good job khayso please hop on a alt and carry me to Ascendant
Flag: | Wales |
Registered: | March 26, 2022 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 1:52 PM |
Posts: | 3504 |
good job khayso please hop on a alt and carry me to Ascendant
sad they cant get the 5 seeing that they want to get rid of Deryeon
if they are able to get nephh back they got the 4 winners from Ascension back on the team
maybe you could queue into my bed
im so sorry :pepefeelsbad;
we'll see but even if they lose I don't think it'll be the end of Boaster
no I think Boaster is fine its just the current meta supports a system where the IGL doesn't do everything and someone picks up midrounding which is undoubtedly the worst part of being a IGL
tbf i said this in the last week before Playoffs in EMEA
Leo is a amazing player and is definitely better than hiro however, I think hiro fits this team a lot better seeing that with him joining he allows Boaster to actually be able to focus on his own aim and gameplay instead of worrying about IGLing everything seeing that hiro midrounds for him, now this takes a lot of pressure of Boasters shoulders and allows him to calm down and focus.
If Leo were to come back he would have to become the midrounder role for Boaster, so its not back to a 4v5 again but this doesn't seem likely.
hiro allows Boaster to step into the spotlight, while Leo doesn't and the team is a lot more flexible seeing hiro is able to play different roles.
Overall Leo is a better mechanical player but hiro allows and enables his team to do well and this includes Boaster and shares his spotlight and willingly gives it up.
Both players are extremely good in their own right but hiro brings a better team dynamic.
This is my opinion so please don't take this to heart.
why did they go from Leviatán to LEVIATAN
to me this looks less clean
i wanna hear your guys opinions
i payed 120k to get him on my M8 roster and soulcas for 110k
both were worth every penny
i do love Zellsis but this is more just like if they were to get 2 new players i think it would be Verno and Add3r
idk really its kinda 50/50 but the more you practice at something the better you will get
i feel like Verno and Add3r could do it
its just kaplan and johnqt have to drill the idea into them and practice it a lot
tbf Add3r is insane and has a lot of potential i think he could do well
this is my opinion and this is if they don't keep Sacy
Zellsis (sub)
keeping TenZ, zekken and johnqt is self explanatory and Verno is a amazing initiator player, with a lot of potential in the Tier1 scene and with Add3r he is also young and has potential to do well in the scene and he plays most of the roles Zellsis played aside from controller, which he can easily pick up if needed and them keeping Zellsis would help with marketing.
what's this snaptap?
if i was a pro i would want my flag to be Wales
i think he was botting anyway post wasn't even up like 5 mins and already had like 5 upvotes and all of his comments had 10 upvotes
pretty sure the one person i can remember from the thread was a guy with a OPTC flair and it was like xenan or something like that
i cant really name them off the top of my head
but as soon as i see the name i immediately know who it is type of thing
ye i know but most of the people doing it on the other thread were all OCE and they were attacking me for defending him
i thought most of you guys were chill like you and the other popular OCE people
mainly that and the other day back in Shanghai when he was playing most of the threads were calling him a fat fuck and he should off himself
i tried to defend him and got like 10-13 downvotes then i got attacked
why do so many people hate this guy i even saw a couple of people telling him to off himself
like wtf has this guy done he just plays the game
like am i missing something
i really dont see the issue with having 2 non LATAM players
they still represent the region and the majority of the roster is LATAM
i mean C0M is a world champion
nzr is not
it was obvious LEV would take the chance to try and win
that doesn't mean they don't represent LATAM just because they got like 2 players and a couple of staff
how do they not represent LATAM
saying LEV doesn't is crazy
Rapid Lofi is the best team
no other team comes close
dont hate on teams and players
look at me i barely get upset and love all the teams and players
hopefully the team will be back in high spirits by Champions we seen that they were in a good mood for the 3 games then against G2 you could see it changed
just praying we bounce back
and LEV will probs keep this form seeing aspas in playoffs would be good
for winning you guys played amazing and wish you luck in Champions
im just praying SEN can get out of this little slump they have had since their game against G2 and hope the mental goes back up
i hope we do well in Champions and hopefully win it if we can get back into our form in Kickoff, Madrid and the 3 games of split 2
my femboy addiction stays a secret
im hoping that most people on this site are normal people