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Registered: | May 24, 2021 |
Last post: | October 13, 2024 at 12:33 PM |
Posts: | 694 |
The Guard finally realized that their old comps work best
Lmao Will is Canadian, plus they wanted TenZ tf you on
TSM is destroying them not gonna lie but Asuna looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Gj to Subroza and gMd tho for reading them like a book.
Potter Coaches EG and still casts, can be possible
The best raze consists of consistency on the character while having good util. TenZ is good, but his Raze util is what makes him a bad Raze player. If we go by what you are saying then The best aimer in the game is the best at playing every single character. Your the one with a iron take right here.
ok but there's no way TenZ is 4 for Raze. He's a great Jett, one of the best, but his raze is kinda doggy compared to others in NA
1) Mada for sure
2) Victor
3) Asuna I'm definitely not biased at all
Victor, Xeppaa, Asuna, Ethan, Zekken. I could be completely biased tho. Also SicK isn't really a flex player anymore, but he would be up there on the pure fact he can play any agent well.
it's on the article its somewhere in the middle I saw
Bruh Will and Bang are not mid your even supporting 100T bro
yea Ik was just pointing out some people
Yay only played Chamber and Asuna. was playing flex the other map
I'm high on that copium so I think they can go 5-0. Realistically tho I think they go 4-1 or 3-2, losing to NRG and/or XSET. I'm praying they make Masters tho
how is it a fluke that both teams have no LAN experience? It just means 100t were better prepared mentally. stfu kid
who tf cares about getting shit on. Support the bois man
Bruh fake fan if u love the team it doesn't matter if u get dogged. But welcome back anyways.
lfg they didn't choke
100t 2-1 TG Copium
Bruh Babybay only plays jett and Chamber too tf u smoking?
Lmao He's 19/3/3 rn this aged like milk
LMAO 20 Kills on Breeze and top framer of the match this guy must be malding
GG Well played NYFU!
100T 2-0
Astra: SugarH3ro (Clutch God)
Jett: Saya/Aspas (Prob Aspas tho)
Sova: Sacy/Trent
Viper: MaKo
Chamber: yay
Cypher: nAts
Killjoy: Less
Omen: Marved/MaKo
Brimstone: Chronicle
Kay/0: Zellsis (In a seriousness though it's probably Victor)
Neon: Victor
Raze: nukkye/Jinggg
Sage: TENNN/SicK (I still feel SicK is a good sage)
Skye: Ethan
Breach: FNS
Reyna: Jinggg
Pheonix: No one cares
Yoru: F0rsaken
I like my country. It's a mix of different cultures and love the different types of cuisine here. Used to live in China and boy that was pain
Yea Tennis is my favorite sport. Idk if I can run a 6 minute mile anymore tho because that was in the fall when we had mile testing for XC. Haven't done much cardio since then LMAO
I skiied Jackson Hole when I was like 5. I don't remember much all I remember is that I felt like I was going to die. The blues there felt like double blacks I swear
I've skiied in Japan, Whistler, Jackson Hole Etc
It's honestly pretty easy compared to where I've skiied plus the terrain park is kinda small compared to it's neighbor Northstar
Tennis/Cross Country/Skiing
Was on the Squaw Ski Team for a bit, quick cuz of work. Also play on the A team in Tennis for my school + can run a 6 minute mile.
Edit: Btw I mean Homework not work I'm starting a job this summer tho
Wdym? MaKo is one of if not the best controllers in the world, how much better can you get? Thye need a duelist player and Seoldam is probably the best option
Ok I personally feel that Asuna is their best player and they probably don't want to lose him. Ethan is arguably one of the best flex players in the game but still, Asuna's rifle is unmatched. I feel the easiest way to incorporate Ethan was to let Asuna play duelist and keep Ethan on Flex but I think this roster will work out. Also they created the roster based on several different factors so you don't know why Asuna is playing flex over Ethan but I think ddk and Sean have their reasons. Ethan is one of my favorite players and I wish him nothing but the best.
As a dedicated 100T fan this is how I see it.
I see a lot of young players with a drive to win, similar to the guard. From what Sean said they tried to find players who meshed together really well, which is nice because team chemistry is really important for a team to succeed. I see a lot of people. doubting a player like Will and how will he do compared to let's say Asuna on duelist. I personally believe that he was good on BBG, and now that he has some of the best coaching staff in Valorant he will be significantly better. Overall, The roster just needs time, and with time they could def become a contender for titles. Personally, I would love to see them start being as good if not better than Berlin 100T but honestly I don't have expectations and just want to see them improve.
Tf how am I acting cringe I just wish for trembolona to not be stuck on this site and go outside and enjoy life
Sad I was hoping he could touch grass and live an actual life
Is there a way to ban this kid so they can go outside for once in their life? Maybe they can learn how to be a better person for once.
Also Vikings also lost internationally and I'm pretty sure Brazil has lost more Ascent's internationally than won internationally
Edit: Also sharks lost against NU on Ascent
Idk Furia lost to Sentinels and KRU on Ascent so I don't think you can call it Brazil's map after winning against FNC with 2 subs.
Lakia?? Still Probably a top 5 Sova World