Flag: India
Registered: April 16, 2022
Last post: March 19, 2023 at 9:38 AM
Posts: 78
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posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Like I said before this team is so overhyped
"EMEA fundamentally best". LMAO they can't trade, bad postplants, predictable mid-round calls, 50%+ chance they get thriftied.
They try to fluke their way to winning with weird anti strat comps, and luckily win 1,2 games but never 3. If they ever get a free ticket to LAN, NA and SEA teams will embarrass them with better defaulting and pace changes in rounds. Pray M3C or Acend get that final slot to represent EMEA

posted about a year ago

4 top-level players being let down by their duelist(d3ffo). If only he won his duels, M3C could have closed out this series. Now if M3C don't qualify to masters, they might as well split up like the old rise roster and join some potential franchisee teams to find some success

posted about a year ago

#M3WIN # FNCWIN Prayge

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

rb played duelists, initiators and Astra at one point.
Stax, zest - initiators and sage
buzz- duelists and sentinels
mako- only smokes because he is godly in with that

posted about a year ago

100%, ez for SEA or americas

posted about a year ago

every player on that team can play atleast 4 agents

posted about a year ago

This team can only anti strat, if they ever make masters they will embarrass EU on the global stage, every other region is way more unpredictable and flexible (like PRX , DRX) and will roll these noobs. Pray FNC, M3C, acend, TL, go to masters over FPX to bring back glory to EU.

posted about a year ago

After a loss, m3c always come back as demons

posted about 2 years ago

MVP dinkzj

posted about 2 years ago

"new roster" KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

they just force every duel and don't play smart at all

posted about 2 years ago

Uno reverse baited by esney LULW

posted about 2 years ago

Are these people the best hindi casters India has?, why is their commentary like all the viewers are blind, I mean they just say what I can already see. They don't build the tension nor create any narratives for us. And on top of that they say random english phrases in between and react so badly to clutches. They don't even compare to Japanese/Korean/Spanish casters

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

What am I even watching. The liquid game then now this G2 game. These guys would be max diamond in any other region. Also I heard EU is all about strats and teamwork. LUL, all I see is these guys panic and duel

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like he complicates his analysis or maybe I'm just 5Head

posted about 2 years ago

As usual the iron bots start these threads flaming the losing team, did you even notice optics defensive setups and calls every round, and how yay tamed c9 with his op so they just can't access any sites. C9 played well, they would have rolled any other team on haven but optic

posted about 2 years ago

Man shot more bullets at boxes than at enemy KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

There are braindead kids who type nonsense in his chat, a lot especially when the viewership breaks 50k mark. Sub mode is necessary to help moderators

posted about 2 years ago

Tenz actually won them 5/7 rounds OMEGALUL

posted about 2 years ago

Shows how busted chamber is

posted about 2 years ago

more like DRX is playing very bad and tenn is farming

posted about 2 years ago

Sliggy wants to keep his UK mates around and believes they will eventually reach radiant aim

posted about 2 years ago

This guy is nowhere as good as derke /nukkye/ victor. But when was the last time he ever had a map / round-winning impact on duelist. He is just there to fill the agent for liquid, can't create any openings for the team, he holds bad angles and loses important duels. Whereas nivera tries his best to frag out and take fights for the team, unfortunately, his KJ and cypher are easily being countered in icebox and in todays split game.If nivera and jammpi can learn and takeover raze role or unless TL finally cuts this soulcas for someone good I don't see them winning any tournaments

posted about 2 years ago
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