Ssme here
Flag: | Canada |
Registered: | May 12, 2021 |
Last post: | April 5, 2022 at 12:53 AM |
Posts: | 353 |
Isnt bang the controller and i would take thwifo to reaplce or steller
Sadge but the move was needed
So u like TSM now, TSM needs pratcice time
But hazed can use some help in the igl role
Hes very good, and can frag, I have a question does criitcal have an IGL experience
look at my comment, hazed might make mistake but he can frag, if he gets some help and can frag its a double win
-Drone +sova player who can also help hazed igl
Hazed is the only consistent member on tsm rn
As content creator but if he want to go pro he can go on any team i think
Sen 2-0
Envy 2-1
V1 2-1
Rise 2-1
Drop drone and get a more consisnet sova player who can also igl, Hazed is only connsisent TSM memeber, get roza back on skye, bang on controller, and start running one duelist comps, force wardell to learn agents out of his confort zone, and this way TSM has even a chance at making berlin
ez for darkzero
I think mine has the highest potentinal
If u can use ur pulls very well, 100% its still meta
c9b is still in it not over
So i still think xeppa for c9b long term is better
Well what can u say he hates TSM its fine we will come back
Yeah IG but u can't just say someone is overhyped after his first offical tournament
Finally qualifed for the second time and didnt lose in last round of qualifcation
Xeppa is to new to the game cant hate
Yeha but still its C9B top 3 in NA
BRUH at least Tenz fans k what thet are talking about
Thats what i am saying we have so much money just do somthing TSM
Yeha cause ANDBOX are known to be great in scrims and they drop a map vs GENG but now its map 3
I would say drop drone if u had to drope one,Roza can play skye and if he dose leave wardell does too, the two of them are like a package,I would hope TSM can someone how get LeviathanAG from noble, but there are so many FA, as long as the player is consistent I will take it
He should I was going to say the he could Join TSM, but he does play sentinal so idk how he would fit us, and i wont drop hazed only conisistent player on TSM
I am saying it rn, Geng wont qualify again
TSM comeback in stage 2
Like what Wardell sova, hazed duelist, roza sentinal, bang, controller, and drone on initialor
Lets start TSM to import players from all over tthe world
Yeah Leviathan is a very good sova player, better than drone for long term
So ur going to blame a kid who's making debut for a big org, give bang some time will only get better.
Naw not sentinals, I would say 100T, no hate