Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: August 12, 2023
Last post: March 15, 2024 at 6:07 PM
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Hi, im not a fan of your name

posted about a year ago

he woke up at 12:30 pm

posted about a year ago

Record an asmr video for vlr and then listen to it while u fall asleep and tomorrow morning you post it !

posted about a year ago

fighting crime is lame.

Build a blanket fort

posted about a year ago

who tf downvoted this masterpiece

posted about a year ago

someone gotta pay s1mple 1 billion dollars to play 1 valorant season

posted about a year ago

I understand that you believe that paying Shroud was not a wise decision and that a proper coach and Johnqt would have been better for the team. However, it is important to note that Shroud is an experienced player and has been playing video games professionally for many years. He has also been playing Valorant since its beta release in 2020. While it is true that others may have had more experience in Valorant, Shroud’s experience in other games and his natural talent make him a valuable asset to the team.

It is also worth noting that Sentinels, the team Shroud plays for, has been performing well in recent tournaments. They won the Last Chance Qualifier in December 2023, which secured their spot in the Valorant Champions Tour. While it is impossible to know what would have happened in a different timeline, it is clear that Shroud has been a valuable addition to the team.

Regarding Tenz, he is indeed a talented player and has been instrumental in the success of Sentinels. However, it is important to remember that building a successful team is not just about individual talent. It requires a combination of individual skill, teamwork, and strategy. The management of Sentinels likely made the decision to bring in Shroud based on a variety of factors, including his experience, skill, and potential fit with the team.

posted about a year ago

you couldve included the line under it too

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

evil 😑 geniuses πŸ€“

posted about a year ago

my guy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hey guys, i would like to inform you about a terrible, absolutely disgusting thing i cooked up like 2 days ago.

i fried some eggs and put a cold yoghurt fish salad and mixed it with it.

it looked really terrible smelled bad and the taste was alright but was ruined by the fact how it looked and smelled and the cold salad mixed with the warm eggs.

i still ate all of it though.

7/10 would cook again.

posted about a year ago

Who is kendrick and why is he an album

posted about a year ago

nah theyre saved if oce teams move

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

is he good?

posted about a year ago

stay hard

posted about a year ago

Breakfast: Cup of coffee, sometimes i eat yoghurt

Lunch: Today I had 2 pizza pastry thing and 300g worth of 95% meat ham and a vitamin strawberry water.

Dinner: I am currently eating spicy chicken nuggets along with cherry tomatoes, paprika and lettuce.

posted about a year ago

get help bro πŸ™πŸΌ

posted about a year ago

what are you yapping about

posted about a year ago

i didnt readnathe tile

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

remind me what the names of the roles are again

posted about a year ago

seoldam hater 🀑🀑🀑

posted about a year ago

what team does he play for?

posted about a year ago

I enjoy the most regular coffee imaginable brewing the water in a pot putting in 2 spoons of sugar
Thats usually my breakfast

black coffee is quite nice too

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

good morning geo, im curious if you drink coffee and what is your coffee of choice and if you put in sugar

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

watch another batman movie and if that doesnt work go fight crime

posted about a year ago

Alright thats valid I guess, but having a lot of potential is useless when its also incredibly difficult to utilize it.
That is why i feel like a lot of "average" but consistant pro players might win more and overall have better chances of winning.

posted about a year ago

Would it?

I dont think so, theyve already made series and animations featuring many of the characters.
Sure it might not have been all of them.

But I was talking more about the interactions and voicelines and that there is way more of them in league for every champion compared to valorant.

Now yeah Valorant is way younger but I feel like even new champs have more personality than new valorant agents
and while League has more champs, most of the champs have deep lore even if theyre not as marketable as jinx for example.

And im comparing the games because theyre both from riot and im not impressed by this short audio clip from valorant and feel like theyre wasting their potential.

posted about a year ago

Okay that makes sense. And no I still feel like the apology was appropriate, I couldve made it clear in my first reply that I meant it in a different way but I didnt, I dont care about the downvote haha.

posted about a year ago

As a League esports watcher I have to disagree.
JDG logo can look hella scary and to me thats a good thing.
I think boring logos like apeks, nrg, even EG being a little better but its still just oh look e and g looks similar like this, just not impressed.

posted about a year ago

Im listening to passionfruit by drake
underground artist you probably dont know him.

posted about a year ago

I agree, but I still dont understand how is that relevant to my post.

I thought it was obvious that I was speaking of a hypothetical scenario that if a team that has only 2 players, Seoldam and SkRossi would end up winning against Sentinels 13 / 0 they would still have many believers who actually think theyre a very competent team despite losing to very very bad team.

I couldve been nicer about it thought, my apologies.

posted about a year ago

literally what league does every day of the week with even more characters and deeper lore.

good voice actor though

posted about a year ago

thats cool, how is that relevant

posted about a year ago

tenz aint even hitting flicks in ranked how he used to πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

what the fridge dude
thats not fricking nice man
go apologize to the fucking ceo of sentinels for saying the bad word "poo" now or im calling up ardiis

posted about a year ago

I know youre probably baiting but I dont remember myself always doubting them.

Just asking a question because Sentinels seem to me like they have a lot of people persistently geniuenly believing in them.

posted about a year ago

Sensitive and easily disturbed people dont google it, you shouldve put a warning on that.

posted about a year ago

And I do not mean SEN FANS but BELIEVERS

What would you consider like a turning point for when you finally lose hope for the team.

Because I feel like SEN could lose to a team consisting of SkRossi and Seoldam alone, 13 / 0 and there would be a bunch of ppl still geniuenly believing theyre the best team in the world.

posted about a year ago

yes πŸ—Ώ

posted about a year ago

benjy the typa guy to eat fish n chips and drink some afternoon tea

posted about a year ago

banjo 😹

posted about a year ago

except in valorant you cant make them work for you :(

posted about a year ago

fr i remember watching his clips w the deagle and theyre crazy

posted about a year ago
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