Flag: United States
Registered: January 29, 2021
Last post: June 21, 2024 at 1:10 AM
Posts: 8131
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americans have never been known for smoking cigarettes' lol

posted about a year ago

he did not do that lol, that was ange1 putting him on yoru and omen not him, and ange1 cooked up the most dogshit comps trying to be an innovator like saadhak

posted about a year ago

hey, maybe ur PM should be changed now.
explain how that isn't serious lol

posted about a year ago

FUT sure, but KC also has an american so they both have the spirit of Abraham Lincoln and FDR with them

posted about a year ago

having navi flair and braindead in his name is the only way this post makes sense

posted about a year ago

he won that 1v3 earlier i was talking abt the other 3 lol

posted about a year ago

is getting his games thrown by these EU players smh

posted about a year ago

this was supposed to be a reply but its just on its own and it looks hilarious LMAO

posted about a year ago

you forgot abt magnum just like boaster and fnatic did smh

posted about a year ago

he was never particularly good at non-jett even last year, with below 1 ratings on non-jett agents so its not a gurantee he will ever get to his jett form on other agents

posted about a year ago

asuna didn't fall off he was just never as good as the rest of people on that list, he had an incredible raze in 2020 before she was nerfed like 8 times though lol

posted about a year ago

we need a who's that coachemon game during intermission between games at madrid

posted about a year ago

maybe the SEN fans are only on VLR when SEN plays lmao

posted about a year ago

eventually saadhak will have sleeper agents in every organization and he will activate them so LOUD goes undefeated and wins another champions

posted about a year ago

im also personally surprised the community didn't overall rate SEN above LEV because of all the SEN fans lmao

posted about a year ago

by what logic is vitality #2, analysts didn't rank them #2, we as a community rated them #4, who besides yourself ranked them 2nd?

posted about a year ago

hes french thats below average for them, congrats to him!

posted about a year ago

its almost like there is currently a european game going on where an EMEA team threw a postplant. he made a topical post, its not stuck in his head

posted about a year ago

i think anywhere that isn't top 5 or bottom 2 is fair as the top 5 (group B and NRG) seems head and shoulders above the rest of americas and they can't be bottom 2 when they are better than g2 and kru

posted about a year ago

na hasn't been a region since 2022 and the region is still in yalls heads lol

posted about a year ago

i had them 8th but the gap between them c9 and mibr is very close imo

posted about a year ago

this isn't me, this is the averages of a community poll with 50 responses, but personally its because i don't think vanity is that good of an IGL. he almost lost bind vs mibr because he overcooks and doesn't understand that his team just has better aimers, he still plays like he is on a tier 2 csgo team sometimes

posted about a year ago
  1. LOUD (1.36 average placement)
  2. NRG (2.34)
  3. Lev (3.23)
  4. SEN (3.57)
    Tier Break
  5. 100T (5.84)
    Tier Break
  6. EG (6.77)
  7. C9 (6.86)
    Tier Break
  8. G2 (8.34)
  9. Mibr (8.77)
  10. KRU (8.98)
    Tier Break (Tier FURIA)
  11. Furia (10)

Fun Facts:
There is 1 person who has the whole of group B as their top 4, with NRG 5th
There is 1 person who has Group C as the bottom 3 teams, with furia 8th
EG has 1 believer who has EG in 1st, and 1 hater who has EG in 11th
the 2 closest teams are EG in and C9 in 6th and 7th, with a difference of 0.09

posted about a year ago

ill be releasing Americas later

posted about a year ago

i also believe so long term, but destrian and trexx have different playstyles and VIT might even have to shift agents around(idk) so it's gonna take time

posted about a year ago

except it'll take much longer to integrate trexx than it did destrian who knew the system, so right now yes, and the first games with trexx, also yes, but long term they'll def be ok assuming they don't pull a liquid or smthn

posted about a year ago

I wouldn't put them that close to TH purely because I trust TH to beat KC, TL, and FUT but i don't trust vitality to, as in vitality will play them really close and while i can trust TH to win comfortably

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i've always had them 5th, with KC being in 4th, but im very high on KC and FUT and Liquid both also have massive issues so idk, i was talking more in their average placement so they were closer to the Fut/Liquid/KC group as a whole. because as it stands they aren't almost as good as TH like the results showed

posted about a year ago

above EG

posted about a year ago

yeah it was navi with the 1 first place vote

posted about a year ago

m8 probably a bit low and vitality probably a bit high

posted about a year ago

We did, most analysts did

posted about a year ago

Morning bump

posted about a year ago

Good joke lmao

posted about a year ago

1st Fnatic (1.02 AVG placement) Fnatic actually had 1 2nd place vote, with the rest being first place!
2nd Navi (2.23) Navi, despite the gap between them, heretics and Vitality, they only had 1 less vote for 7th place + than Vitality and Heretics
3rd Heretics (3.88) The Gap between Heretics and Vitality is the smallest of any 2 teams inside the top 10
4th Vitality (4.04) the gap is because while vitality and heretics have similar numbers of 3rd place votes, vitality have more 5th and heretics more 4th
tier break
5th FUT (5.41) FUT are the only team in this tier to have a vote for 2nd place
6th Liquid (5.85) All but 3 of liquid's votes are in the range of 4 to 7
7th Karmine Corp (6.44) is the only team in this tier to have a 10th place vote,
tier break
8th Giants (8.29) i got nothing lol giants results are pretty boring
9th KOI (8.5) Have 2 votes in the top 4 (4th and 3rd)
10th Gentle (10.04) Despite being ranked higher than BBL, it has a lower peak vote at 9th as opposed to BBL who got multiple 8th place votes
11th BBL (10.19) BBL and Gentle have the closest gap between 2 teams (.15 as opposed to the gap of VIT and TH being .16)

posted about a year ago

why tf are we infighting EMEA is right there gloating abt their 1 champions win 3 years ago still thinking they are better than americas

posted about a year ago

its also just easier for people if they don't have to login (if you have repeat submissions off they have to log in to google)

posted about a year ago

ziks isn't even a top 2 coach in 100T history, mikes (as an assistant coach) and Seangares are better lmao

posted about a year ago

i have a spreadsheet with each result individually, if i let the trolls troll more its easier to remove them

posted about a year ago

bump 2

posted about a year ago

has anyone who has any kind of intelligence actually said she wasn't a good coach

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i mispoke in the title lol

posted about a year ago

"55-50 math isn't mathing"

posted about a year ago

bro what

posted about a year ago

that would suck and reality is its a 50-50 because SEN/LEV is making it out of playin

posted about a year ago <- AMericas
ps please vote on the EU one so it gets up to 50 responses <- EMEA

posted about a year ago

bump again

posted about a year ago
1 •• 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 •• 158