If i rem correctly it was bad enough that he (FNS) killed the CS scene or smth for a while
okay found some reddit post: "FNS made a joke about kng, kng got butthurt and threatened to kill FNS even going to the point of storming through a hotel trying to find FNS, Brazilian trio of Hen1, Lucas1, and kng are all make love with boyfriends so they don't want to separate effectively cutting the potential Brazilian replacements of taco to unproven guys so they look elsewhere. SK sign youthful stewart, therefore leading C9 scrambling to find a replacement. No teams are willing to trade/release players so close to the active season, so C9 is forced to settle for FNS despite FNS being F'NASS
FNS playing 9D 12th planet chess learning rubber guard while everyone else is playing CSGO."
im gonna assume KNG Hen1 and luca1 were rising stars of the brazil scene or smth, some csgo frog help me