Flag: | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
Registered: | May 23, 2021 |
Last post: | August 19, 2024 at 10:41 AM |
Posts: | 1958 |
Bruh i mean Gamelanders arent that Bad , to be placed in the D tier ,, Mwzera can make them win against most of the C tier teams
I have seen a lot of people hoping on G2 to be EU #2 , but just a question , How is this G2's run any different than Faze's run in Masters 1 ??
People Underrated SMB too bro , and fyi FPX was thought to be the 3rd seed judging on their level of gameplay
I mean i didnt follow much of EU in the early days but i used to watch Liquid and when Russ absolutely demolished them at Masters , i thought he was the best EU jett
But then i found that he left BBL and i saw i guy named Russ on Tenstar and i though nah , he isnt that good he just had a good day vs Liquid but then i realized he was the other Russ and the cracked Russ was in SMB , and when they faced FPX , the cracked Russ played Sova and i though nah , this aint him , he was the best EU jett that day , but then i saw that Elderflame Vandal and i realized oops they are a superteam my bad Izzy is a better jett
It was just the Dragon Vandal Diff guys , Turks wont pop off with the Reaver or Prime dont worry NA
Isnt XANTARES a turk , i have heard a lot bout; him
They even beat FPX , they seem good especially with the reaction time on them turks
G2 picked up so many rounds coz of their aim , but when u get 120ms reaction time demons against you , u dont even see the bullet that 1 taps u
Flair checks out
They would have gotten shit on by Gambit if not for his inhuman plays
Always suporting TL , coz i believe in Scream Supremacy but facts are facts
EU cant beat Turks , how do you expect them to beat NA
Pretty sure only the Turkish teams can beat NA
Acend is turkish too ( coz they get carried by a Turkish demon kekw )
Nah Reyna Scream is still the best , but the way Soulcas pops off at every agent he plays is literally poggers
acc to this logic , u cant analyze any team
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That was the smoothest Jett diff i have ever seen
Just so you know who you will be facing in Berlin
Thats y seeding matches are important , so that u dont get 2-0ed in the group stage
I appreciate you putting Liquid in the favourites
Thats the Upper Brackt curse , dont worry we have been through that before
Can u spot the guy ?
And Vanity said he saw that guy ? how tf
I just hope we can have more inter_regional matches , because i have to listen to these NA shit talkers for 3 months while waiting for the next LAN
In CS it is clear which region is better than which because the Skill ceiling has already been reached and it all comes down to who has better mechanics than others but in Valorant u will find a certain team dominating n a region while others lack behind so much
Look at CIS - Gambit is so strong that they can even upset Acend or Sentinels while the other seeds of CIS wont even compete with NA t2
Similary , VS is a level apart from Korea and if they somehow get the Belrin top seeding , u cant deem korea as a strong region
Thats mean bro , we got our freedom from the British rule after over a 150 years of conquest
I dont think we can ever say a region is greater or weak in Valorant because of so much skill ceiling in Valorant coz of many agents , there will be someteams who would be a level apart from every other team in some time and for them regions wouldnt even matter
We dont care about the ruling , how does it feel when the exotic history and legacy of ancient india is credited to British instead of Indians
Happy Independence Day to all my Indian Brothers , Hope you have good day
Did u really call Boaster the best Sova ?????
Ever seen a Sova Lurking ? no ? Just watch a Fnatic map
Imagine having the only info agent lurking mid
Flair checks out Acend fanboy , said that ur team couldnt make it to Iceland and had to change its roster , Imagine being carried by a Turk and still calling urself EU's best team
Last time Liquid has the most defensive comp ever still they won 13-0 , its just that they got ot face the Lower Bracket Liquid
This is Lower Bracket Liquid , Just too good
FPX more like ChokePX
They pay PLatchat every month so that he can hype them up only to be let down every touney
Yeah we 13-0ed them the last time even if they beat Guild
You could just go in the spectator slot of that custom room , i bet it will be easy
Please dont lose this G2 , i dont want a Liquid-G2 elimination match
TR players' Valorant crashed in both the matches which cost them a round and Riot wasnt agreeing to replay the round