Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: January 9, 2025 at 6:58 PM
Posts: 6450
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Aparently isn't just in Valorant that Sentinels has a problem with Brazilian teams, this cursed org always surprises me with the amount of shit they are able to be in. First was with Zombs saying that everyone in Brazil is poor and making the whole world think that Brazilians were some kind of psychopaths that send Death Threats at any circunstances, then this...

This is repulsive, Brazilians already hated Sentinels for everything that happened in the past, but now this is in a completely different level, imitating a monkey to the brazilian teams is exactly the type of thing that makes me hate Sentinels as a whole.

"But is in another game", if they are able to do this in a Riot game why wouldn't they do it in another Riot game? This is the exact reason why i dislike Sentinels and wouldn't root for this org in any circunstances.

Brazilians should NEVER root for this org again in their lifetime, if anyone sees a brazilian with a Sentinels Org he should be advertised.

posted about 2 years ago

Is this Guy good? I've never Heard about him.

Not that i know many European players.

posted about 2 years ago

This is what Will happen, the only diff that could happen is surprisengly NIP defeating KRU.

posted about 2 years ago

Upper 1st round:

NIP 2x0 9Z

Fusion 2x1 Fúria


Keyd Stars 2x1 E-xolos Lazer
Lower First round:

Fúria 2x1 9z

E-xolos 2x0 TBK
Upper 2nd round:

NIP 2x0 Fusion

KRU 2x0 Keyd Stars
Lower 2nd Round

Keyd 2x1 Furia

E-xolos 2x0 Fusion
Upper 3rd Round


KRU Classified

Lower 3rd Round

Keyd 3x1 E-xolos
Lower 4th Round

Keyd 3x2 NIP

Keyd Classified

posted about 2 years ago

Furia for me was the most promising team in VCT, NZR having 2 superstars to work with will make this team go beyond any barrier they had before.

DGzin is an absolute monster that together with QCK will make this team a hard time to be dealed by any team in Brazil.

posted about 2 years ago

No one will invade the stage to beat him up, they will only curse word him. But it will be a lot.

posted about 2 years ago

I think everyone can perceive that Keznit situation is a bomb that is getting ready to explode at every day that passes.

Keznit will get boeed in LAN, and everyone knows that. Actions have consequences, and this is the consequence that followed Keznit actions.

There is no avoiding, no running, it will happen.

posted about 2 years ago

Maybe because Europe isn't the only mass land in the world?

posted about 2 years ago

Loud clearly not in their best level so couldn't even be top 5.

posted about 2 years ago

Tem algum lugar que explica como funciona esse sistema de pontos do valorant?

Não sei se essa é a pontuação oficial mas se um time t2 jogasse 200 torneios randomicos diferentes eles teriam mais pontos que a própria Loud? Não é meio absurdo isso?

posted about 2 years ago

Como que pode a DELIRA ser top 6 BR sendo que eles nem jogaram o VCT BR??? Na frente do MIBR, Liberty e Stars Horizon?

posted about 2 years ago

Delira e The Union will be the next Ingaming and TBK?

posted about 2 years ago

Every tournament in every reagion is a qualifier to champions, Loud is already in champions because they are the undoubtelly Brazilian champions( 2 times in a row).

But Loud is a world champion because they qualified to champions? No, they didn't won masters so they aren't a world champion.

Optic won masters so they are a world champion.

posted about 2 years ago

There is nothing to explain bc it isn't hard.

Win against every best team in the world in a tournament with the best teams in the wolrd = Champion of the world.

If FPX couldn't be there before is their problem.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't care about cs or Lol, for me is simple...

Win Masters = World Champion
Win Champions = World champion with purpurine.

posted about 2 years ago

IEM Dallas is IEM Dallas, MSI is MSI. Masters is masters.

If Masters wasn't a world championship then it would be just an useless international championship, a thing that is not... Masters is a world championship, if one day a Brazilian team wins a masters they will be a world champion, it's simple as that.

posted about 2 years ago

The most reasonable argument you could make is that Masters is an INTERNATIONAL championship. If you win a masters you can call yourself a world champion because you've played against every top team from every region in the world and won. So yes, if you win a master you can call your team the best team in the world and a world champion.

posted about 2 years ago

Masters is a world championship. Every team in the world that wins a master is a world champion.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic remebered that they are world champions.

posted about 2 years ago

Interessante sua proposta, mas vejo muitas fraquezas nesse time.


Sempre foi minha melhor aposta, pra mim esse time bota medo no servidor.

posted about 2 years ago

Insane pick up from Furia, Dgzin aka. GL BIG HUSBAND aka. TITAN KENNYS, is one of the greatest brazilian players from the brazilian scene.

For me he's the 3rd best Duelist in Brazil right now, just behind aspas and mwzera, he's the 1st in Operator Skills and probably one of the most agressive players in the world.

