Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 9, 2022
Last post: June 14, 2023 at 8:38 AM
Posts: 595
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Jinggg said in his live that something will replace him, he dont tell the reason

posted about a year ago

finally a team that deserves him

posted about a year ago

what a team holy

posted about a year ago

Spanish people suck at valo wtf are u talking about

posted about a year ago

Bro malding bcs his region SUCKS LOL

posted about a year ago

Was destroyed by LOUD, fckin shit player

and you really just tell me 1 person? you know why? because SPANISH SUCKS AT EVERYTHING LMAO

posted about a year ago

spanish talking about someone?

you dont have a place here t2 guy

posted about a year ago

I said that because spanish people SUCK at valorant, tell me 1 good spanish valorant player and I'll be waiting LOL

being superior? being a t2 european and sucking at everything? COPE

posted about a year ago

good afternoon my love

posted about a year ago

imagine having 8k+ posts on vlr and being this dumb

what a waste of time LOL

posted about a year ago


Tarik throughout all LOCK IN instigated his viewers to say bad things about BR and crowd

And in the end he even paid as an ambassador for RIOT saying that the company would no longer host events in BR because of the fans, I really liked Tarik, but for me he is just another trash now

posted about a year ago

Liazzi think hes playing Soldier in TF2

posted about a year ago

nah youre just a BR hater xenophobic, average european btw, your a second tier european and is that arrongant LMAO

you must be the thye cancer of your family

posted about a year ago

Daiki is better than bstardd so what are you saying? I think it's expected by a Spanish LOOOOL
fckin braindead

posted about a year ago

You def dont watch game changers huh? To say that we are gonna lose in the first match,

I guess its a common European sense, dont know about something and you think its inferior to you? instantly this is trash,
Thats why Putin need to be alive, the arrogance in europe must end, and a FCKIN SPANISH saying something is really funny, bcs you guys are good in doing nothing, all spanishs are fckin cancer LMAO

posted about a year ago

sorry for replying on your comment bro... :(

posted about a year ago

youre such a shit person ardiis

First you say a lot of bad things about our country even 90% of them are lies, you said that our CULTURE is KILLING people while people in your chat laughed and agreed, are you fckin crazy?
What world are you living in youre fckin bacon?

Go see a psychologist to see if you forgot that game against LOUD, until now you're crying about it and you don't see how your baby tears influence the idiots who are watching you

Grow up big boy

posted about a year ago

Fraud after being in the finals after being a world champ? (and after switching 2 core players?)

This must be why americans and europeans are becoming jokes on twitter

The brain is already completely corroded LOL

posted about a year ago

LOUD Owned Optic in world finals, and owned NRG in LOCK IN,

your comment is just an average braindead Murica take

posted about a year ago

Dads (feat Barried Alive & Lucas Mann)

Its just guys flexing on guitar

posted about a year ago

as if I care

edit: japanese flag wanting to talk about someone when they are the worst in the world in valorant

posted about a year ago

two shits

posted about a year ago

Not one is good, end of thread

posted about a year ago

A normal Pipokinha's show

posted about a year ago

The same Fanatic who was taking a reverse sweep and only won because LOUD choked? ok, but where are you after LOUD demolished the DRX you hyped so much? If I'm not mistaken, you hid like a dirty rat

And you only showed up after FNATIC won, and you supported NAVI yourself, you didn't even believe in FNATIC, that shows what a shitty person you are

pls bro grow up, youre a joke

posted about a year ago

said dapada, my number 1 follower

posted about a year ago

If SigmaMale was in the middle of a BR crowd with screaming people, it would make him piss his pants and get anxiety, obviously for him it's the worst

posted about a year ago

Filipinos have the best crowd in the world, right?

posted about a year ago

EDG, NRG (bcs of FNS, Crashies and Chet), 100T and DRX

posted about a year ago

They are just kids

posted about a year ago

I dont like it too

posted about a year ago

nah, i dont like it too

posted about a year ago

he's always saying "look at the crowd how silent he is when he loses a round" and his chat starts laughing and spamming L Crowd, he instigates viewers to talk bad about us

posted about a year ago

Derke dont choke, thats the problem

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Frttt will stomp this fraud called Tarik on International event

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Isn't it better for her to forget about all this and go live her life than to try to argue things on twitter just to gain some relevance? I don't know what they are trying to show but everyone is already fed up with it

posted about a year ago

nah, i just have problems with europeans, not even americans are as boring as you guys

posted about a year ago

top 3 emea team? that top 3 that you guys hyped a lot? LOL

you guys are a joke, loud owns Shitemea and you know what?

we are WORLD CHAMPS LOL, get better

posted about a year ago

LOUD OWNS Liquid, you guys can bring any european and nothing change, LOUD still OWNS your region

posted about a year ago

How many times LOUD lost to a SHIT EMEA team? oh thats what i wonder, fckin pleb, have more respect for those above you.

fckin trash

posted about a year ago

LOUD clears shitemea teams

posted about a year ago

boring match, 2 shitemea teams

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

W thread

posted about a year ago

boring match

posted about a year ago

bro disapeared like a rat KEKW

posted about a year ago

cry baby, cry more its a pleasure seeing you guys crying

posted about a year ago

see the other threads LOL just retards saying crowd cheating / loud lucky
everytime an excuse

posted about a year ago
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