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Registered: May 23, 2021
Last post: April 13, 2024 at 10:13 PM
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tru, the way for any team in Valorant to get better is just kick the player with the worst stats and bring in a ranked demon.

posted about 2 years ago

FNS gets the most undeserved hate I've seen. Especially when you have 4 amazing fraggers on your team, the IGL's priority is to lead and support his players. FNS plays his role almost perfectly and he is imo the best IGL(in terms of calls and mid-round adjustments) at the tourney.

posted about 2 years ago

No no no, Optic very bad team that definitely won't win, should be very easy for Brazilian God Squad LLL.

posted about 2 years ago

Japan actually being good after everyone trash talking them != lowskill ceiling LOL.

Honestly, Zeta have shown some amazing team play and individual skill, super happy for them.

posted about 2 years ago

I couldn't find any stats on playerbases that are recent. When I google all that comes up is my old post. Which shows that LATAM+BR+NA is quite a bit bigger than SEA. Also, in terms of viewership, APAC preforms pretty damn poorly, NA is in first, followed by EMEA and then Japan.

posted about 2 years ago

Japan isnt laughing stock anymore.

posted about 2 years ago

Good Take. Teams match up against each other completely differently and it is basically pointless to try to do those comparisons.

This is made way worse when people try to use these comparisons between regions. Like Zeta>Fnatic > G2 and G2 #1 seed EMEA so JP>EMEA?

posted about 2 years ago

Forgetting about this match
but still amazing

posted about 2 years ago

But I thought EMEA was the best region by far? Shouldnt 3rd best team in EMEA be able to win against the 'worst region' even w/ two subs?

posted about 2 years ago

I understand that Fnatic played w/ 2 subs but the fact that literally every region can pull a win off of any other region is amazing and it is a testament to the competitiveness of Valorant and the fact that it is a truly international game.

posted about 2 years ago

Clip from the Japanese Stream

Laz is insane, top 10 player at the event imo

posted about 2 years ago

I think it depends on how liquid decides to play. If they get too fancy with comps and strats KRU could exploit their game and pull off the win. I think if liquid sticks to fundamentals they can just straight up talent gap KRU.

posted about 2 years ago

Gonna be a banger no matter what.
Hoping Chaos9 can finally prove all doubters wrong by making playoffs at an international LAN.

posted about 3 years ago

Love the Chaos9 squad and I'm really hopeful for the future especially seeing Xeppa playing up to his potential

posted about 3 years ago

lol, when sgares flames it is
A: Funny
B: (usually) In good taste
C: Usually aimed at the major regions who deserve to be taken down a peg

Also, your gender comment is just dumb and inflammatory, no one goes after Potter or Pansy and is because they are good at casting/desk segments and don't treat the biggest tourney so far like some Bronze vs Radiant game.

posted about 3 years ago

Replace her with potter. Potter >>>> Geocasts especially for any desk segments

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah and the "looking at round 3 and round 10" comment because those were the only one they won was just straight up trolling with no analysis, it is completely out of line and goes against the goal of growing the minor regions + makes her seem like an idiot after the game.

posted about 3 years ago

more reason for emea to have 5 slots....

posted about 3 years ago

Im praying for them to pull it off tomorrow. Both for the Japanese fan base who seem to be the best fanbase overall and for the sake of my pickem...

posted about 3 years ago

EMEA has the biggest playerbase and despite all the jokes about their performance this tourney (NA>KR>EU) I still think they should get 5 slots in a 24 team format. It is just fair given the 3 regions and 2.7mil ranked players vs Asia's 2.2mil

posted about 3 years ago

I'm worried that my pickem will get destroyed tomorrow but hopefully Zeta can pull through and then SMB can find good form for Thursday.

posted about 3 years ago

Pretty sure PRX said that they usually got 24-0ed by VS so I do think that their relative success on LAN might be bad news for VS. I agree that VS most definitely has trap plays and cools starts for tomorrow but if they aren't on their A game mechanics wise, it won't matter, Acend is definitely toe to toe with Sentinels in terms of pure mechanics.

posted about 3 years ago

Shit on is a bit hopeful. Both 3 map series with the V1 being kinda dominant with the 100T one being one of the closest games ever. I am loving this rivalry though

posted about 3 years ago

Mine is perfect rn but is about to get blown up...
I underrated Vivo Keyd and Acend

posted about 3 years ago

Vision Strikers are high seed(first ban)

posted about 3 years ago

I tried learning it and just couldn't get into it. Valorant(from an esport perspective) is way easier to get into and I think that this might contribute to growth especially with younger audiences.