Him coming up to Furia will make deadly trio composed of Quick, Nozweer and now Dgzin. This are star players that would be in any superteam, if everything goes right we are maybe seeing the rise of the second brazilian force after Loud.

posted about 2 years ago

Loud will have to prove themselves after the bootcamp in EU. It will be the time where everything will matter the most.

posted about 2 years ago

Congradulations my friend, APAC desearves this grand final.

posted about 2 years ago

Never seen someone from a country rooting for a different team from their country to win against them.

posted about 2 years ago

Sharks comeback against Furia that putted them in Masters 1 Reykjavik 2021. If Furia was there it would have been historic, and maybe we wouldn't have lost to Nuturn the way it was.

posted about 2 years ago

O Otsuka ser impedido de jogar na LPL representa muito mais do que apenas uma diferença de nível por parte dos jogadores, e cada vez mais quando acontecem situações como essa as minhas suspeitas sobre a fraqueza do cenário BR se confirmam. O Brasil hoje é completamente infestado por players que possuem muito mais ego do que habilidade em si, isso envolve tanto a criação de times, onde a maioria dos times hoje são criados com base na amizade e companheirismo ao invés de serem criados com o único preceito de serem campeões de grandes torneios e evoluírem como um todo, como também, as relações antiprofissionais entre os jogadores do high elo da cena brasileira que transformam times com um incrível potencial em uma bagunça destinada a fracassar miseravelmente.
Quem se lembra da Ingaming? Onde a infantilidade e a disputa de egos dentro do próprio time transformou um dos melhores times recém criados num fracasso completo, isso por causa da completa antipatia do PDR pelo BRN, players com personalidade forte que justamente gastavam mais tempo dentro do servidor brigando pelo ego de ser o melhor ao invés de gastarem seu tempo para evoluírem o time como um todo.

Justamente na LPL agora podemos ver essa situação se repetindo, onde os jogadores brasileiros se mostram tão egocêntricos e tão antiprofissionais que justamente pelo jogador no time adversário ser um streamer eles sentem inveja e desprezo, fazendo inclusive pressão para que ele seja banido ao invés de ter que enfrentá-lo dentro da partida. A pergunta que eu faço pra todos os pro players do cenário hoje que contribuíram para que uma absurdidade dessas acontecesse é muito simples:

Vocês não sentem vergonha de serem tão medíocres? É sério, eu não consigo entender o quão vergonhoso deve ser você ter que pedir pro administrador tirar um jogador da LPL porque você não consegue jogar contra ele, pra mim isso é tão humilhante, mas tão humilhante, que o cara que fez isso justamente por ter sugerido uma absurdidade dessa devia ser banido ali mesmo bem na hora, só por ter tido a coragem de chegar a mandar uma mensagem tão VERGONHOSA pro administrador fazer uma coisa dessas, e eu vou explicar justamente o quão humilhante isso é.

O cenário brasileiro hoje, justamente por esse tipo de infantilidade é simplesmente o PIOR cenário do mundo inteiro, isso em números oficiais(contados partida por partida desde o início), não existe nenhum cenário que seja pior que a gente hoje no mundo inclusive o Latam hoje está melhor que a gente, e isso pra mim é humilhante de uma maneira que eu não consigo nem explicar.

Jogadores brasileiros profissionais, high-elos de todas as idades e de todos os times do brasil hoje, prestem bastante atenção, VOCÊS SÃO UMA PIADA! TODOS VOCÊS! CADA UM DE VOCÊS SÃO UMA PIADA! Não basta termos sido humilhados internacionalmente, não basta apanharmos para a KRU 5 VEZES SEGUIDAS, não basta o "Melhor time Brasileiro" não conseguir nem sair da porra fase de grupos, não basta a maioria dos times do brasil competirem pelo 2° lugar ao invés do primeiro pelo simples COMODISMO, não basta sermos chacota internacional por todas as regiões, não basta termos que literalmente nos HUMILHAR pra termos o MÍNIMO de respeito fora do Brasil, e vocês tão preocupados em streamer jogar a LPL e machucar o Eguinho de vocês.

Cara, pelo amor, nenhum de vocês tem o mínimo de moral pra ao menos SUGERIR algo assim, quem fez isso devia ter ter o nome exposto pro público pra virar motivo de chacota no mundo inteiro. Vocês tem noção que hoje o Latam nosso principal rival tem 2 times COMPETITIVOS internacionalmente enquanto o Brasil é completamente PUTINHA da Loud, tendo que rezar pra eles acordem bem no dia pra que tenham a chance de dar uma vitória pro Brasil? Enquanto vocês não fazem ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA pra dar algum orgulho pro Brasil, e a única coisa que sabem fazer é se acharem enquanto tomam surra em campeonato, tanto nacional quanto internacional.

Quem não viu os clips de High-Elo xingando tanto o Sacy e o Aspas, o Mwzera ou o Heat? O tamanho do EGO desses filhas da puta me assusta, isso é o que eles fazem com alguém famoso, imagina o que fazem com alguém comum na ranked, o cenário Brasileiro hoje pode ser resumido em arrogância e humilhação.

posted about 2 years ago

I want 3 Brazilian teams at Champions again, the match between Furia x Sentinels was only possible bc of the LCQ, and for me was the funniest match in history of Brazil in terms of surprise
and emotions.

