Flag: India
Registered: February 4, 2022
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 5:48 AM
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I agree. Newzera was not thatt bad but Kadavra is wayy better. Enzo coming in would definitely help Scream go away from the IGL role and play duelist like Jett Reyna etc. Where he can just pop heads like we know he could. Shin is a really good player and Nivera is just nasty on the Operator that too on Omen and Astra. And yes Xms was throwing most of the rounds they played especially on Split. So yeah I agree with your view and I wish this happened but most prolly it will happen midway in the split

posted about 2 years ago

Because he is India's best player, and people kept spamming his name in many known streamer's chat which to an extent became overhyping and when he couldn't perform people hate. He is a chill humble person which makes him likeable it's just people don't like his fans overhyping and yes some fakeflagging. He is a good person but needs to improve a lot as player

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Yeah couldn't agree more brother

posted about 2 years ago

I know it's harder but it's more fun for me finished the game like 5 times. It's Combat is neat but yeah I get what you mean some side bosses are so tough that we can just kill ourselves Lol

posted about 2 years ago

I actually played Sekiro Shadows Die Twice believe it was the best I've played

posted about 2 years ago

I mean he isn't fully wrong about this because it seemed pretty clear that DRX were anti stratted completely on Icebox and to an extent Ascent. Won't say Pearl cause it is one of Loud's best map and DRX's worst. DRX were a team who played soooo frickin rigid that they couldn't even adapt to anything. Champs was better as there was some adaptability shown by them and yes a development of mental resiliency. But Lockin I mean they were always pushed to Map 3. So they weren't as strong as they were in champs. But I can also see that teams have Vods about DRX because obviously they weren't the team who ran Chamber everywhere even during the Peak Chamber Meta and the team hasn't changed. So the teams can hard counter DRX and DRX aren't that adaptable enough to withstand that. They need to be even more flexible I hope. Team doesn't need to change cause I don't see why when all 5 players are very talented. And yes need to strengthen their Map pool. We'll see how it goes but as long as they aren't adaptable..then they won't get past top 4 and into the top 2 unfortunately. This is a really strong team and yes I can call it S tier but adaptability just isn't there

posted about 2 years ago

I honestly feel bad for him hope he gets cured from all this mess

posted about 2 years ago

Scream Nivera
Jason and Jinggg
Crashies Victor

posted about 2 years ago

Huge W brotha...don't know you personally but I'm super happy for you bro wishing you well :)

posted about 2 years ago

Prime Cned = Prime Nats = Prime TenZ

posted about 2 years ago

Fit1nho. He performed very well in the 2 matches he played as Raze. His Jett is average

posted about 2 years ago

Leo performed superb during his time in Guild last year. I already expected him to perform out of his mind when he came to FNC because better support system so he gets any help that he needs. And he himself is cracked af so yeah he never was a normal player he was cracked back then and is cracked till date

posted about 2 years ago

Started on Icebox ended on Icebox

posted about 2 years ago

Duelist : Derke/Aspas
Initiator : Leo/Shao
Sentinel : Less/Suygetsu
Controller : Mako

posted about 2 years ago

+rep Am not super biased don't want too much trolling or baiting myself. Want a normal discussion about Val esports and the game itself

posted about 2 years ago

I just feel Leo is a better Sova and Shao is a better Fade. Both of them are cracked aimwise. So yeah can't really compare but both of these players are cracked af

posted about 2 years ago

Pacific :

  1. DRX ( Because they're DRX )
  2. Talon ( They performed very very well and have a very good potential )
  3. GenG ( They put up a very good fight against Loud and they seem pretty coodinated according to me )


  1. FNC ( They are the Lock In Champions and they look untouchable at this point so I don't see why they don't make it )
  2. NAVI ( Experience, Cracked individuals, Antistratting kings )
  3. Giants ( They have very good potential Fit1nho looked very good. Just need to tweak somethings and they'll be good to go )
  4. TL ( if they get their stuff straight cause talented individuals but they need to work on communication )/ KOI ( Great team great individuals good IGL


  1. Loud ( Insanely good Individuals, Good Synergy, Good ideas, Can see a lot of wierd stuff in boring maps like Icebox like Skye and stuff coming on Icebox )
  2. NRG ( FNS IGLing, Great individuals, Optic Core and have good experience )
  3. Sentinels ( They didn't look that great but can't judge because they did lose to the current winners. If they are given time they can perform really well/
    Leviatan ( Disciplined team, Are considered like the benchmark for good teams i.e anyone who beats Leviatan are great teams. Goated Coach )
posted about 2 years ago

