I'm part of the majority. No dickriding for American orgs here
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | September 18, 2022 |
Last post: | August 6, 2024 at 9:33 AM |
Posts: | 1152 |
I'm part of the majority. No dickriding for American orgs here
Yes, and we all live in the great world of fantasy. Open your eyes bro
Did Neymar said he wanted to build a dynasty with Santos? Did Neymar tried to take other Santos' players with him, to Barcelona? No, wrong comparision
someone call environmental control, they're talking about snakes here
No, it's like Yay left Optic for Loud. And even so, he received a good proposal to stay at Optic. How many NA fans would call him a traitor?
Calma mano, respira primeiro, tá todo afobado. Segundo, o próprio Jean retweetou um cara dizendo que não era pra dar hate no Pancada pq o cara era O ÚNICO que não merecia isso. Acho que pra bom entendedor, meia palavra basta.
As provas estão lá, mas é mais fácil falar que "esses fãs da Loud são malucos, vou arrancar meus olhos" do que ver oq realmente aconteceu ☠️☠️☠️
Ok, so you can go to the Loud's CEO twitter and tell him that he's irrational as well, but I think he knows more about the real situation than you and me. And based on his opinions, Sacy is not the angel-good-guy you think he is. This is not free hate, these are facts lil bro
Ask him bro, not me. I have another tin foil hat question for u: Why he would not say this?
Não muda o fato de que foi anti ético e errado. Deveriam ter esperado o campeonato acabar. O fato dele ter aliciado outros jogadores da Loud deixa a situação ainda pior. Mas a pior parte é que ele aliciou eles antes do Champions, inacreditável
That dont change the fact that It was unethical and wrong. If the other Loud's players had weak mindsets, the history would be different
Yes, but that not change the fact that It was unethical and wrong. Imagine If the other Loud's players had weak mindsets and were negativelly affected by this
Situações que não se comparam. Ele saiu de uma equipe inferior para uma superior. Além disso, ele não tentou convencer nenhuma outra promessa do Flamengo a ir com ele pro Madrid, desestabilizando o time assim. Argumento rebatido, próximo
São muitos comentários, quero ouvir seus argumentos denovo
Isso dá direito dele agir totalmente fora da ética e pelas costas do time, da maneira que ele fez? Não sabia que pra ele é tudo liberado
don't you think it's unethical to do that before the championship? he should have at least waited for the championship to end. it makes no sense to go play a Champions with your head on another team
Todos os argumentos estão no post, inclusive com tweet do CEO da org. Vocês que se fingem de cegos e não querem ver. A verdade tá escancarada na cara de vocês e vocês preferem defender player kkkkkkk
Pse, cai na fake news junto com o CEO da Loud, acontece
don't you think it's unethical to do that before the championship? he should have at least waited for the championship to end. it makes no sense to go play a Champions with your head on another team
I'm conspiracing with Loud's CEO rn. I guess i'm right
Só isso a dizer: https://twitter.com/tonyynn/status/1649578654437916672?t=PZE8FNlts3dUgocdriAb_Q&s=19
Quem acredita no falso good guy é maluco
Deve ser por isso que o Jean retweetou isso então: https://twitter.com/tonyynn/status/1649578654437916672?t=PZE8FNlts3dUgocdriAb_Q&s=19
Só você acredita na inocência do Snake
Yes, and i didnt receive a single answer till now about those cc cv. Its because everybody is dowfragging me but they know i'm not lying
Yeah, this is not true, Sacy is an angel on earth. Thats why Saadhak and Less were shooting his body today hahahha
don't you think it's unethical to do that before the championship? he should have at least waited for the championship to end. it makes no sense to go play a Champions with your head on another team
don't you think it's unethical to do that before the championship? he should have at least waited for the championship to end. it makes no sense to go play a Champions with your head on another team
Só não ver quem não quer. O Saadhak ainda disse num podcast que nem sentiu a saída dos dois. Uma coisa é certa, os dois não saíram da Loud bem
Yes, i can almost see PlayHard tweeting this kind of thing. Dont be delusional.
Professional ethics do not exist in Australia? Wouldn't it be better to dedicate yourself completely to your team during the most important tournament of the year and, after that, listen to Sentinels?
While you are bootcamping with your current team before the most important tournament of the year? Seems nice
This snake was literally negociating with Sentinels during Loud's bootcamp before Champs 2022. Also, he invited other Loud's players to join him.
Source: https://twitter.com/artzzlol_/status/1649544912604372993?t=5kUlACEiZyEwmB3DnMK4VA&s=19
This tweet is going huge in Brazil, many people are commenting and restating what he said. Most say that this was gossip that everyone already knew, but no one had the courage to post.
EDIT: For those saying it's fake, Loud's CEO Jean retweeted a post where a guy says to not throw hate over Pancada, because he is the ONLY ONE who deserves to be respected by Loud's fans: https://twitter.com/tonyynn/status/1649578654437916672?t=-tNx9R0izS2XtqJZSl7qMw&s=19
"we didn't have any infos about their role changes and about their coach, we didn't know what they prepared for us and neither did the maps, it was literally a long shot and we won"
Not angry bro. I just spoke about their options
Kkkkkk literalmente eu crio uma thread de traitors antes de cada jogo dos traitors. Fala merda não
Traitors choosed money instead of trophies. Get one more loss traitors
Guys r going to play Pearl against Loud hahahahhahhaahhaha good luck
Ascent defending side. They'll be crushed in attack
Both of the traitors will be the bottomfraggers of the match bro, pleasee
I think Sentinels will upset and show a good game, but Loud will win anyways. They'll took a map maybe
Yes, i saw some Brazilians that will root for the traitors today, against a BRAZILIAN team. Broo, we are lost. Please NA, just win this league, those guys don't deserve what they have
Eu vivi pra ver os caras torcendo pra org gringa e contra uma org brasileira kkkkkkk puta que pariu, vocês merecem a merda mesmo. E o pior de tudo é que a org gringa é a Sentinels
What are your arguments to defend your opinion on who's the best player itw right now?
I see many Brazilians saying it's aspas, but i think its Derke or Leo, because of the International win in the year and they are keeping the good performances.