OCE is in those 6 slots too xD
Flag: | India |
Registered: | October 11, 2021 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 3:37 PM |
Posts: | 3537 |
it aint CsGo mate
its already like that but its still not fair Asia is a huge continent Af/Pk teams can NEVER play jp/kr teams NEVER EVER its just not possible so single APAC slot makes no sense whatsoever APAC S and APAC N is still somewhat okay
you're from APAC right? arguing for a single APAC LCQ right? please explain to me how TE from Pakistan 3rd best team from South Asia(as per VCC 2021) play a fair game for their chance at Champs against lets say a Japanese or Korean team
it doesnt work like sure EMEA is the best region but even if you give them 6 slots then we will see all EMEA teams on top in champs again like last year and the game slowly becomes like CsGo where weaker regions have no chance to grow their scene for example look at Exceeli from Bangladesh rn they are trying to play catchup even in South Asian Valo scene and Indian teams are way better than rest of South Asian teams but that doesn't mean India gets 4 slots in VCC and other regions get barely anything
I don't need comebacks for someone who justifies 7 American slots by saying "Go smoke your daily Skrossi Migraine COPIUM dog"
it sure is but the game is Valorant and not CsGO
nah mate APAC community is happy with its 6 slots you can try for NA tho
IT is Apac is SEA+SA+OCE+JP+KR
South Asia alone is 2Billion people SEA is like 700Mil? all in all could be around 3Billion people and
YES it also has a bigger player base than EMEA not just population
Masters won by SEN was ages ago c9 barely reached top 8 in champs meanwhile there were 2 teams from SEA who reached top8 in champs ALSO APAC = SEA+SA+OCE+JP+KR Its a HUGE region don't group it up as something tiny and call out the 6 slots and if you wanna do the same then America has 7 slots aswell
its only fair brodda
its fair APAC is a huge region
isn't it that way already? you think SA is gonna win?
lmao if they could swap tenz for some other t1 duelist or initiator and be just as good they wouldn't have bought him for 1Mil
plat3 is decent anything below is bad and above is good (Mumbai-Singapore Server APAC)
or it could be Enigma too
I wouldn't give GE no1 just yet
GE is SAs only team 🤡
aisa kuch nahi hai bhai I never said SA>Kr but overhype bhi nahi hona chaiye
proved my point there yes VS is a really good team but VS ≠ Korea the rest of the korean scene if so good shouldn't have struggled against GE had they been so good if you take it as an insult then be it
it was 2 korean teams not just one so VK Acend example is invalid
and yes there were 3 korean teams and only 1 sea but then again its stupid to judge SEA based on APAC LCQ when theres a huge sample set for their performances in International tournaments
Infact I believe they should have added JP and KR in APAC for 2022 just like OCE and SA instead of giving them sure shot slots in masters that way people would stop overhyping KR and JP region
like I said korean teams struggled against GE which itself had no international experience back then and im not comparing Indonesia just based on LCQ they've looked pretty good in SEA Esports Championship TEC and KJC
ofc will watch all Quarterfinals+ matches of all regions
well xD I still think of SouthKorea as a single team region GE which itself came from absolutely no international exposure up until APAC LCQ won against damwon and almost won against F4Q too
with the amount of exposure Korean teams have had right from First Strike I don't think it should have been that close with an Indian team
ONIC AE and BOOM are pretty good also it has a huge number of decent t2 teams
S and A are very close imo
they're not roasting they're just baiting everyone here knows that south asia is not on par with SEA sure LANs will make a small difference as rn they're playing on 70ping but nothing big
SkRossi best from South Asia
NA is a streamer region and a minor region so Prod still has a chance
stop generalizing all Indians
who came to pro players chat stream??
shut your stupid ass up if jett and astra get banned other agents will obviously get enough buffs to bring them on par with them