Flag: Aruba
Registered: July 26, 2023
Last post: September 13, 2023 at 9:13 PM
Posts: 384
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it goes without saying that most of the incells posting transphobic and misogynistic comments about Game Changers on vlr are bad at the game and have never actually talked with a woman in their lives (im not sure they had mothers, most of these guys are feral)

please, incells, reply to this post to make the lives of admins easier. you post your dumb hate, you get banned.

for the rest of us, show your support for GC

the hate from incells only further justifies the need for GC, the need for a competitive space where a minority have a chance to develop and thrive outside the dystopian hellscape of ranked and ugly men projecting their hate on strangers they'd be afraid to irl

update: didn't expect THIS many andrew tate fans to spawn into the thread. sad sight, truly. such smol breins

posted about a year ago

top 3 in champs when meta was shoot and kill. now that game actually requires brain, this guy is useless with his big ego brother

posted about a year ago

he for sure ruined it. he forced out sliggy. he forced out the igl. they were already a bad team, but he didnt offer a fix to the problems, he just raged his way into power and then got dropped for failing

posted about a year ago

You are silver if you think ScreaM should rejoin Liquid. He ruined that team before, he'll do it again. He was a washed tier4 cs player when he switched to Valorant, his tweets after losing this season are so dramatic, making it seem like he'd return to CS when NO ONE would have him even if he has clout...

the guy can inconsistently shoot, and has 0iq for top tier strategy... all aim, no brain. head filled with clout, useless as a team other than for views

truth is this guy is like Wardell -- will NEVER work in a good team because his ego is too big and he's too toxic to be PROFESSIONAL

posted about a year ago

Fnatic should be moved to Americas for regular season (the most competitive region by far)

EMEA should be downgraded into a minor league, like those found in MENA, to give time for this underdeveloped region to progress

CIS become its own region

Frankfurt servers nuked

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

time to be honest, as a European I can admit that our region is horrible and Fnatic are the only good team. they are in their own league, the Fnatic league -- the rest of Europea is just a retirement home for washed talent from 2021... Americas clears. SEA clears. The only Liquid at Champs is piss.

posted about a year ago

add new talent, enough with these washed bots. +kovaQ or poach something from PRX

posted about a year ago

he is. many albanians moved after the war... his father is swedish, mother albanian

posted about a year ago

no, this is the eagle, because the albanian soars above the rest, like leo with his drone

posted about a year ago

please someone link in this thread...

posted about a year ago

not always, but often

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this is the truth. so many valofrogs think rito can do no wrong, that lord rito is benevolent

posted about a year ago

I came

posted about a year ago

CS has had a demo replay system since at least 2006

Valorant has promised this system for years. The system released in China is ONLY for highlights... doesn't show enemy pov... is worthless...




posted about a year ago

exactly the example i would use. our albanian brothers in BNE made over 5 million in under 2 years from sticker sales alone... that's AFTER Valve take's their cut....

posted about a year ago

sticker sales. sticker sales for challengers would be enough to sustain the leagues. sticker sales for champs would be 10x mid champs bundles.

Riot is a multibillion dollar company that can easily save the esport scene by investing in it

posted about a year ago

Leo's been flashing the Albanian eagle hand gesture, love to see pride for his homeland but wish they would change his flag on VLR

posted about a year ago

yes, until the new year, when a new team can sign him

posted about a year ago

his contract runs out soon, 100% think he'll entertain offers from other orgs, he doesn't really seem to give a fuck about his teammates and just cares about demolishing the op

posted about a year ago

jokes often contain a truth one is too scared to say, and what hes scared to say is HE should be on the stage and not nrg even tho we know body shot billy would get boddied by big billy gaming

posted about a year ago

bcj tweet

this guy is desperate, he doesnt deserve t1 and i know for a fact that t3-4 knights monthly teams that get grouped are still beating EG reserve in scrims...

body shot billy traitor to his own region, praying someone picks him up... no shot this guy deserves a spot on C9, NRG, SEN, 100T or EG

roles werent the issue with EG, his XSET ego was

posted about a year ago

actually not a horrible idea. i think TL getting talent from the better region make sense

posted about a year ago

-soulass is only in the team because of nepotism, there are WAY better options to replace him. Liquid is a tier1 org and should have a title contending roster, nothing else. the win vs fnatic was meaningless and only for placement in tokyo.

