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Registered: | June 30, 2020 |
Last post: | August 17, 2024 at 7:37 PM |
Posts: | 723 |
Riot has to take a long look at t2 but, tier1 is fine. Every single org doesn't have to be involved in Valorant. There will be some pug teams in VCB and that'll be that. Hopefully Riot just gives them more support
I’m not proving China is a massive hit in a game w/ no proof. Atleast w/ VALORANT we saw the servers shut down on release. Massive followings w/ orgs, players etc. u got nothing.
Glad you understand data. Moving on.
Can you understand English and comprehend sentences. Or is “stupid” the new language you’re speaking. You have NO PROOF CS is thriving in China. None lol
What are you going to see? People coming to an event lol. Has nothing to do with its playerbase which VALORANT just took a chunk of. Idk. I think there’s this Grand sense of delusion with you guys. Tencent will make sure China has a large market share. Valve should have controlled the market by now but waited 10 years to do a major lol. Ridiculous.
Valve isn’t beating Tencent in a China. They’re powerless.
Cause we’re talking 2 different types of genres and CrossFire is their main tactical shooter. Valorant is that niche of tactical shooter and hero shooter. CS can succeed but, it waited too long to try and make it happen. Tencent will make sure VALORANT succeeds in China. Valve, it’s an afterthought.
There’s not one bit of proof that CS is massive in China. Especially now that Tencent has Val in China… If anything Chinas playerbase dwindled in CS.
CS2 will be dead in most regions. Europe it’ll still be the go to.
Pretty much that simple.
They have a scene in CS but, they’re not really making an impact like that.
Spence took an ass beating. Shit was surgical
I mean… 2.25 prize pool & 50% revenue. Damn good.
These hoes will ruin you if you let them.
Yeah. Have to goto a deli to get some good cheese.
Yeah. FNATIC is a pretty good team. Rest not so much.
I want M8s to win it all.
The Union for partnership…
Gottttt damnnnnn. Massacre.
It’ll be stupid to reward the 2nd place team cause of Riots morale compass. That’s a terrible business move.
Gotcha. I’m perfectly and morally fine w/ Pannc & ntk playing for The Union.
Morally Riot Games should be pushed under the bus due to the whole sexual harassment lawsuit which they settled 100 million on. But here we are still playing and watching Valorant. People morals have bias but facts don’t.
That’s just stupid lol. And Riot not stupid.
Pannc is innocent. No charges no crimes. And ntk served time. End of story. You bringing up OJ Simpson for what lol.
If The Union makes it to franchising they should be able to play.
Pannc is innocent, and ntk served time. It’s weird you’re continuing this conversation.
Pannc is innocent. Ntk served his time. Hence, Riot is letting them play. It’s GG bro. I hope The Union wins at this point.
Dumb take
I would get that checked out if I was you. Get a doctor's opinion... But thank you for letting us know about your situation.
Hit that report button my woke friend
Such a shit match lol.... Im sorry
Exactly bro. I can’t deal with this generation of kids who need every “man” to be perfect.
On a side note: Last time I vote for democrats lol.
Pannc was definitely proven innocent and ntk served his time. Hence, they’re playing for an org and Riot seems to have no issues.
This community might be this woke group of idiots but the facts are facts. He didn’t rape anybody.
PANNC was proven innocent (by the judge)... ntk served the time... There's a whole post on reddit with links... I'm not about to find it.
LoL... In that case you're a fake flagger as well...
Lol... It's weird to be woke every single moment of your life. IMO... One was proven innocent and the other served the time... It's like, we just hold onto every bad tweet, mistake etc. and want to ruin that person life. Shit is dumb...
Hope they make it tbh.... Will enjoy the crying
The Union in franchising.