Flag: Brazil
Registered: January 18, 2022
Last post: May 16, 2024 at 10:06 PM
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Pior que na hora que o Bzka fala Espero que voces não me decepcionem, o Bzka olha diretamente pro Heat. Mas pelo o que foi falado ali foi um problema pessoal, então tomara que não seja nada grave

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I was talking about Mibr in general the team is on chaos

posted about a year ago

Now they are confirmed the worst team in the league

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Eu acho ok dizer sobre o tempo pro jzz por exemplo, mas esse core da VK n vinga faz tempo, melhor separar

posted about a year ago

I said maybe Heat cause i believe that Heat is in this performance cause he get wrong manias with the Igl belong this years, if you see his gameplay belong the years you can see his playstyle start to change and change, if he have a good igl like saadhak i believe he could perform way better, but as i said he is washed, Havoc could be a better option

posted about a year ago

True the core of Mibr are just washed, Frz performing bad too, they can just keep Jzz and maybe Heat and build a new team

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Lol kicking a already dead dog

posted about a year ago

chaadhak the goat

posted about a year ago

Heat has a different playstyle and Aspas build his playstyle with sacy and saadhak last year, but i would say that they would be 1-2 anyways the others Loud players are just too strong.
Considering that the player was in Loud for a while and learn a new playstyle cause the biggest Heat problem is the shit things that he used to do and Murizz allowed all this time. Right now Aspas is irreplaceable imo

posted about a year ago

Tha goat

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Diria algo assim mesmo

posted about a year ago

I think the Mibr with Sacy and pancada + The Union guys could be a good roster, even some guys like Heat could be in the team, he performed really bad but i think he could step up with a good igl

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bom, a chance alta é ele ficar, porque o que a Sen pagou nele, vai querer vender caro tbm, dificil pros br comprar, mas se ele sair eu consigo ver ele no Mibr sim, ele é amigão do Frz e do Heat por exemplo

posted about a year ago

Like, right now even Kru is way better than Mibr but i was just joking about nrg are bad, probably just a bad day in the match against mibr

posted about a year ago

Se tu ver o video da Loud da rotina dos players, no final o Cauanzin até fala que depois de acabar o treino e tals os cara as vezes vão ver vod e estudar pela propria vontade, o contraste de um time vencedor de um time fracasso

posted about a year ago

E eu gosto de todos os players, mas pelo o que foi mostrado, ta faltando dedicação, e a combinação deles não parece funcionar, espero que eles vão para outros times e se dediquem

posted about a year ago

Eu acho que o Pancada só sai se for pra voltar pra Loud, ou se a Mibr ter um full disband e montar o segundo supertime

posted about a year ago

Tem que rolar disband, tanto a org quanto os jogadores fedem a derrota

posted about a year ago

Parar pra pensar os melhores coachs do Br foram manitos, Saadhak e Nzr

posted about a year ago

Sei la, até pode ficar, mas acho melhor pros players se separarem, cada um pra um lado

posted about a year ago

Eu acho que simplesmente esses players juntos não da, unico que ta tentando é o Bzka, o resto parece que não ta levando a serio

posted about a year ago

Tem bons igls no vct br, agora é ver como que vai desenrolar esses players que ja tao na franquia, se vao de vala, se vao pra outro time, porque esses caras não servem pra jogar juntos, simplesmente não funciona

posted about a year ago

Nrg bad too

posted about a year ago

Yeah as expected i will not see the last round cause its already done. Just disband this team Mibr you guys will not work together. GGWP C9

posted about a year ago

This org smells lose

posted about a year ago

Only dumb people believe on this

posted about a year ago

Yeah expected

posted about a year ago

Então, na teoria da pra perder essa e ganhar as outras duas e depender do resultado, se mostrar um desempenho bom aqui é legal, mas o melhor é ganhar

posted about a year ago

Olha, como um fã da Mibr que esta na zona de conforto Loud pra n me matar as 23:47, eu sendo realista diria 2-0 C9, agora, se aquele clima que teve no Vlog da Mibr funcionar pra algo, quem sabe uma vitoriazinha ou um jogo bom

posted about a year ago

-tuyz -cauanzin - Fr0d
+Pancada + Sacy +Bzka

I think they could win Champions kek

posted about a year ago

Free pancada

posted about a year ago

Sen 2-1
C9 2-0

posted about a year ago

Paulo cartões is insane

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I mean, not saying Aspas is bad with Op but his team is 6-0 and often has the economy to buy Op, so is kinda obvious he will gonna have the most Op kills. But again he is really good with Op

posted about a year ago

Runi will see the true strat god Murizzz. He will never expect Murizzz calls, even Murizzz doesnt know what is he doing how Runi will know?

posted about a year ago

Custa tua cabeça minuscula entender que o saadhak so foi o bagre porque os torcedores da loud desesperados votaram nele sem nem saber do que a votação era?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Essa da Vk doeu, mas Vks contra Gambit foi mais

posted about a year ago

I agree in general but Aspas is kinda unpredictable on his choices

posted about a year ago

I mean, even if its way more Money, i dont know if Aspas would leave for money instead win everything on Loud

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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