posted about 3 years ago

Agree with the last point(valorant is already a huge success). My logic is that this game is more popular than LOL is some regions, hasn't released in China yet, and is still new so the potential is definitely there.

posted about 3 years ago

Think about a Valorant International LAN as the Champions League, a lot of people that aren't fans of those two teams will watch just because it is top competition. Obviously Valorant won't be bigger than association football any time in the next decade but it can definitely be the biggest esport(more potential in smaller LOL markets like SEA, JP, NA, South Asia)

posted about 3 years ago

I like seeing how the game is doing, who is watching etc. Might just be because I am a fan of Valorant as a game and I'm excited for the future

posted about 3 years ago

that is the CS fan excuse, I think that Valorant is here to stay and that the 3 International Lans a year will continue to draw big audiences from all over

posted about 3 years ago

Based on what we are seeing from different fanbases: NA, TR, JP, South Asia, etc.
Valorant has even more global appeal than LOL, if these people who only watch their domestic teams transition into Valorant fans(watching other games) I think that Viewership can eclipse not just CS but LOL as well... (especially if Valorant does well in China)
I think rn a TR vs JP match w/ interest from Western Audience could easily get over 750k. Amazing stats for 2nd International Lan EVER.

posted about 3 years ago

yeah 4 regions I was thinking of are Br, NA, EU, CIS but NA really shouldn't be considered based on viewership and skill and Br is increasingly falling in terms of skill so only 2 "real" regions... LOL

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, and we are also competing w/ CS S Tier Event Final. This viewership is showing Valorant's true strength: Global Appeal. CS is relevant in 4 regions, Valorant is relevant in 10+

posted about 3 years ago

takej has some really crisp aim and this man's sage reminds me of Scream's. Really impressed by Zeta Division and loving these minor region matchups

posted about 3 years ago

I made this thread a while ago but it is still true:

Asuna bestest on LAN. Also subtle flex, this is the first time that Asuna or Kanpeki posted on

posted about 3 years ago

everyone has some biased/1head takes, Setsuza does have some of the fewest tbh

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, I considered putting him but he has just come back into relevancy since he thought Brazil had a chance again, will prob disappear off the map once VK and HL are out.

posted about 3 years ago

Here is a list of some of the most well known users and a team/player/activity they are very devoted to (not in any particular order)

1) Olofboost, Gambit
2) HackNaiga, Soniqs
3) PrTsty, 100T
4) number_1_bjor_fan, Bjor
5) Netero, Hating on anything that isn't NA Valorant

posted about 3 years ago

for real for real, How is most spike plants as breach a stat lol

posted about 3 years ago

d3ffo as duelist of the tourney? LOL

posted about 3 years ago

G2 fans in these comments been rating G2 pretty highly, we will see..
I am expecting a great match that is decided by which players pop off and which ones don't

posted about 3 years ago

Mixwell going crazy(w/ some help from Keloqz) is G2's best chance of a win. Just sad that those games from him are pretty rare now.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

If it is intentional, it is to give the 1st seed the advantage, aka how all tournaments are set up....

posted about 3 years ago

For Champs EMEA only gets 3 slots so I guess Riot already accounted for your opinion....

(Really dumb that EMEA gets such few slots as it is the biggest region by far)

posted about 3 years ago

Could copy that 1 CS website where you can select as many teams as you want to be a "fan" of and then from those you pick one as your display/flair. The ones that aren't the flair would just be shown in your profile.

posted about 3 years ago

Are we forgetting that Liquid was like 4 seconds away from beating Gambit, the EMEA #1 Seed?
I think the point is that G2 struggled against Giants(a relatively easy opponent) to qualify, while Liquid had to, and almost did, beat a much better team.
I see where the Liquid fans are coming from but TL is very inconsistent and I think the 4 representatives from EMEA all deserve their slots.

posted about 3 years ago

I think even when all languages are considered, NA still has better viewership. EMEA viewership is really dependent on if Turkish fans are watching or not since they are the biggest demographic.

posted about 3 years ago

Also will be cool to see SA vs Japan vs SEA vs Korea to inform inter-region rankings. I think it will be Korea > SEA = SA > Japan

posted about 3 years ago
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