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Registered: July 7, 2022
Last post: February 12, 2025 at 12:20 PM
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posted about a year ago

sen are fucking terrible
and so are 100T (shoulda won that shit 2-0 and couldnt close shit)

posted about a year ago

No, they cloud my judgement
You're just NA pilled...

posted about a year ago

Sen is just a much worse team than LEV so they made NRG lotus look decent lol

posted about a year ago

with all due respect you need to go back to grade 2

posted about a year ago

I wish Loud fans were as cool as Loud players. VLR would be a much better place

posted about a year ago

Less 1000000%

posted about a year ago

I don't want to
I'd rather have FF in the league and watch wo0t play

posted about a year ago

acting like NRG were "experimenting" last week lmaooooooooooooooo

posted about a year ago

Every -zera user after coldzera is a coldzera fanboy. Theyre copying him thats all

posted about a year ago

it's not emea
this user is just very braindead

posted about a year ago

no me

posted about a year ago

They like to call it "internalized misoginy" because god forbid one be realistic about things.

Yaiima0 always being mean to me idk this doesnt feel too good bro...

posted about a year ago

You are delusional
KC are terrible for a male team, yes but this is delusional.

I'll stop here.

posted about a year ago

I am not a thing. Disrespectful.

posted about a year ago

Jugi was wanted by several franchise teams ( not kc though, those guys are clueless) and he refused. Just wanted to stay in his team. Probably treated and paid very well.

posted about a year ago

The riot 2iq shills always white knighting for riot in every single thread calling riot out for their dogshit franchising system.

(Another popular fps game has franchising too and its dome in a much better way, where any team can make it to the best tournaments through their own skill even if they dont have big names or franchised orgs)

posted about a year ago

Im assuming youre just making a joke.

Because no matter how bad kc is in vct, they would destroy any gc team

posted about a year ago

Dogshit slow old navi gameplay without any of the skill, shit comps, shit igl, shit coaching staff

Not worth watching. You missed nothing.
This game was embarrassing for kcorp.

posted about a year ago

Bro this isnt even tier 3 gameplay
This is so shit

They're so shit, they made heretics look like prime astralis, I've had enough.
Andd yes on top of being shit, their playstyle is soporific jfc

posted about a year ago

This is the worst gameplay i have ever seen
This is somehow worse than the heretics vs FUT Pearl game

Absolutely unsightly

posted about a year ago

BBL are actually quite decent players and team, idk how they lost to KC tbf, just an unlucky day

Just need some real coaching staff that actually helps them out beyond 'go shoot head, turkish peak' and Elite to reach 18 years old

posted about a year ago

Same shit even with enzo, they'd still be garbage.
Their only chance is going international

But you're prolly one of the fnc fans who were delusional about enzo because he clutched 2 or 3 rounds in copenhagen. Not much to be expected from you.

Seeya, Ignoramus.

posted about a year ago

enzo is absolute fucking garbage
they need to stop being pussies and go international, and get an international IGL
Scream Nivera Shin are enough francophone players, for the fans to be satisfied.

I repeat, Enzo is trash. Him being on the team solves nothing.

posted about a year ago

Because he's the IGL and he doesnt want to IGL while playing duelist

The biggest problem here isnt what agent he's playing or how bad newzera is, it's scream being IGL. He is terrible at his job and that's that. They will go nowhere until Scream gives up on the IGL role that he's been clinging to for god knows what reason.

(XMS is a second reason for why they're so bad, he is horrendous)
There are many other reasons ofc, like those u listed. But these are the biggest ones. They dont even understand how to play their compositions, nothing more to say. Scream needs to stop IGL-ing but it's too late now, transfer window is closed : )

posted about a year ago

Him and Newzera are braindead pickups
I can't believe they actually picked them up

Their one good decision is getting shin, that boy is GOOD. Shame they're teaching him wrong things (the way scream sees the game is tragic), they might ruin him if he spends too long with scream as IGL tbh

posted about a year ago

Good stream for analytical stuff and you really wanna go into the tactics etc.

If not, he will make you fall asleep. I really wish I could speak spanish, so many insane spanish watchparties.
Meanwhile I have to deal with english only, or the rare times someone french costreams (Kameto only watchparties his team and i'd rather eat dung than watch him, and nobody else watchparties : (, Fatiiih does sometimes otherwise i have to watch sliggy cause EU english watchparties are severely lacking

posted about a year ago

You want game changers highlights posted ? Make your own channel and post them

Imagine being mad at a dude for nit uploading content that YOU want.
Its not a riot official channel, do it yourself or quit moaning. 🫡

posted about a year ago

roster is locked for the year, per riot rules
They really need to kick everyone in offseason and hire new players

posted about a year ago

saying the coach doesnt seem good enough doesnt mean they're hating on him

Fact is the BBL players are mostly very good, their protocols are not ironed in and their strats are lacking, they revert to just playing individually and often look lost
That is a coaching staff issue.
I dont even know who the coach is, so i am not hating

posted about a year ago

4 rounds in and you jinx them like this
Please don't

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Whats the 2nd s tier team in apac lmaoo

posted about a year ago

Im not mad at all. I literally could not care less about game changers.

Gave you advice on how to handle your anger towards toast when it’s just a content thing for him and there is no point getting worked up over game changers of all things. The level of play is worse than ascendant ranked.

Just chill out and calma, it’s not that serious. Try choco chip ice cream 😋

posted about a year ago

Share with us if you find something.
Seen these racist claims before.

posted about a year ago

Imagine getting this mad over fucking game changers

Bro just dont watch it like most of us. Its not worth getting upset over

posted about a year ago

Hahaha what ?
No ascent is not anywhere near fnc’s best map.

Their only 2 best maps are icebox and haven, right now.

posted about a year ago

Koi 2-0’d navi and were VERY close to vit in their game

Just say you dont watch emea lol

posted about a year ago

I hope both fut and vit go through and tl fails. Best of both worlds

posted about a year ago

LOUD, MIBR NAVI BBL are the most insane mechanically in the world. Sadly for BBL and MIBR, they overpeek everything, strats not up there, discipline lacking etc

In emea specifically ig navi bbl, woulda said parla but they're now Fireflux

posted about a year ago

Sorry it was the other voice speaking, the schizo in me is too strong
We friends

posted about a year ago

It's clout org diff
Same reason why SEN has been 1000x more popular than optic but they were by far the worse team

posted about a year ago

I know it's you giving me all the downvotes, stop it please

posted about a year ago

If i were a dude i wouldn't have said "thought i was a dude/thought i was gay" I woulda just said they downvoted me because i'm a dude/gay

posted about a year ago

Doesn't make sense because mine only had men and still got downvoted

At first i thought maybe some homophobes thought i'm a dude and so that i'm gay and downvoted, then i checked the other posts and they were downvoted too despite mentioning girls.

Some weirdos on here I swear

posted about a year ago

How are you motherfuckers downvoting people for just mentioning their crushes ? I just noticed after reading everyone else's

posted about a year ago

Ngl, I would

posted about a year ago

Timothée Chalamet
Ryan Gosling
Felix Mallard
Aaron taylor Johnson

posted about a year ago

Men when a woman is mentioned : instantly grading her beauty.
Meanwhile they look like shrek behind their pc’s

posted about a year ago

Everyone that actually answered this question with an ethnicity needs to love themselves and their heritage cause that is just sad as hell.

I’m not changing it even if i could. I would change features sure cause why not tweak lil things for free when celebrities spends 100’s of thousands for it. But never ever my ethnicity or colour of my skin.

posted about a year ago
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