look at the edit blud
Flag: | France |
Registered: | August 4, 2024 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 10:10 AM |
Posts: | 1398 |
I understand that but was it the change we were waiting for, like he has the best flash in the game, maybe the best ability in the game, but they'd rather nerf what makes him unique and interesting, nah i don't like that
neon and chamber deserve if but are we gonna act like omen was a toxic agent
Valorant dev's being incapable of balancing a class without nerfing what makes an agent fun and interesting is really tiring, like why to you have to nerf omen's oneways when it's the only tech of the agent while you could buff the other controllers to make them able to compete with him. They could even nerf his blind but they'd rather take away his unique and most interesting feature. They destroyed sky by doing that, they took half the fun of raze the same way, same for jett by getting rid of the second updraft...
edit; I remember a thread where someone proposed to nerf the duration of the oneways to make it less powerful as a stall ability, it was way more interesting than what they did
fair enough, trash heretics fan
th is great ngl but y'all underestimate G2 way too much, every single player is amongst the best in the world at his role
the G2 hate in this thread is crazy
unfortunately minib0t gets neon diffed by Dawgemo
proly they considered TH the best team itw atm
they won a master for a reason
Tenz in Top fove but no faker or s1mple is crazy
Too big but I don't get insta dinked when coming out of spawn unlike drift
zellsis is not getting away with that mouse i can tell you
I can tell you this kid will have a great future, he's got that dawg in him
bro like...
fr they're being crazy good, everything is perfect so far, FNS even began to shoot well i can't believe it
with jawgemo over Icy they defintely have the ability to dominate the region, only contenders I see rn are nrg
derkk0, master baiter, the goat s3xture, lol no, j0nggg, b0tgemo
was there even a problem tho ?
Y'all are braindead acting like zekken isn't a top tier raze player like do you even know the guy???
He literally was the world's best raze in 2024, and if not maybe the second best
to me it's almost 100% sure they said it's a BO5
what is he doing with a vandal in his hands, give this man a phantom so he can spray
last time he played w KC was 2 seasons ago bro, wake up
phoenix is a fair point, but I don't think he'll be good as a solo duelist tho. His raze seems correct at most, but way worse than his other agents
I don't know him well but it feels like he is more of a neon/raze kind of duelist no ?
i'm sorry but a duelist who does not play raze, not that much neon and doesn't op is kinda dogshit in the current meta
I don't even know if he wants to play as a pro again. +he's be kinda dogshit in the current meta
he's mid but not dogshit like sym
going from a jail to another one wouldn't save my boy Oxy
+N4rrate seems to be a very very good senti, like potentially a meteor tier sentinel
For the first pirt yeah that's ppb right, i'd just want to add that I consider IGLs like boaster as a sudo sentinel as he plays mostly astra and smokes only in the same way that he could play sentinel. But ultimately there's been too few examples to make a general judgment. Concerning Johnqt I have no clue wether it'll make his IGLing better or not, I know he has at least a very solid Fade, what seems to be a quite good breach and for the rest we'll see later, but if they chose to do so it means it should work well that way
not necessarily no. I never said that ini IGL was bad so...