Flag: United States
Registered: July 24, 2022
Last post: February 29, 2024 at 3:38 PM
Posts: 125
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posted about a year ago

I actually liked watching Fut for a while now, I was glad they got in Franchising and have improved a lot. But damn, you really just say the dumbest shit for bait lmao

posted about a year ago

I genuinely hope you're not actually a KC fan, if this isn't bait then I send my condolences.

posted about a year ago

Bottom teams in Americas playoffs are better than EMEA Bottom teams but okay lmao

posted about a year ago

There's been plenty of occasions that the crowd has only cheered for the home teams in CS. But CS crowds are much better, but you're making it seem like that never happens lmao

posted about a year ago

Braindead bait

posted about a year ago

On a decider map, Loud chose Split lmao. But you're one of those fans that make Louds fans look bad, I understand..

It could've easily not gotten to map 3, map 2 was only 13-10

posted about a year ago

That's barely better than getting 13-3'd on your map pick💀

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Holy copium

posted about a year ago

By his logic, yes they are

posted about a year ago

Trust me, he won't listen to reason. It won't matter what you tell him lmao

posted about a year ago

Yeah C9 showing all their stats but Loud saved theirs huh? You're actually so delusional it's hilarious 💀

posted about a year ago

They won on Split against Fnatic, and at Brazil they won 13-3 against NRG on it as well. Definitely isn't one of their worst maps, other teams just played it much better than them after Lock In. You're on so much copium here. Loud is a great team, but if Split is "one of their worst maps" according to you, then how do you expect them to perform leading up to Tokyo when the teams they'll be playing will be much better from now to then?

posted about a year ago

Still lost their map pick... couldn't be C9

posted about a year ago

Bro edited the post to say "they still got trashed on their map pick"

Loud LOST their map pick against them..

posted about a year ago

Remember when Aspas went 20-33 against NRG?

posted about a year ago

If C9 are getting exposed then Loud already did as well. They dropped a map against Kru and had 2 more close maps with them lmao. These takes are actually insane lmao

posted about a year ago

Yeah I know what you mean. I feel if it had been another team he signed to it could've been different with him being on one. I'd say it's mostly to do with roles being filled as to why they haven't really tried it.

Edit: It's the same way I felt when T1 was in NA and had Saya on Omen lmao

posted about a year ago

To be fair Saya has been performing super well the last few weeks, especially against DRX. Would be hard to get Carpe on Duelist without running 2

posted about a year ago

That's just like saying the Brazilian fans sending death threats says a lot about Brazil. That's genuinely ignorant, but live your life in a box I guess

posted about a year ago

Yeah Giants losing their map pick 13-1 is a fluke man

posted about a year ago

Crazy how 3/3 NA teams in the upper group won their first game but only 2/5 EMEA won theirs.

posted about a year ago

Previous results from teams that do not exist anymore. Great analysis

posted about a year ago

You're living in the past LMAO

posted about a year ago

3/5 EMEA teams in the upper group were eliminated round 1, you gotta be coping

posted about a year ago

EMEA also 3/3 straight into lower bracket 💀 0/2 against NA in their opening playoff games. Keep smoking whatever you're smoking though. EMEAs only hope to achieve anything is FPX

posted about a year ago

Says the EU kid talking after NA made it further then EU. NA is rent free in every EU fans head that's talking shit right now LMAO. EU couldn't even make it through the first round in the upper bracket, and couldn't even make lower finals, yet you're still talking about NA LMAO

posted about a year ago

EU hasn't even made it through the upper bracket a single time this year LMAO. Not to mention XSET slapped Fnatic, and you think EU is better than NA? 💀 If NA only has Optic, then you gotta realize EU only has FPX LMAO. Because XSET cleared Fnatic in playoffs

posted about a year ago

I've supported the Guard since they became a team, I don't hop around and dickride teams doing well to talk shit. EU fans now riding Louds cock just to think they're good enough to talk shit again💀

posted about a year ago

You must not have seen any games at Istanbul huh? EU quite literally has the weakest teams between NA and EU's top 3. Not to mention DRX and Loud look much better than EU as well. Unless they start to look drastically better, FPX will be your only shot at keeping EU teams anywhere near top 4

posted about a year ago

Clearly you're crying LMAO. Mf has a Fnatic flair and they bombed out yet again. Clearly NA lives rent free in your head 💀

posted about a year ago

Crazy, Guild won a single series against Optic and then bombed out. Nobody cares about top 4 lmao. Upper/lower/grand finals is all that matters. Next time EU isn't even top 4 I'll be seeing you say "They got top 6"

EU fans are so cringe, can't even beat the team they're shit talking so that wait until yet ANOTHER team better than EU wins.

posted about a year ago

EU couldn't even get top 3💀 You're living so far in the past to a point where your best rosters then aren't even together anymore

posted about a year ago

No EU team other than FPX achieved anything either. There wasn't a single other EU team in top 3, or any EU team that played in a single upper finals lmao.

And FPX only got a single top 3, Optic has been in the top 3 at every event.

posted about a year ago

Would've been a quick 3-0 for Loud instead LMAO

posted about a year ago

EU fans living in the past with year old achievements and relying on Loud so they can talk💀 Couldn't even get top 3

posted about a year ago

Lil bro living in the past 💀

posted about a year ago

Actually so glad they were able to prove the shit talkers wrong who called them shit because of their Copenhagen performance

posted about a year ago

EU Top 3 in Istanbul = 0 💀

posted about a year ago

You have to be trolling right?

posted about a year ago

I doubt their mental is gone after that, I mean they had their chances to win it a decent amount, but they played much better on Ascent than they have the entire tournament. They're not in a bad spot yet.

posted about a year ago

If not next year, I hope to see a LAN in Japan in the future. The recent LAN they held looked amazing

posted about a year ago

I agree, though I feel like Champions would be better held in Japan based off of what I got to see from that LAN. The entire event and atmosphere looked amazing already at that stage.

Edit: Plus the fanbase is pretty decent in Japan, and the feeling the crowd gave from it at that event felt more like a bigger tournament than Riots current LANS allow. I've been hoping there would be a possibility at a LAN in Japan since I watched those games.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Well in regulation I could understand it, but I have no idea why he had half armor in OT

posted about a year ago

So the better team lost?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It's kind of funny to hear them cheer in the round Fnatic got a single kill in, just to go silent after.

posted about a year ago

Man I swear watching Yay makes me nervous sometimes. That mf walks out of his TP range a lot to take a fight.

posted about a year ago
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