I'm just spitting facts. Cry is free. Fans of less popular games are always the most annoying ones...
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | March 29, 2021 |
Last post: | November 22, 2024 at 5:11 PM |
Posts: | 228 |
I'm just spitting facts. Cry is free. Fans of less popular games are always the most annoying ones...
Yeah, in other words... the teams are bad and the game doesn't have good tools to close the matches.
I just don't see how anyone can find it as a good thing. This just shows that:
1) The teams are bad and don't know how to use their advantage to actually close the game.
2) The game doesn't have tools to finish the match, wich makes the matches dragging forever.
Because artificial hype is not sustainable long term.
Eu suponho que as orgs já estavam cientes antes da publicação. Eu só achei o número de times meio baixo, acredito que poderiam ter feito com 12 times ao invés de oito. Talvez queiram evitar 3 dias de transmissão.
The viewership is being carried by drops and paid streamers.
Yeah. I get it but they're the only SA team in a league with really few opportunities for SA players. I was expecting at least an indian core.
I mean... SkRossi will be basically the only indian player left in this roster. Indo fans got mad when RRQ decided to do the same. This GE roster has more indonesian players than indians lmao.
Calma lá que também não é assim. A projeção que essa line ganhou depois de entrar na Loud foi gigantesca.
Não dá pra negar que a Loud sabe promover seus players e engajar com a torcida, se qualquer outro time tivesse montado essa line os caras não teriam toda a fan base que possuem hoje independentemente das vitórias.
Não vejo problema algum em uma pessoa torcer pra uma org em específico, rosters mudam o tempo todo mas a org é algo que fica e pode representar uma certa estabilidade para uma pessoa, principalmente agora com as franquias que teremos itens in game dos times. Sem contar que muitas orgs modernas foram criadas por pessoas que vieram da comunidade (LOUD, KOI, G2, KCORP, TSM etc).
NA LOL is not dead. They are just bad. It's the same with BR LOL scene, the game is popular but we just suck at it.
Não conheço a mina mas o twitter do cara é esse aqui https://twitter.com/caiqueoficiai10
Dogshit analysis. Brazil is great for people who get paid in dollar, especially because the country doesn't have wealth taxes.
Taxes on products are tough for people with low income only.
Ai é que você se engana. Jogadores BR de forma geral estão mais interessados na grana do que na competição.
Na época que o LOL tinha segunda divisão isso acontecia com frequência, grandes jogadores preferiam ir pro circuitão subir alguma org endinheirada ao invés de brigar por título. Não me surpreenderia de ver isso ocorrendo aqui.
Eu estou visualizando uma possibilidade ainda pior que seria eles irem jogar em alguma org gringa do tier 2. Lembre-se que muitas orgs ricas como TSM, FAZE e etc ficaram de fora das franquias, seria extremamente fácil pra uma delas comprar jogadores pra subir ano que vem.
Isso seria horroroso pro cenário mas é o que está me parecendo até o momento.
Their CEO literally said that 100% of prizepools and 50% of the skin sales was given to the players. You can easily check that info on youtube. I see no reason a public figure like him would lie on public.
Kinda true... and if it's already hard for BR teams it should be even harder for LATAM ones. NA based orgs will just poach every single promising LATAM and BR players.
BR and LATAM will become feeder teams in the league, which is kinda sad.
How are they scummy? They are the best paying org in LATAM and Loud players earned a fuck ton of money with prizepool and skin sales, 100% of the prizepool was given to the players.
A brazilian team just can't pay 1kk USD per player like c9 did with yay.
Vão se separar, a carreira deles vai flopar. Vão se juntar novamente no futuro e não vão ganhar nada, esse é o modus operandi do jogador brasileiro.
How are you on their side if you know nothing about the behind the scenes? They could be asking for a completely unreasonable amount of money or making crazy demands.
Which doesn't mean he has a good relationship with Loud management or their fans...
Onur is just baiting. I doubt he is going to Loud... I mean, the guy literally accused Loud of racism for making fun of him back then, such a clown lmao.
It's kinda hard tbh. If you never played the game before you probably won't understand what's happening but once you get into it the matches can be super fun to watch.
Only Argentina, Chile and México have some relevance. Rest of the region is dead and most of their star players will be poached.
In South America? Yes. Brazil is by far the most developed and rich country esports wise of the region.
Bro... Is It really that hard to understand that they won't be a BR team anymore? Jesus... You're dumb as fuck.
Nobody will care about results if the team has zero correlation with the community. Again, nobody in Brasil cares about Lev, even with casters trying to push the shit narrative that they're "our manitos".
As a side note, mibr csgo never had more than two import players alongside with 3 really popular brazilian ones wich definetly is not the case of this rumored Val roster but whatever...
Because we don't really have ways to measure their work. Nobody knows how good they are except the players and staff.
No, They won't lmao. Almost nobody in Brazil supports KRU or LEV, Mibr will basically turn themselves into another random LATAM team.
They would have zero support from the BR fans, especially with Keznit on it. I don't see any BR team signing more than 2 Latam players.
He didn't build the team. The team was mainly built by Sacy and Saadhack. I've heard that he scouted Less tho.
I do not follow indo scene closely. I tought they were a PH team...
Seu argumento nem faz muito sentido por que isso que tu ta falando pode ser aplicado à esmagadora maioria dos pro players de qualquer jogo no Brasil, com exceção dos pro players de jogos de celular que de fato tendem a ser pessoas que tiveram vidas mais difíceis. PC gaming sempre foi coisa de gente abastada no Brasil.
Expected... these teams have almost zero clout.
Trembo retweetando jogo crypto scam kkkkkkkkk
Valorant lives rent free in this guy's head LMAO.
They probably will have their own path to international events or something similar. China is always separated from everyone else.
Korea, the most victorious region by far: "Am I a joke to you?"
Same reasons that keep Mexico separated from North-America.
XSET is another garbage team. The only reason both are already in champions is this shitty seed system.
TBK has zero fans and you're forgetting huge LOL orgs like PAIN and RED.
Eles são consistentes mas infelizmente não têm jogadores clutch e por esse motivo acabam perdendo em momentos chave quando enfrentam players muito skillados.