Flag: Wales
Registered: March 26, 2022
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 1:52 PM
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It's 4pm GMT right now lmao,

posted about a year ago

This is really informative and funny so I like this

posted about a year ago

100 girlfriends who really really really really REALLY love you no debate

this is a joke still recommend the anime if you wanna laugh

posted about a year ago

thank you conutV2

posted about a year ago

When I start college back up on the 8th I only got 10 days to practice before the plumbing competition I have

But at the end I'm doing this for the extra experience and I also wanna show to my friends and family the progress I have made

I'll update everyday when I start on the 8th till the day of the competition

Wish me luck

posted about a year ago

were getting more than 10+ seasons thats for sure the manga is on the 27-28th girlfriend

posted about a year ago

I mean if you want a short but dumb anime id recommend 100 girlfriends who really really really REALLY love you its so stupid and dumb that its amazing and funny

plus season 2 announced

posted about a year ago

FNC was the first team to win back to back tourneys and slammed the best teams from each region in them

posted about a year ago

Then every other teams win was a fluke

posted about a year ago

Bro FPX was the best team in Copenhagen that's why they won even with a sub they got out of groups and then slammed with the full roster the legit made OPTC look like idiots in the lowers and put PRX in their place

At that current moment in time FPX was the best team and they proved it

posted about a year ago

No that's just because you hate EMEA so you don't see their wins as legitimate

How about stop hating on a region in a video game and just enjoy the show every region puts on

posted about a year ago

Well if them winning a masters is apparently a fluke then every other team that won a masters/champions is a fluke like OPTC, LOUD, FNC, EG, GMB and many others

posted about a year ago

Has putin saved the economy or something

posted about a year ago

Bro even if he did take snus it wouldn't have made him play any better lmao he would've still been the same mechanically and mentally or possibly even slightly worse it's not really a drug that enhances your performance more like a stimulant for people who smoke

posted about a year ago

Are you alright my guy

posted about a year ago

No it's just he wasn't using the substance around that time

posted about a year ago

There would be cameras everywhere and riot staff around they would've caught him

posted about a year ago

I dont think ANGE1 used snus back then but idk

But still shouldn't take away the fact that they won fair and square like any other masters/champions winners

posted about a year ago

Wouldn't really say it's a fluke just FPX didn't have that much to lose so they were alot calmer in the lower bracket which allowed them to win

in my opinion FPX deserved that win seeing that they weren't allowed to attend Reykjavik and put their effort into that lower bracket to get there

posted about a year ago

thank you danii <3 love you too

posted about a year ago

I mean not really

posted about a year ago

This is easy

posted about a year ago

i mean i like the anime

but come on my name is based off the Egyptian god card from YUGIOH

posted about a year ago

i mean its pretty obvious what i would be by my name alone

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

X10 was a close match up so not really humiliating

XIA wasnt that humiliating cause they got beat in the same tourney

RISE was a close match so same situation with X10

NAVI/FPX was in the lower final so not humiliating

posted about a year ago

I mean a team cant win without a good IGL leading them and for an example PRX a team with amazing talent and skill lost to a team that was worse than them cause Boostio out IGLed them

Which means you need a good IGL to stop that completely and thats where Boaster comes in and even before this current roster he was always making masters and champions and atleast getting to playoffs

He just got the players he needed to allow his structure and IGLing to work and this resulted in them winning LOCK//IN and Tokyo

plus your logic can be used for any team that won a masters and champions cause they had the right players for the IGL to really do his job

posted about a year ago


August 29,11:56 PM.


2-2 (tied)

Last map Ascent FNC 14-13

Pansy: Aspas left in the 1v3! He updrafts to generator he scopes out he gets the kill OH WHAT HE GETS A COLLAT ITS ALL UP TO DERKE 1V1!!!
Hypoc: Does derke even have time?
Derke: What the fuck im using jett!!??

Derke puts his bald head down and bends the reflected light on to Aspas’ eyes and blinds him in real life. Derke peeks and gets Aspas winning the final map for Fnatic

Hypoc: WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!

The fnatic roster jumps and shouts out of excitement

Fnatic are your new VCT world champions

posted about a year ago

tbf cant name one of the top of my head there are so many people

posted about a year ago

stax is a decent IGL but he is no where near top 5

even tho his team is relatively consistent they still havent won a masters or champions and most teams even said they are very predictable meaning that stax's IGLing is decent atleast but not enough for him to be classed as a top 5 because he struggles to adapt

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

exactly thats why he #1

posted about a year ago

well i mean if you lose your gonna have a bit of a bad mental you cant really avoid that

posted about a year ago

smart tv and clothes so im happy

posted about a year ago

same can be said for saadhak and FiNESSE they both had the best teammates handed to them for them to win their respective tournaments you cant use the he just has a good team when these 2 had good teams

posted about a year ago
  1. saadhak- won Istanbul and has been really consistent throughout the past 2-3 years and brung his team back from 2 humiliating losses group stage Copenhagen against OpTic Gaming and playoffs Tokyo against EDward Gaming

  2. Boaster- won Sao Paulo and Tokyo and has been really consistent like saadhak but has never brung his team back from humiliating losses

  3. FiNNESSE- won Reykjavik and has been really consistent like saadhak and Boaster but like Boaster hasn't really brung his team back from a humiliating loss

  4. Boostio- won Los Angeles and brung his team from the worst to the best in one year but he hasnt been consistent enough to be better than the other 3

  5. ANGE1- won Copenhagen and has been decently consistent but compared to the other 4 his achievements aren't that impressive but still makes him the 5th best IGL in val

posted about a year ago

My top 5 are:

  1. saadhak

  2. Boaster

  3. FiNESSE

  4. Boostio

  5. ANGE1

posted about a year ago

probs Destrian cause i think ceNder is their IGL

posted about a year ago

i think they have beaten FS like 2 times in this past OFF//SEASON however seeing that FS has been rapidly improving at a massive rate i think they'll qual to Ascension and win it

posted about a year ago

Wait they getting rid of trexx???

posted about a year ago

they were on KOI's team page on VLR and now there not and it said October 2023-November 2023 after crossfire

posted about a year ago

was the crossfire tourney just to trial the players

posted about a year ago

drop ShadoW, kamo and UNFAKE

and resign koldamenta and Wolfen

posted about a year ago

thank you my g

posted about a year ago

I would say FULL SENSE seeing that they have been the best looking Tier 2 Pacific team right now but like what #9 said if a Tier 2 team picks up Zest, Rb and k1Ng then its wraps

posted about a year ago

I'm pretty sure they are experimenting with a swiss format in Madrid thats why there is less teams

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

what about me mr moatz

posted about a year ago





posted about a year ago

L tex for what reason man hasn't done anything wrong in this situation

posted about a year ago
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