm to a ranked game? but in a discord, i don't get what 5v5 stacked has to do with a tactical fps
no one said there are no cheaters there are but very low
Actually a good read! Never saw it from this perspective. You have some good points. Riot can implement sick ideas without so much backlash easily. Comparing this game in an aspect like this to CSGO is so important cuz valve actually has never cared about the casual scene.
+1 from me boss
just joking im on ur side chill
i was here i was here i was here i was here i was here i was here i was here i was here i was here i was here i was here i was here
how can u say that na teams are unimaginative if u are sleeping half the games /s
Ethan was actually such a mechanically proficient player, so when he changed he was insane. But tarik could be insane too
i agree but i feel like he can change that or just replace hazed tbh IMO Tarik cant frag comparatively to the rest of the scene. they need someone like rara
it is more like with agent they are comfortable to igl with
yup went silent guess u couldn't find someone else
dud u call him as igl he cant play duelist cuz its too much chaos and trust me Brax can be an insane duelist and hazed is sick with the sentinel anyway
Wardell - Jett
Tarik - smokes
Drone - Initiators
Hazed -Sentinels
Brax - sage or second duelist