They can still bring in another player, I don't think coaches count as an import
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Registered: | July 2, 2021 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 4:44 PM |
Posts: | 111 |
They can still bring in another player, I don't think coaches count as an import
Excited to see where this goes, this is genuinely game changing news! best of luck flor!
I think its an apples to oranges comparison because even on liquid soulcas was never only a duelist he was more of a flex player if anything. nobody is gonna hate if flor just mogs in tier 1 and shits on everyone if something like this was said, but we just haven't seen her play yet
Not saying Asuna is like the best at his role but they've made it with him and when he shines(esp his 2021 era) then he's insane. The point of the post was that like these players have shown their skill ceiling to be fairly high and they've had decent results. Xeppa has kinda just been there for the past four years and they made it once in LCQ to champs and that's about it
How does Xeppa have tenure with C9, or at least it feels that way. One LAN in four years I feel like you change things up after that. I can only think of a couple of teams where they retain one member of like an OG roster(e.g 100T Asuna, NRG s0m, DRX MaKo) but they've made it LANs and proven their skill. How is this guy still signed to a tier one org
soulcas is a solid player who has hella experience in T1, I think that itself has its own weight in gold. maybe say this in six months when we've seen florescent play in T1
some good news after that C9 roster bullshit. some goated pickups
Im pretty sure Sentinels is just trying to take care of Sick because he was going through some mental health problems.
DRX chose not to re sign BuZz and stax, of course they're gonna look for other options. Meteor's contract with Gen.G also expired and T1 simply offered better. Its just business lol
I personally dont like how they removed ascent, much rather they remove abyss and sunset
no limits. Assume each players in their prime.
what team are yall most excited to watch play given the roster changes? i wanna see T1 since they signed hella talent like BuZz, Meteor, and more and see how 100T does with zander. What about yall?
He wants hardware for the game. In CS, his aim was insane and he always got recognition for his mechanics and got some silverware, but he never won a major and he probably wants to go out with a bang(winning an LAN or smt). ScreaM just had a bad season bc they put him on IGL, something that he barely or never done. I think put him on his normal role and with a solid team he would do great.
He consistently put up numbers in ACS, damage, and kills. Also his experience in tac fps has its own weight in gold, so age doesn't really matter unless he's fallen off severely. He is also very consistent as well
Jake Paul chooses his opponents; I don't even think we know whether Florescent has had offers. But also she just does dumb shit in matches and bails herself out with her aim, and that wont really fly in Tier 1. 0/10 ragebait
I think its just safety. If they are this strong in GC then it means that they have almost guaranteed income from winning tournaments and the orgs that they are in rn. Despite them absolutely rolling the most recent GCC, we don't know what will happen when they join up in ascension or do other events. Its likely that if they decided to try to do Ascension they would have to brute force their way through everything without the safety of orgs and income(unless they can get picked up by a T1/T2 org than this isn't a problem). Benjyfishy is insane but he had to play through more than a year of open qualifiers, barely getting paid and play through hella losses before he got picked up and started putting out results. I don't know if the SR roster wants to go through with all of that, even though they're all insanely skilled and have potential.
people just look at stats and trophies to back up claims which isn't an unreasonable thing to do but they gotta look at a player holistically. maKo is consistent, has been doing well performance wise since the vision strikers 102-0 record. its just that people see that he hasn't won anything and see that younger players have flashy plays and win some silverware and say "he's fallen off" or "other players are way way better"
i rmr when cNed would tear up the server
Thats been happening to me a lot lol but I cant figure out the issue
What are some rosters that yall think had huge potential but were broken apart because of franchising, org issues, player issues, etc. Some that come to my mind include 2022 Gambit(nats, deffo, Sheydos, Chronicle, Redgar), 2023 EG(c0m, Demon1, Ethan, Boostio, jawgemo), 2022 Optic(FNS, crashies, Victor, Marved, yay). There is probably more, but I'm curious as to what all think.
w pickups, excited to see the new roster in action!
we high key just have to see these teams play to be honest, we cant really say which team guaranteed with play the best. NRG and SEN looking hella strong but only the season will determine whether they can actually perform up to standards. NRG last year had a stacked team but they hella underperformed.
Very solid pick ups from vitality, I'm sad to see that Derke has left fnatic because I'm so used to seeing "FNC Derke", but he's an amazing player that will do good wherever he goes. This vitality team has hella potential
Putting zeek and redgar and enzo in a GC for bad val players is actually wild lol
idt any of these players are bad lol
why would they drop bang and asuna? those are probably some of the best in the game rn. i think 100T roster is pretty solid, they just need to have more practice
Its kinda like what shroud said, this game is constantly changing and to be the best, you genuinely have to play hours on hours, day after day. I think zekken understands this and likes the game but not enough to do this for a long term career. Honestly, zekken will be fine, but Sentinels will really need to scramble if zekken leaves because that means the bulk of their core is gone.
they have babybay and faze wants to keep him
900 @0.495
used to play on 1100 @1.16
This is gonna be a spicy match. I think it could go either way but I see Liquid edging it out here.
Liquid 2-1
Rise were literally on map point. Supamen is pissed but at least they keep their starting advantage
yay says that Austin has a severe food allergy which would make his life a lot harder. I think thats what making Kyedae calling him a scrawny fuck is worse. Because its then harder for Austin to maintain a consistent weight or keep his nutrient levels in check. TenZ's response is just stupid. Hes bringing up something that happened nearly a year ago thats now completely irrelevant. Marved hasnt done anything and he brought it up out of nowhere. I think twitters response is a bit exagerrated and theyre taking it a bit too seriously, but then again I dont think its right for her to call someone thin, bony, and ugly(thats what scrawny means) to someone who has a hard time maintaining a good weight
This will either be the craziest team ever, or a team signing gone wrong. Bc Nivera really needs to pick up valorant fast so he might, might not be able to do it. But Im confident that he can do it
vitality benched him after Valve said that if you swap players mid game you lose championship points
yea, i dont like it whenever players are benched. But its a business, and at the end of the day if you dont see results happening then you got to make the moves to secure a win
Man can turn from L Dablo, to El Diablo
I think it 2-1 TSM, or 2-1 RiSE. Rise have proven to be a pretty good team considering how much of the underdogs they were. They took a map off of SENTINELS so I think its gonna be close
How I would rework . I agree with most of the rankings but I have issues with some
homies actually on something to put Liquid and FNATIC on B Tier XD. Even if Liquid arent S, they're at least A. I dont know how he puts G2 as S lmao
Yay is a good player but there isnt a need for him on the team. Having another sub would just be spending unnecessary money. While Yay is good, there isnt a need for him on the team. Besides theyre willing to have the other players switch to duelist if they really feel like it. nitr0 played jett on the match vs XSET and Hiko played raze before. While yay certainly is an outstanding player, there is no need for him on the team right now
T1 2-1 TSM or TSM 1-2 T1. It wont be an easy fight either way. I feel like both teams offense could be improved, but I feel like T1's is a bit better. I think T1 will will this, but it could go either way