-redgar can't igl properly in english. he struggles with english in interviews. he is d3ffo 2.0

posted about a year ago

racism.. expected from serbian tbh. please, be careful, don't want NATO to match mvp against you again

posted about a year ago

most sane vlr user

posted about a year ago

it isn't intolerant to not tolerate those who dont think you should exist (transphobes). not tolerating ddk's intolerant opinions isn't intolerance, its just rational. reason doesnt seem to be something youre familiar with

that would be like a Palestinian tolerating a zionist who claims your country doesn't exist. let me take it a step further, it would be like an Israeli saying you identifying as Palestinian does not change the fact that you are in fact on Israeli land.. see how messy this gets?

it would be like someone saying Palestine is a 3rd world hellhole full of terrorists, corruption, and uneducated idiots... you shouldn't tolerate that belief about your people. saying trans people have a mental problem (which you did in a comment below or on the other thread) is not a belief we should tolerate. if you were in a position of power, which thank god you're not, you should be canceled for spouting such hateful, intolerant garbage.

i want to be clear, I support Palestine, i have slept with many palestinan women and transwomen and we have shared deep, intense, pulsing moments of passion. I am just using your own logic against you (not that you understand logic, you clearly seem to be brainwashed)

posted about a year ago

I see a lot of discussion that CS2 is just an update. I want to propose a little thought experiment: what would you want from Valorant 2?

If Valorant were to actually have proper lighting, like that found in CS2, and generally a huge graphical update regarding effects and textures, would you just call this 'an update'?

How much of the game would have to change for it to constitute Valorant 2?

Get rid of all previous guns, agents, and maps and start from scratch?

Seems absurd that 'everything new' is the standard for a new release of a game.

The total redesign of matchmaking, the hud, the graphics, the maps (e.g. inferno, overpass) the utility, the anti-cheat, the esports scene, the backend of the game, is not worthy of the title CS2? Obviously, it's marketing, but I think there's some fear from the Valorant community that CS2 does present serious competition to Valorant, whereas the competition was going only in the other direction before.

CSGO's approach was to update slowly but steadily to make the greatest fps game of all time. CS2 represents an enormous overhaul. There is no need to start from scratch when the core of the game is already considered the best in the genre. I love Valorant, it's been fun to play after decades of CS, but we're kidding ourselves if we want to dismiss CS2 as a mere update. It's going to be a significant release that will attract players from Valorant.

posted about a year ago

i think you might be right about this

posted about a year ago

There are a total of ~25 NA player spots in VCT Americas

Of those 25, about 13-15 should be expected to stay:

SEN Zekken & Marved +3
100T Cryo +4
C9 Xeppa, leaf (insane if he doesnt stay in tier 1) +3
EG Boostio, Demon1, JAWGEMO, Ethan +1 if they want to upgrade C0M
NRG all except ardiis +1

I think the future of Zellsis, Derrek, bang, asuna, stellar, jakee, Runi, ardiis, TenZ, C0M are uncertain

That leaves about 10-12 spots for


  • ??

split 2 stats

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the guy copes saying it was just role issues that were the issue when in reality C0M took his initiator role and he was benched for being a body-shot billy and likely toxic attitude with an XSET ego after being carried by Zekken and Cryo

cant imagine why so many think he's a top initiator...

He'll be a good fit for a tier 2 relegation challenger team or Indian tier 3 like ec1s

posted about a year ago

if fortnite is dead, that shows that simply having high twitch viewership does not equate to the longevity of a game... valorant's viewership does not ensure the game will continue to grow... the ranked experience is objectively in a horrible state (smurfs and cheaters and griefers are in every game beneath immo3, and they go virtually unpunished) and has no hope of changing. premier did nothing to improve ranked (i dont know why anyone ever thought it would). the esport is in a crisis. just because valulrante makes childe game during covid to huge success does not mean that success is as sustainable as the goat: CS

posted about a year ago

you clearly havent been keeping up with the game. they dont need to add new abilities or guns to make it a 'new' game. the maps have a totally new look. the graphics are 100% improved and are now far better than valorant. the changes to the esport structure, the HUD, ranked, etc are enormous.

posted about a year ago

most sane vlr user

posted about a year ago

Look, I know what you're thinking: this is 0/8 bait. You're wrong. Why?

