yeah saadhak is doing the 2014 Germany
Flag: | International |
Registered: | March 26, 2022 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 5:19 PM |
Posts: | 2617 |
yeah saadhak is doing the 2014 Germany
I wanna see fr. Not because I enjoy it but I'm just that curious as to how.
Nah, it cost me $20 just for shipping alone through my friend who is currently living in Bali which is cheaper than using cargo.
I'll buy their jersey which equals to 2 vct classic.
Yes tejo have good utility but surprisingly Tejo only won 2 out of 5 matches.
There's not a lot of drama unlike Americas and Pacific. There's no drama like revenge story or redemption for example 2023 demon1 evil persona or Meteor vs fl1pz drama is what makes it entertaining and when there's drama, the matches have more stakes in it other than going to champs which makes it fun to watch
I don't think they can because he just turned 17. That's why he is still in the academy roster since he isn't qualified for pacific league.
Splash in fact does go crazy
conspiracy theory, maybe yay is qualified after all.
Don't you think it would be better to join an academy team than to be unemployed? I mean chances are he won't get signed to any t1 team anytime soon and if he were to play in Ascension then he would be playing in the same split as an academy team.
I'm saying that everyone who is dreaming of joining t1 should play in GC once and then go to play in t2 so that they won't be counted as an import when they try to join T1 teams
I heard she isn't counted as an import due to her being a GC player which is why Oderus is able to play. So does this mean if someone play in GC they can play everywhere? for example if 2023 yay after he got dropped by c9 were to play in GC does that mean when he was signed to bleed, he wasn't counted as an import?
they're the same lmao. AfreecaTV is now the company while soop is the platform. But I think right now Naver is gaining popularity while soop is still unbearable.
he always have that moment where in theory he does some big brain moment but somehow the enemy does the opposite making him look like a clown
God Ange1 is probably one of the most entertaining players he always died unexpectedly when he has the upperhand
I've been a closet fan of RRQ, and today I've come to terms with changing my flair.
I think mine is broken. It says talon won everything from kickoff to champs.
First day in Korea and boom esports is already involved in some drama.
I should've known better than to trust Fayde. God, I forgot how many times have I been burned by him.
Here's mine
Pacific: Singapore
Americas: Mexico
Emea: Turkey
I just hope VCT CN has an English broadcast like what the reports is stating.
the problem was that they also dominated champs teams when they were scrimming against them last year. The team hasn't lost a single match since Margaret and Persia joined in.
I bought the RGX bundle which is why I have the outlaw but I still prefer the bp since the sound is better. I know I can just use the original sound on my rgx but it doesn't feel right without the animation. So rather than stressing out the little things, I just pretend I don't have one.
I just use the skins that I like. I do have an outlaw rgx but I prefer this bp one since I prefer the original sound on this ion look alike and not spending radianite is a plus in case there's a skin I like
sad for this year's ascension team. Not only do they only get 1 year spot, they don't get any skins
Not only is the card the same for all teams, but Why doesn't the ascension team 2025 get any? I've watched Tenz's stream and see that apeks, boom, Nongshim and Xi Lai didn't have any skins while M8, G2 and DRG got one. So we only get recolour classic skins with a template card and a text inspection upgrade. Kinda disappointing, I was planning on buying 5 like last year but this changed my mind.
Now kj ult is useless.
They'll be on the bottom 4
Bro, so you're telling me last time when we played gartic phone. You were playing as aquaa018, Cabo_, and 1234 at the same time? No wonder it looks like a 5 yo drawing.
So is LSN their new duelist? Or will they try delb like in the offseason
I swear I don't understand what their MMR algorithm is. I like to duo queue with my friend, we were in the same rank before but idk why he gained RR easily when I outperformed him in the game. My tracker score is around 850 while my duo is 300 ( not that important but it shows that my avg stats are better ), I have multiple match MVPs yet I gain only 16rr while my duo who bottom frag gains 17rr. Heck I just gained 5rr yesterday and we won 13-4, I feel like the only reason why I even rank up is because I managed to retain 63%WR.
Won't do that much the whole year but I think they might do something no one expects like beat Geng because they did something so outrageous that caught geng off guard. Chances are they're recreating that rope incident
Yes, it's required. They're making money so they need either a sports visa or a work visa. Korea has something similar to the p1 visa from the US called the e6. This visa doesn't care about how strong your passport is since it's for athletes and entertainers like for Asian games. So if you're not eligible based on the documentation, they can deny your claims since it's an employment visa and they don't care about how strong your visa is when its main use is for guests from the entertainment sector to be able to work in Korea for a month.
That is why it's easier for Deryeon to reapply for the visa since they already deemed him to be eligible while for someone new it'll be harder if they have incomplete documents such as LoR, GE business registration, their employment contract, and even proof of previous work qualification in the same field in this case esports which most newly sign doesn't have. So rather than gamble with someone new that might get rejected, deryeon is the safest bet since he was deemed eligible before in bleed which makes the process easier.
I state Australia because an Australian visa is easier than Korean one. So if you get rejected by Australians then the chances of you getting rejected by Korea is even higher.
Strong passport doesn't always mean they would have granted a work visa. It depends on the documentation like savings, work history, LoR, sponsorship, criminal records, and working identification. I have a friend from college in Singapore who failed to get his work visa in Australia because his experience was lacking while my co worker who is from the Philippines got his work visa to Melbourne because he has far more experience while having worst savings and education. And since GE isn't a native Korean org, their LoR isn't that strong. So having someone who has been granted previously helps a lot.