Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: January 10, 2025 at 9:15 AM
Posts: 6451
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Edit: they trying to fuse Brazil with germany like this may cause a war.

Let's not pretend that Killjoy wasn't laughting her ass of when germany 7-1 Brazil

posted about 2 years ago

We have to Clown KRU tomorrow, understood.

posted about 2 years ago

Já que esse post tá gerando discussão vou mandar a ideia pra rapaziada mais nova, vocês crianças que estão começando no cenário agora 16-21 anos, que perderam o campeonato e devem estar bravos porque o outro time não desempenhou do jeito que você queria e só você e seu amigo/companheiro conseguiram jogar num nível alto, você que ficou sentindo que poderiam dar mais e que se tivessem um time melhor poderiam ir mais longe, prestem atenção no que vou dizer.

Os mais espertos vão fazer o seguinte, você que foi muito bem no seu time, de uma olhada nos outros times que não classificaram, tem um cara aí no outro time que tá na mesma situação que você, ele carregou o time dele mas não conseguiu avançar porque faltou nível.

Faz o seguinte, manda um email pra ele, chama esse cara no dm, com certeza assim como você ele tá insatisfeito com o que aconteceu e precisa de alguém igual você, baludo e com vontade de ser melhor pra entrar no cenário pra montar um novo time com vontade de ganhar, o SEU time pode ser a nova Oddik, o novo unemployed do Heat e amigos que virou a Vivo Keyd em 2021, você vai perder essa chance de ouro?. Mas não vai me sair de um time pronto, trair teus amigos pra montar um novo time com um bando de random... Se tu confia no teu projeto tu confia, não tem exceção.

posted about 2 years ago

Legends say this game is still happenning to this day.

posted about 2 years ago

Thank you @mods, you guys were really fast on this S2.

posted about 2 years ago

@mods this isn't brk from portugal, this is brinksss Brazilian player.

It's this player:

Not this player:

posted about 2 years ago

Ele mandou o gift card quando a skin já tinha ido embora, e mais respeito com o Yay não é criar PayPal pro Yay é criar PayPal PELO GOAT, cuidado como você se refere ao melhor de todos os tempos.

posted about 2 years ago

Sinto uma profunda tristeza em saber que talvez o Sutecas seja eliminado desse camp, ele foi um dos meus jogadores preferidos desde o início do Valorant e merecia ter um time de confiança pra mostrar suas habilidades assim como quando jogava na VKS.

O pessoal esquece que ele esteve no time que estava a 1 round de derrotar o time campeão do mundo.

posted about 2 years ago

Nope, i didn't get the skin sadly, but i got a gift card from the Goat and a memory i will hold with me forever.

"The RGX is the friends we made along the way".

posted about 2 years ago

We can only actually say this after this new Furia team pops out, mwzera is a beast kinda like Aspas level and Mazin already was a Crossfire world Champion IGL, so we can't properly say that they wouldn't play like this after 2 years of playing together in the same core, maybe something from nzr they lerned after all those years.

posted about 2 years ago

It's like you're saying "Shall Spencer" for Xan, but the A kinda like "Amber", and de D is like "decide".

So all together becomes X +an + d

Shandi, If you were to speak in english.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm rooting for Yay the goat, please Goat DESTROY XAND AND MAKE HIM NEVER GO TO A PARTY AGAIN!

posted about 2 years ago

Yes this was his last, there is no Neymar now. This Generation was the worst that Brazil had in their entire history and for me this was the worst Cup and since 7-1 this proves It.

Pato, Ganso, David Luiz, Oscar, Luan, Douglas Costa, William, Arthur, Tete, Fred, Felipe Melo and all the others good players that went to shit because of lack of dedication, what a shit journey has been this 20 years.

