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Registered: July 7, 2022
Last post: February 12, 2025 at 12:20 PM
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what time is the showmatch guys ?

posted about 2 years ago

Then don't
Never put a gun to your head to force you to read. You asked, I replied, my job is done.
Goodnight !

posted about 2 years ago

no it's about stylistic matchup IMO
Fnc in my eyes would be stylistically easier for them, LOUD has very weird comps, Fnatic struggle to adapt to new shit on the fly, you saw what a much inferior team did to them on haven because they never played against that shit. They also have worse aim than LOUD, that's the biggest issue. Struggling vs furia on ascent is not a good look either if you wanna go vs LOUD.
Their map pool is an issue as well. LOUD map pool >>>>>>>>>>>>>fnc map pool. navi can play ALL maps just like loud, they don't have that issue.

Navi have superior aim to LOUD imo, and ange1 is god IGL, they been rolling over teams because he's been fragging, if that stops LOUD wins imo.

Either way, nothing is impossible, any of these teams can win i just think LOUD has higher chances. I mean less is at the hospital rn, he was sick and they still won, that says a lot.
Just my opinion.

posted about 2 years ago

navi ? No brain ? hahahahaahahahaha
Regardless, fnc would be way easier for loud, so loud fans should hope fnc wins tomorrow
Navi would be harder but i still think Loud should win it

posted about 2 years ago

All three teams
It's over for winner of navi vs FNC imo
Cause both only had like 3 days and they 100% focused on anti stratting each other due to the time constraints

(yes DRX had that time too but they lost so it doesnt matter)

Please make sure only SA america teams qualify to masters (besides NRG)

posted about 2 years ago

Let's just hope LOUD Leviatan and furia don't choke and smoke them

posted about 2 years ago

he's playing so badly this map i'm kinda sad for drx cause so many of these rounds were winnable if he didnt make the stupid mistakes he's been doing
Mako is just doing everything, how much more can he do ?

posted about 2 years ago

this is DRX not navi
do you know how hard it is to get 7 rounds on attack side on ascent to bring it to 12
It's legit impossible for them

posted about 2 years ago

it's impossible to win
Only NAVI are that good on ascent T side, it's fucking over
It's so fucking sad for drx maaaan fuck

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid are bad, we already know that, what does this have to do with DRX being amazing ? lol

posted about 2 years ago

Very respectable performance
They will do some damage next event when they fix their map pool. LOUD is just too good for now

posted about 2 years ago

DRX will get 0 rounds

posted about 2 years ago

What the fuck is this thread ?
Is this a dogshit attempt at anti jinxing ? You don't need to do that bro, loud got this in the bad, ths map heavily CT sided and you can see how clueless DRX are looking on this defense.

posted about 2 years ago

DRX have no answer to any site hits lol

posted about 2 years ago

W either way
series is turning out to be hype, i'm just happy it wasn't a 3-0 for either team tbh

posted about 2 years ago

NO :( don't be mean to me

posted about 2 years ago

Both teams have played fucking amazing, i was wrong about DRX
but DRX lost ascent to BBL, and loud is the best ascent team in the world historically, so i still believe in LOUD personally
don't despair brother, believe !

posted about 2 years ago

Yep, IMO shoulda tried their hand on other maps and not let enemy team's best map through
That was so stupid imo
But still amazing showing from DRX, i was wrong counting them out, really stupid of me. Banger series imo and amazing gameplay by DRX on fracture and split

posted about 2 years ago

On LOUD's best map
Imagine not banning ascent vs loud xdxdxdxd

posted about 2 years ago

0 chance of this happening when DRX stupidly let ascent through

posted about 2 years ago

aka LOUD's best map where they are the best team in the world

posted about 2 years ago

believe in your team bro
LOUD are looking unbeatable in a series

posted about 2 years ago

Didn't DRX lose on fracture to another apac team this event

posted about 2 years ago

loud will win 3-0 IN LESS THAN 3 HOURS LOL
Complete domination

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD comps are amazing
Such a good team and good coaching staff

posted about 2 years ago

you guys call everything a choke
This wasn't choking, this was a masterclass by LOUD

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh, they're saying that because it fits their interest, if DRX is really good it means LOUD are really insane
If they say DRX isn't that good then this win doesnt look as impressive. You get it ?

Regardless, LOUD is absolutely insane. DRX just havent looked as great in their route to the semis, dropping maps to much superior teams and stuff

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh, i dont like brazilian crowds either
I wish the crowd was as classy and fairplay as LOUD. But they're not, so it is what it is

posted about 2 years ago

How am I a traitor? Bruh i have eyes

posted about 2 years ago

shut up
LOUD are insane and they probably win this event

posted about 2 years ago

let's be honest
this isn't choking
LOUD are just much better than DRX
And to be fair, if fnc are the ones to go vs LOUD, they get 3-0'd by LOUD too
NAVI is emea's only chance of winning vs loud
It's about stylistic matchup here

FNC has worse map pool, and are not up to date with the harbor+viper+skye meta, it's gonna be gg if fnc wins tomorrow i swear

posted about 2 years ago

Loud are the team that incorporated harbor the best, and found the meta the fastest and executed it the best and thats whats gonna win them this event. (Remember how sen won iceland because they were the best at incorporating astra and EU was too slow to do it, and optic were the best at incorporating chamber first in early 2022)

The only chance for loud to win is get outaimed (navi has best aimers out of any team) and outbrained by ange1 & doombr0s.
Fnatic choke too hard and theyre not as tactically smart, they had issues with harbor viper on haven (furia stole the comp from loud, so loud play that too) vs a much inferior team than LOUD, can you imagine on icebox? Yeah next

Navi is the only chance. Loud are too good.

