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Registered: November 8, 2021
Last post: March 25, 2024 at 1:08 AM
Posts: 294
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How are you going to call people biased when you didnt even know who the guard was even 2 months ago and now your gargling their nuts like a fanboy. Let them win some real matches and then we can talk.

posted about 2 years ago

My bad bro. I should have known you were silver.

posted about 2 years ago

I lost braincells reading these bronze takes. HOLY

posted about 2 years ago

What tweet did they post where they are looking for a 5th? I see nothing on twitter.

posted about 2 years ago

Maybe. I can see a world where he is dropped because they feel his age is climbing and its better to get an upgrade in that is younger and potentially even more skilled. At some point all the noise to drop Hiko has to get into Nadeshots brain. On the other hand, Nade has learned even very recently that the grass is not always greener on the other side. He wants to do anything to win but he clearly has a ton of respect for Hiko. Also, Hiko adds veteran leadership and experience to the squad which has to count for something.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, who are you calling dogshit. You're probably hard stuck in gold elo

posted about 2 years ago

There is no elo that automatically means you are trying to go pro. There are plenty of high immortal and radiant players that arent interested in going pro at all. However, if you are trying to go pro, you wont be taken seriously if you are not AT LEAST immortal every season. In fact there are tournament requirements in VCT that every member of your squad must AT LEAST be immortal. Diamond players and below arent just being taken as a joke to most pro teams, they dont even qualify to play on some occasions.

posted about 2 years ago

You cant just call people a sex offender because you want to. An independent investigative firm that is a well respected law firm concluded that the allegations were false. If you dont respect Frosty as a person or player then fine but at least respect the truth

posted about 2 years ago

8/10 - Its really solid with a great finisher. B+ Tier imo

posted about 2 years ago

I cant believe there are people upset by this. LMFAO. They made Valorant Great Again

posted about 2 years ago

Just based on past trends, I feel like its unlikely this new patch is what they play masters on. Could be wrong though. It will certainly be a bigger change than last year if they play on the new patch from today.

posted about 2 years ago

On God its not even worth it. People are really out for Asunas head on a platter after 1 series where he didnt meet the INSANE expectations people hold him to.

posted about 2 years ago

No questions its a W. If they mesh well together, that much talent is spicy. They can certainly make some noise in the next VCT

posted about 2 years ago

People really use hoodie org as an insult when their were plenty of 100T drops that made more on 1 single drop than some orgs made in entire years of operating. Im biased but you have to give respect where its due. Thats not an insult what they can accomplish with a single clothes drop. Its literally a fat W everytime.

posted about 2 years ago

You have GOT to be joking LMFAO

posted about 2 years ago

Ok keep on not providing any explanation on why im wrong. Have a great night.

posted about 2 years ago

It wasnt just for calling me stupid. It was for calling me stupid without defending his point. When I called him stupid, he had already proven it. When he called me stupid it was baseless

posted about 2 years ago

I can see why you call yourself mindless. If I wanted clout, there would be a million better ways to get it. You should change mind in your name to brain

posted about 2 years ago

Explain why what im saying doesnt make sense. No one has given anything close to a good explanation on why he aimed and shot a perfect headshot on the sova standing in b after the 2 kills. Literally NOT 1. Once I hear a good explanation, Ill agree but youre literally just saying no and you're stupid when im providing video evidence

posted about 2 years ago

Im willing to accept im wrong but you dont have to resort to personal insults. Its not a stretch by any means that he can be cheating. There is no reason what so ever to unnaturally turn towards an unbangable wall and shoot a perfect headshot towards the sova thats standing in b. Its not like what im saying is a crazy far out accusation that makes no sense. What im saying makes sense

posted about 2 years ago

Thats what im saying. Im so stunned how people dont see it.

posted about 2 years ago

That explains the first 2 kills but not what happens after

posted about 2 years ago

Bro WHAT?? Thats the worst take so far. No pro player on Earth thinks they didnt kill the killjoy there? Why the perfect shot on sova? Thats not even where killjoy was standing.

posted about 2 years ago

We arent talking about the 2 kills. We are talking about AFTER the two kills

posted about 2 years ago

Im not talking about the two kills. Im talking about what happened after

posted about 2 years ago

Someone said Nerve was cheating and I thought they were clowning. Shit didnt look special. Then I put the clip in my editing software and slowed it down. I dont know about you guys but this looks PRETTY convincing to me. Its so sus

EDIT: People seem to be missing the evidence. Im NOT talking about the first 2 kills. Im talking about what happens after. Why did he shoot a perfect headshot through a wall. Even if he knew he was there, it makes no sense to unnaturally aim towards a non bangable wall and shoot a perfect headshot on the guy in b main. It seems people missed that part or didnt watch whole video.

posted about 2 years ago

At first I thought you were really dumb and then I watched it in .25 speed and its pretty freaking convincing. If you watch after the two kills, he does a wierd and unnatural twist to look at the player he shouldnt know is there in b and then perfectly shoots 1 bullet into where the head is through the wall. I dont know how else it could be explained.

posted about 2 years ago

Most people that say what you are saying can not even begin to understand the value that Hiko brings to the roster. No one wants to win more than Nadeshot and his moves across all his esports teams proves that. If Hiko wasnt a major asset to the team, he would be kicked.

posted about 2 years ago

I dont think people realize just how close Gambit was to losing to Vikings, arguably Brazils 3rd best team. You are talking 1 overtime on 1 map. Also, they lost to 100T and they even lost to Fnatic on their last meeting. I think KRU has a decent shot to win this. Way more than I see a lot of people giving them credit for.

posted about 2 years ago

Internet marketing advisor for business owners

posted about 2 years ago

Might be off topic but this is a very well written article. Well done.

posted about 2 years ago

I have been on the site for a long time but I have never participated in the discussions. Either way, my point still stands. I disagree that it was the "majority of 100T fans" and even if it was, this guy may not be a hypocrite. Its just silly to assume and label

posted about 2 years ago

Why are you saying that like it was every single 100T fans when it was just Twitch chatter wierdos mostly. And even if it was most 100T fans, who is to say this guy was saying that. You cant just automatically assume someone is a hypocrite.

posted about 2 years ago
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