If DGZIN goes to Furia they have a real chance of winning the hole thing.

posted about 2 years ago

direct seed team in your flair.

posted about 2 years ago

Here they are.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes Loud already confirmed a 1 month bootcamp. Loud is the richest and biggest org in BR right now (Furia fans disagree), they literally are a monster org that are rich enought to pay for a bootcamp.

posted about 2 years ago


There is nothing to learn from BR teams that Loud doesn't know now. They are just untouchable in BR scene and there is nothing to do about it until a second superteam rises in Brazil.

A team bootcamping in another reagion doesn't make this team represent the other reagion, it simply doesn't work like that.

posted about 2 years ago

If Loud is able to bootcamp 1 month in EU they would easily be one of the top 2 contenders for champions.
Instead of actually playing against shit competition they would be able to learn from the best teams in EU and probably do a run greater than their Masters 1 when they only had 1 week of preparation.

With Sacy and Less not being in a burnout, and actually being in their top phases again like masters 1. Loud for me would be the scariest team in the world.

posted about 2 years ago

Rito Shito company

Why they create this shit Championship formats that literally is based by luck.

The fact that Loud couldn't be in playoffs because of luck and an outside team not being able to perform is horrendous.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm anxious to see DGZIN in Furia, he's currently the top 1 in ranked with his trolls nicknames, TITAN KennyS will own Keznit in a revenge match.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm a unlucky person, my market always is shit. This is the best gun that appeared to me since the start of the game.

posted about 2 years ago

i'm almost buying it

posted about 2 years ago

I need answers

posted about 2 years ago

Looks completely shocked.

I understand you my brother, PRX is just crazy to deal with.

posted about 2 years ago

Riot is actually biased towards a region? Oh no... what a discovery...

posted about 2 years ago

Se você olhar o time da Keyd posição por posição eles claramente são muito superiores ao time da NIP, entretanto o Xand deu um Step-UP que fez ele chegar quase no mesmo nível do Heat em alguns momentos. Qualquer jogador que despreza o Xand eventualmente vai apanhar pra ele. Entretanto o que faz a NIP ser HOJE superior a Vivo Keyd é o fato deles terem roles suporte muito superiores ao da VK.

O fato da VK ter tomado um reverse sweep não muda que pra mim eles seriam os representantes ideais para jogar contra a KRU no LCQ, talvez se a VK fosse nossa representante hoje estaríamos nos Playoffs com a Loud e infelizmente do mesmo jeito eliminados contra a Optic no Masters.

posted about 2 years ago

And Loud 3-7

Loud >>>>KRU

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone knows when it will happen? They will do 2 months of training in EU?

posted about 2 years ago

obviously Marved is top 1 bc the guy is insane.

Pancada is insane too, but for me isn't top 5

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Sad af, this only happenned bc Loud literally had 2 days of preparation in EU.

1 week would be more than enought to get back on track, Loud showed this yesterday against Optic.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm completely Yayzed 😍​😍​ because today i've woke up different ​🤭​​🤭​​🤭​ I've woke up a Yayzoomer ​​​😂​​😂​​🤭😂 TODAY​​ I'm 💯​%%% OPTIC GAMING!!!!! USA​​🗽​ USA​​🗽​ USA​​🗽​ Yay is so POGGERS! 😲​ VERY VERY POGGERS 😲​​🤣​ We are gonna defeat KRU​ 🤪​​🤪​🤯​ AND THEN CONQUEST THE WORLD 🤯​🥵🙈​🙉​🙊​

posted about 2 years ago

I'm completely Yayzed 😍​😍​ because today i've woke up different ​🤭​​🤭​​🤭​ I've woke up a Yayzoomer ​​​😂​​😂​​🤭😂 TODAY​​ I'm 💯​%%% OPTIC GAMING!!!!! USA​​🗽​ USA​​🗽​ USA​​🗽​ Yay is so POGGERS! 😲​ VERY VERY POGGERS 😲​​🤣​ We are gonna defeat KRU​ 🤪​​🤪​🤯​ AND THEN CONQUEST THE WORLD 🤯​🥵🙈​🙉​🙊​

posted about 2 years ago

I'm completely Yayzed 😍​😍​ because today i've woke up different ​🤭​​🤭​​🤭​ I've woke up a Yayzoomer ​​​😂​​😂​​🤭😂 TODAY​​ I'm 💯​%%% OPTIC GAMING!!!!! USA​​🗽​ USA​​🗽​ USA​​🗽​ Yay is so POGGERS! 😲​ VERY VERY POGGERS 😲​​🤣​ We are gonna defeat KRU​ 🤪​​🤪​🤯​ AND THEN CONQUEST THE WORLD 🤯​🥵🙈​🙉​🙊​

posted about 2 years ago

Never tought that i would say this but today i'm 100% OPTIC

I'm completely Yayzed, Yay gonna end this newbas.

posted about 2 years ago

Something happenned.

posted about 2 years ago
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