Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 19, 2022
Last post: February 16, 2024 at 6:02 PM
Posts: 420
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You are not a fan without faith.

You should be ashamed

posted about a year ago

I missread xDDD

posted about a year ago

Who is the 1st?

posted about a year ago

I got you, chick. He will answer soon.

posted about a year ago

Help this little bro and answer his question: Which brand of gum you chew during matches?

posted about a year ago

Ask him on his next tweet

posted about a year ago

I agree with you. The party they are making by cheering for their Japanese teams are enviable in this tournament.

posted about a year ago

its not 0% if they picked xDDDDDDDDD

posted about a year ago

Look at the prize pool right here:

LOUD won 100K, while NRG won 65K. It doesn't mention the prize money in EMEA and Pacific, but i'm sure there is a difference there too.

posted about a year ago

He said "us fans"?

Blud is functional illiterate

posted about a year ago

I couldn't care less about this Liquid. My flair is Liquid BR, dumbass.

Who doesn't wanna win more money and the trophy?

posted about a year ago

Bcz Reyna can't do shit for the team if the player is in a bad day. All the other agents can help:

Jett can smoke briefly for her teammates and dash into smoke, dragging the attention to her so teammates enter the site right after.
Phoenix can do walls, flash and molo corners
Raze can create chaos, nade corners, recon with her boomba and drag the attention to her with her blast packs
Neon can drag the attention to her while bunny hops like crazy, stun corners and do walls
Yoru can flash, create chaos and confuse his enemies

All of them can do something even in a bad day aimwisely
Reyna can't bcz her flash is trash.

posted about a year ago

Not saying LOUD was "saving strats" against NRG in groups, but you really comparing Grand finals with group stage matches?

posted about a year ago

Festival is one of the best nicknames ever

posted about a year ago

Well its good, isn't it?

posted about a year ago

Cliche done on a cliche way. My Hero Academia is some cliche shit done well.

posted about a year ago

People who forgot/ignore the past tend to be the dumbest ones, tho.

posted about a year ago

Blud has 12k posts.

touch grass

posted about a year ago




posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

say that again

posted about a year ago

They need to put a transfer page, live feed, trophies in player profiles, etc...

posted about a year ago

Valorant should go to 15~16 rounds like cs or should stay at 13?

I feel like simple mistakes can cost alot and are extremely punitive, since the economy of this game is so cruel.

posted about a year ago

I know you trolling, but respect FUT

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Guys can't take a little trashtalk. Cotton candy snowflake community smh

posted about a year ago

I seriously don't know who I should support:

If Furia win, Loud has more chances to win nrg/eg/c9/lev in lower bracket and go to masters/champions thus we have 2 br teams there.
If Loud win, Furia won't win nrg/eg/c9 and Carlao will be fired (which is good coz he is the worst coach I've ever seen in valo)


posted about a year ago

Why riot can't make things easier to players to get their visas? I can't understand why CSGO players can get their visas so easily and val players cant.

posted about a year ago

When Ardiis told shit about Ryotzz Chet didn't say a word, but now...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ffs his name is kaptan and he isn't the IGL?
I feel betrayed

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

You literally came here just for confirmation bias from people calling bullshit of CS, but when a guy talks back you act like people here don't make those kind of topics about cs in every single grand tournament.

posted about a year ago

-emil +engh
-soulcas +f0rsaken (comms in english in PRX)

posted about a year ago

Problema da furia do csgo não é o guerri, e sim a peças muito fracas que vem jogar com kscerato e yuurih

Quando eles tinham hen1 eles batiam nos cabeças do mundo, mas ele quis sair pra jogar com o irmão. Infelizmente fez merda com a carreira

posted about a year ago

pô, mano a Loud perdeu um 11-3 kkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Inacreditável. A Furia sem ele tava fazendo ótimas partidas. Basta ele pisar em LA que dá merda.

Esse maluco aí é o maior ladrão de contracheque que existe.

posted about a year ago

I asked the same question to a friend and he said chinese casters called him 'hafmi'

posted about a year ago

Bro went to an antichrist take

posted about a year ago

Not really

posted about a year ago

Its just Loud staff dog whistling as they always do. They did it to Bak (their ex-Free Fire player), they did it to Brance (their ex-LoL player) and they doing it know with Sacy.

The only thing Sacy did wrong was signed LOUD contract. That team should signed with MIBR.

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkk só tô preocupado com a tua saúde. Deve ser uma merda ter um pintinho minúsculo.

posted about a year ago

Poxa, me desculpa se eu ofendi teu micropenis.

É difícil pra vc limpar depois de fazer pipi?
Tu vai em bacteriologista ao invés de urologista?

posted about a year ago

Não fica bravo por coisa tão boba não, Loudete. E todos nós sabemos que esse seu piupiuzin só foi e será usado pra mijar em toda a sua vida. Sai desse porão aí e para de bater punheta vendo os/as influencers da LOUD.

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkk o loudete tá puto

posted about a year ago

Olha ele bravinho kkkkkkk se acalma cachorrinho raivoso

posted about a year ago

O cara tá caçando todos os posts que falam mal da LOUD pra responder kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. De fato o Dog Whistle dos caras é eficiente. Parabéns pra staff!

posted about a year ago

Dog Whistle da Loud (Staff) contra ex players é sempre efetivo. Rolou isso com o Bak, com o Brance recentemente e tá rolando com o Sacy.

posted about a year ago
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