Learning Sova isn't hard but Mastering him is. There are so many ways that he can be useful not just throw 3 darts drone etc. You can do a lot on a Sova

posted about 2 years ago

Keloqz, Victor, Asuna, Rb

posted about 2 years ago

Wishing her a very speedy recovery Hope she is back to normal soon

posted about 2 years ago

It's not hard in appreciating Loud now is it? Yes DRX played not that great but it's Pearl what did you expect. We'll see the next maps

posted about 2 years ago

Loud is playing well I think it is best to aknowledge the fact and besides it's only map 1 we will wait and see how Icebox pans out but at this point it isn't looking good

posted about 2 years ago

Bro is built different

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

She doesn't provide anything for the team. Like Jett has Smoke and Dash to like either escape or create potential entry spots. Raze helps in clearing sites using her Roomba and Nade. Neon can use wall and stun and then run and slide. Reyna has none of that. She only has a flash which is kinda thrash as it is very easily breakable especially in pro games where they play as a team and can easily punish Reyna. Another thing is Reyna's abilities are unlocked only after she gets that first kill. If that goes wrong then Reyna is basically useless. And in a Pro game where each and every util matters you can't have a selfish agent like Reyna in the team as she provides nothing to the team. And yes she can escape only if she gets 1 kill and in a pro game no player would offer an easy kill to the Reyna so yeah she is basically useless in pro play

posted about 2 years ago

There is a catch..because it's a BO5 we are gonna see more maps played probably. And both DRX and Loud haven't shown that many maps with LLL showcasing Split Pearl and Fracture more while DRX showcased Haven Ascent and to an extent Icebox more. So we have to see how it pans out. And yes you are right DRX is a very heavy prep team but they have to show equal amounts of Adaptability if they are to fight a very strong team like Loud. I hope the series is a banger and both teams play very well

posted about 2 years ago

I like Recon Phantom more it's just soo crisp and nice

posted about 2 years ago

When Season Reset I was G3 then new episode came fell to S3 :(

posted about 2 years ago

Congratulations brother

posted about 2 years ago

LMAO and the Smite Phantom

posted about 2 years ago

It isn't even that what they could have done is just break up privately and not tell that in social media. Because of like his ex kinda blew it all up on twitter in multiple tweets, it kinda became a very shitty area where the people started like abusing or clowing Sick then when Sick told his point of view they go the other way. This isn't even the other's business only those 2 it would have been better if this didn't come in Social Media I feel it's their personal problem we aren't ones to judge or conclude right

posted about 2 years ago

Please DRX do it we know you can

posted about 2 years ago

Umm because I like the Devil May Cry series a lot where the Sword of Dante is Called Rebellion which sounds cool so yeah kept the name Rebellion

posted about 2 years ago

He only asked which game is first what wrong did he ask

posted about 2 years ago

Then Navi would be first thanks for confirming brother

posted about 2 years ago

I honestly don't know bro because the Valorant channel shows Fnc 100T as the first game whereas the Twitter channel of Valorant EMEA shows Navi as the first so am confused

posted about 2 years ago

Ohh Ok thanks for the info

posted about 2 years ago

Source: Trust me Bro?

posted about 2 years ago

FUT played Lotus really well they were on some form

posted about 2 years ago

No one is they are just worried nobody is thrash talking him bro

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah just saw but I don't know honestly cause she did reply under his tweet just some hrs ago we don't know. And neither is it our job to go deep into the matter cause it's their personal so I think it's better we stop discussing all this right now

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think he did bro I don't see any link as to where it shows he has broken up

posted about 2 years ago

He didn't break up bro he got back with his old gf

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think they were the ones who used Reyna on Lotus mate

posted about 2 years ago

Difference is C9's OPer never got a chance to OP in that map against DRX

posted about 2 years ago

I agree but yes he does need time to learn his role properly. His Kay O wasn't that bad but his flashes weren't upto the mark as I observed Texture dashing into site with the enemies not blinded. And yes lurking on Sova using util for himself isn't good as with a Sova you most likely would have to use your Recon, Drone for the team as it has good combo with the Jett of your team. His aim is good for that level as you could see in that 4k but he needs to improve his gamesense and stuff. I don't hate Rossi like many others just because he is overhyped by some delusional fans, But he needs to improve or else it's better bringing in Wronski or LightningFast

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with you friend but we're in Vlr nobody's gonna get what you're trying to say unfortunately

posted about 2 years ago

They played decently given it's their first time playing in an international LAN. They do have potential. it's just clear that they have a lack of in person pracs and stuff which are important but yeah Rossi LF couldn't move to Kr due to visa issues and they are a new team. But I do hope they prac harder and play well in the future

posted about 2 years ago

Was a tough loss but am not that disappointed by their performance especially after people were like ok this is a godstomp after watching Split. But yeah could clearly see lack of in person bondings and stuff they can improve they don't look too bad but yeah there are rounds that shouldn't have been lost in the Lotus Post Plants especially

posted about 2 years ago
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