banana already has sugar right?
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | January 29, 2021 |
Last post: | June 21, 2024 at 1:10 AM |
Posts: | 8131 |
no, because between sports it is also different lol. you made an intra comparison not a cross comparison
dude i did not DECIDE to stop i was forced to because of covid. i played baseball from 4 years old until i stopped, thats a longer time than joel embiid played basketball before he got drafted to the NBA.
"Now Imagine you get 1st place in International maths olympiad and they compare you with your school mathematics topper. That is straight up disrespectful. Both of them are separate even though they have maths in common."
this is not the same comparison at all dude. For one, it is comparing math vs math not math vs something else, and for 2. math olympiad competitors are still math olympiad competitors regardless of level they just have to compete.
what the fuck ketchup and a banana why would u put this into other people's heads this is definitely a criminal offense
"Also I bet he could pull it off if he spent enough time in his youth on a video game." dude, his hands are too big to hold a controller or a mouse no he could not
"And believe me when I say this becoming a traditional sport athlete is a lot more harder than e sport pro player given the immense competition." the level of competition has NOTHING to do with the defintion of athlete. someone just has to be proficient, or "very good at doing something." there isn't a limit to how many athletes there can be per sport.
again, it is not disrespectful. I was considered an athlete when i played baseball(which i stopped because of covid) and i take 0 disrespect
chess is a sport as said by the International Olympic Committee.....
calling me salty after responding to "there is more to reflexes than finger tapping speed lmfao"
Now, SIT - braindead"
is crazy.
its not offensive in the slightest, shaq literally said something along the lines of he could never be good at video games, yet he is a top 3 center in basketball history.
most esports pros need way more than 2 years that is just wrong, and there are some examples of traditional sports athletes who started playing a sport VERY late and became a pro in 5 years time
idk abt that, end of year boom and scarz might've been better than this start of the year GE, but this GE should be above them by the end of the year
additionally, there are going to be some people who are great in tier 2 but suck in tier 1, not talking abt crazyguy here more in general
the difference isn't individual players lol
bro just put an e infront and called them e-athletes what fucking difference does it make
ok, i'll do everything you say Mr. Superiority complex
you talk about adulthood responsibilities a lot but you sure act like a child
also here's the spreadsheet:
there is more to reflexes than finger tapping speed lmfao
yeah like wtf is this lmao. they are both so childish for this thread
This was originally supposed to be a final message to smthnlikeyou11, but i thought why not turn it into a post
Since champions 2021 when X10 upset envy, the idea of "wyatt's law" or the "rematch curse" has floated around the community for some time, but no concrete data has be done on it.
I took games from all international tournaments champs 21+, the Kickoffs, and last year's league playoffs.
Events go as follows (loser wins rematch-winner wins rematch)
champions 2021 1-0 (1-0)
Masters 1 Reykjavik 4-0 (3-0)
Masters 2 Copenhagen 6-0 (2-0)
Champions 2022 9-3 (3-3)
Tokyo 10-3 (1-0)
Champions 2023 11-7 (1-4)
Americas Playoffs 12-7 (1-0)
EMEA Playoffs 13-7 (1-0)
Pacific Playoffs 13-9 (0-2)
Pacific Kickoff 15-11 (2-2)
Americas kickoff 17-12 (2-1)
China Kickoff 18-13 (3-2)
EMEA Kickoff 20-14 (2-1)
So overall, the loser wins 58.8% of rematches, but if you remove games where there is a HEAVY favorite, or "non significant matchups," as i've called them, the loser wins the rematch 2/3 of the time.
I might be wrong on JDG vs Titan in china(i thought Titan were heavy favorites), so if anyone knows china better than me and im wrong abt that please tell me
additionally, When Comps change, the Loser wins the rematch 62.5% of time
the loser wins the rematch 58.8% of the time overall, but 2/3 of the time in significant matchups, and 62.5% of the time when comps change at tier 1
you do realize they played in tier 2 last year, and not tier 1, right? you cannot compare them
they would've won if crazyguy's calling was better, but not if yay played servicable
dude this is obviously bait no one genuinely thinks scrim results matter
crazyguy does NOT deserve to play after how bad his calling was at kickoff.
they went to kickoff last year silly :3
its definitely the best goat debate. I lean bron overall but mj is better relative to his era.
steel, yes.
vanity, no what the fuck do not every compare him to steel again
neither does blizzard but they got something like this in overwatch no?
the difference is less than 2 ms so its not that big of an issue
My guess is most of it is a mental thing and the losing team learns much more than the winning team does, because in non-significant matches it is much closer (still over 55-45 in favor of the loser). I'll dm u my spreadsheet of the matches if u want
not just you, the loser of the first match wins 68% of the time in significant tier 1 matchups since champions 2021(only including international events, last year's regular season playoffs, and this year's kickoffs)
mf there's a way easier thing to say than this copage on why genG won the rematch. IT WAS A REMATCH
idk much but from what i've seen on slazers is SO MUCH WORSE than every other team
i couldn't find your study but I did find one that says reflexes and reaction times are on a steady decline at ages 24 +
then how come we never see pros this old lmao
but u need incredible, not good, reflexes and reaction time
to be a t1 pro
They’ll be great domestically, like liquid last year, whether it’ll translate into international results we can’t say yet
Nope, more excited for Madrid and clove than anything else rn
which is very suprising given how many french people are smokers