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh they should, until the war is over so the US stops being a bitch about work visas to russians.

posted about 2 years ago

Have you not seen alfa play raze ? what kind of blasphemy is this

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

boaster is same level aim-wise as FNS, they're both as bad as each other when it comes to that
All NRG needs is to replace Victor with a better player who's just as flexible (neon/raze/skye). "just" yeah, i get it's not that easy to find someone like that but yeah that's pretty much all they need.

posted about 2 years ago

Loud will win

posted about 2 years ago

i play chronovoid
But i genuinely think prime phantom is the cleanest, animation + sound wise

posted about 2 years ago

idk man, from what i know, NA salaries are inflamed to the point where they are 5x EU salaries
I'm sure Yay would take a paycut to join a good team but idk if he'd take that high of a cut
And liquid valorant is operating in EU not NA, they're not paying NA salaries
Guess we will see

edit : inflated not inflamed smh

posted about 2 years ago

Guys please stop being delusional
No eu team has the money to compete with north american salaries except vitality and they have twisten

Liquid val is based in eu they will not spend that much on salary when they already have 2 amazing oppers on the team. + their issue is strats and igl-ing not player quality

Hes gonna join an na ascension team prolly or take a break

posted about 2 years ago

Normal question tbh. I mean most of us know much about this dude

So if youre gonna call him an incel you should explain why and not ? when we rightfully ask for an explanation

posted about 2 years ago

This is so low level but most still better than most tier 2 eu teams. Have you seen apeks or LPB play (the 2 best teams from polaris). That shit looks whack as fuck.

Only top tier turkish teams (parla and fireflux) looks better.

posted about 2 years ago

Youre delusional if you seriously think this.

I watched some NA tier 2 and my eyes are bleeding. Sentinels and even EG would smoke all these teams besides the guard if valyn isnt playing like a bot.

posted about 2 years ago

What did she say ?
Whats her @

posted about 2 years ago

I know it's not. FPX and NAVI both got where they got last year because their strats and IGL-ing was good. But last year, Mistic and Enzo were SIGNIFICANTLY worse individually than anyone on FPX and yet FNC still beat them so many times (except the one time it mattered most...) and it was specifically because their strats were just that much better.

Here now, both NAVI and FPX got here because their stratting has been insane but also players have been individually insane. So even though, the players on NAVI are slightly better individually it is not that big of a difference. so stratting will be once again what really differentiates.

What you said, although true overall, you can't tell me that Shao swung the game on Ascent vs LEV (that was most definitely a swing round) it was because NAVI were just better strategically, it was simply because Shao outplayed them individually. You can most definitely win games through superior gameplay at key moments.
Remember Mwzera's insane individual prowess vs FURIA where they won a round they shoulda never won, simply because Mwzera 1v4'd the entire FNC. That wasnt because FURIA was strategically better, it was because Mwzera did something individually insane.

I hope you understand what i mean. And sorry for the book i just wrote.

posted about 2 years ago

Listen listen
They decided to put champs in USA where it's notoriously hard to get russians visas (it takes MONTHS to get a work visa alrdy, and for russians it's extremely hard) (not even taking account of the fact that in csgo, somehow russians have a much easier time going to events anywhere than in valorant for some reason (riot being incompetent))

So imagine at champs, it's gonna be a repeat of iceland 2022 where NAVI won't be able to go, and Fnatic will have to play without Chronicle and field their randie sub instead. Making champions free for NA if LOUD doesn't manage to beat them this time.

It's so fucking scripted.

PS: All the russians in C9's csgo team have been able to get visas anywhere they fucking want for over a year now, but somehow in iceland players that were living in serbia already were denied visas when iceland isn't even as annoying about russian visas as USA is.
TY for coming to my TEDTalk

posted about 2 years ago

This is why navi is scary. 3 of them are individually better than fnc’s players (derke > cned unless we’re talking about op skills and chronicle better individually than zyppan unless zyp has a guardian).
If fnc beat them its because theyre strategically superior (which, to be fair is the hardest part of this game)

posted about 2 years ago

Both of them clear crashies whether they won or not.
Just because leo’s teammates werent as good as crashies’, doesnt mean leo wasnt better than crashes for over a year now.

posted about 2 years ago

first time i agree with nutab1e
"jinxing dog" and alldat

posted about 2 years ago

i wonder as well lmao

posted about 2 years ago
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