CS2 will now feature a new anti-cheat, a leaderboard with rankings, and seasons like Valorant.

The game objectively looks better than Valorant now.

The game is easier to pick up as a new player because you only need to learn 4 utilities, not 40+ abilities and counting. like in valorant, you dont have to learn the lineups for cs. and with new features, such as the preview in custom mode, its easier than ever to learn.

CS2 as an esport clears Valorant and the idiotic management by Rito. The new open circuit is huge.

Demo replay system actually exists for over two decades. Rito doesnt have one because they dont want you seeing all the bugs & cheeeters. The new Chinese replay system is only for highlights, it's stupid.

The death of tier 2 in Valorant will see a mass exodus to CS2, especially for currently marginal regions like NA/OCE/SEA where new opportunities await.

The growth of ESL's IMPACT offers a compelling alternative to Game Changers.

CS2 arrives at a perfect time: many are burnt out on Valorant, the horrific state of ranked leaves the player base ripe to try another, similar, FPS

I love Valorant, I think it's a lot of fun, but the game only features good promotion, not good management. Without moderation of the game and development of the esport, it is fated to become Overwatch.

The only people saying CS2 is just an update are washed players (tarik, yay) who have a vested interest in Valorant. CS2 is an enormous change to the game, which preserves the core mechanics that have made it the best fps and esport

posted about a year ago

obvious bait. 1 team region. the rest of your region is a joke.

posted about a year ago

you are delusional if you think they are going to drop s0m

obviously ardiis doesnt fit with the culture of the team

NRG yay incoming, or Marved back on smokes and s0m to duelist

posted about a year ago

he left cs because no team wanted him because he destroyed Liquid and EG

by the time he left EG, he was the joke of all CS: his ego forced him to try to become IGL and he fought with Vitality's old coach and ruined the team with his 0iq

posted about a year ago

he thought he could switch from CS to VAL and automatically get picked up on a team

he ended up getting rejected by every team he trialed for, DSG even chose nerve instead of him...

his attitude is AWFUL, as it was in CS

his aim is MID

his game sense is LOW

his chances of fading into obscurity are HIGH

imagine Liquid dropped twistzz before dropping him when he was clearly the problem... nepotism. choosing clout over talent.

Stewie0k should be a lesson for all of us. Not only what NOT to do in gaming, but how NOT to act in lyfe

a little taste of him being toxic in cs.. him being toxic to the nicest player ever, fallen & his toxic exit interview from liquid

posted about a year ago

Actually sane user

posted about a year ago

babiJ alt detected

posted about a year ago

Dasnerth xweet

I have two questions for VLR:

1) will anything come to replace ranked now since tarik let ProCity die as he was too busy being paid to stream NA Challengers?

2) who is the better senti -- BabyJ or Dasnerth?

IMO the highest tier of ranked needs more admin moderation, prizes, and punishments for those who don't get along well with others

Dasnerth clears.

posted about a year ago

youre wrong about this

posted about a year ago

clear koala and eeiu ngl

posted about a year ago

and why you'll never be close to radiant

posted about a year ago

I think VLR suffers from a lot of xenophobia, and we would be better as a community to stop making fun of SkRossi and the Indian VLR users. Sure, SkRossi is the worst professional duelist by far and is only contracted because of content, but this is not a reason to make fun of Indian community. Sure, a lot of Indian players are very racist, and bring a lot of the racism from their internal politics onto this international forum. We must keep in mind that India is still a developing country, and they are decades, if not centuries behind America and Europe in many ways.

It would be absurd to make fun of African players (I mean players from African countries, such as the Congo or Zambia) when they are decades behind in development. Indian Valorant just needs time and eventually they will win something (even if its a tier 3 tournament, at least it's something).

We need to be a more welcoming and inclusive community. The less toxicity, the better our spirits! MAY ALL GAMERS OF THE VLR COMMUINTY UNITE!

botsi is a human being too, even if he plays like a bot. even if many indian vlr users act like npcs/chat bots, we should treat them like humans too...

posted about a year ago

amen. i think MCE almost HAD to make that decision given the t2 players were all under contract already, but the rest of what you said is well said

posted about a year ago
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