We could have had a selection but we only had a player called Neymar, we desearved to lose and we didn't desearved Neymar, he literally equaled Pelé in Goals but no one was there to help him, there were no Garrincha or Jairzinho, there were no Ronaldo, there were no Romário, he was alone and fought alone, and i feel so bad for him.

posted about 2 years ago

Neymar did everything for this selection, there is no Neymar anymore now, it hurts as fuck.

posted about 2 years ago

This is what we felt when Vivo Keyd Defeated Acend 2-1.

posted about 2 years ago

KRU Lost 16-14 but It show that they've Win in the stream???¿¿¿

posted about 2 years ago

He's the goat, and i'm not bias obviously.

posted about 2 years ago

It's gone...😔

I'm sorry for disappointing you Yay...

I will use the gift card, thank you for your kindness you are trully the goat and i will never forget this Day.

posted about 2 years ago

Me manda dm irmão, to perdidasso aqui

posted about 2 years ago

i never used paypal in my life

can you send me your email in DM?

posted about 2 years ago

no fucking way i'm gonna cry.

I'm gonna try to create a paypal bro, i can't garantee you nothing because brazil.

how do i do this brother can you dm me? I have to send my email to you to send it?

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, it's here the RGX 11Z PRO VANDAL IS IN MY STORE.


I've waited for 2 fucking years, just to today because of life problems not be able to buy It. I'm so angry, so sad.

Bro, i'm so unlucky with this shit. And in 5 hours It will be gone forever.

edit: i'm not lying

edit: guys i will give up, i'm not able to have a credit card because my bank is shit and i'm not gonna ask any of you for money.
I want to thank all of you guys for trying to help me out but there is no way i can get this money this fast, i want to thank Yayster(GOAT), burritx, TrembolonaRage, acels1, vern, FlyingDoggoWoweeClap8 for trying to help me out and actually offer to send me money, but i have no time to actually pass trought this process now and i don't want to owe you guys for this. Thank you guys for you generosity and kindness towards me but i don't have the time to activate my paypal or to do this process and i am in a hurry.

Thank you guys for this, for trying to help me out. But i will wait until the skin appears again and my money actually comes back, i hope you guys the best and i'm gonna go now because life is calling me, i will not forget your generosity Yay, i will support you in Franchise and if you actually sent me money i will send you back for it, thank you guys have a nice day =´)

posted about 2 years ago

I think this was my older account, but i think it's bugged and deleted now so sad:

All my posts were deleted, i can't find my pre 2022 era posts, The VKS sentinels era, My anger for Shroud came from this time, i can't find my Liberty posts where i parabenize them from being the best team in brazil, the two times when Xand lost 8-0, one for Sharks and the other for Keyd i guess. I can't see my Champions 2021 threads where i talk about Vivo Keyd being robbed, this is actually sad i had at least 1200+ posts.

And the time where Trembolona was actually right for 1 single time and made him the most schizo guy in this site.

posted about 2 years ago

What do you consider OG? 2020? 2021?

posted about 2 years ago

Xand vai jogar pra caralho como sempre, depois vai pra uma balada em Manchester e jogar o segundo jogo podre de ressaca.

E vai ganhar de novo.

posted about 2 years ago

I've Lost at least 1 year of history in vlr, my previous account started way back in Brazil masters before Reykjavik 2021, i remember clearly the game where Furia Lost an 8-0 lead in against Sharks (2-1) in icebox and then was able to lose classification because Xand IGL was shit, and i think i roasted the Guy for It.

My previous threads were deleted i think, i can't find It but i remember being around February 21 when i created my previous account.

I think i lost It because of some type of Bug, i logged off from my Mocca/Moccazin/Moccaz account and then tryed to log in again, it asked me to create an account on top of my older account ???¿¿¿, , i did It, and then there was no way to enter It back again because It was literally the same account but a New one????? I don't understand until this day.

My previous posts were gone, all of the 2021 era that i was in were gone, it's so sad, If i ain't mistaken It was at least more than 500+ posts, 1200? I think so. I Will be looking thread for thread to find It, if i find It i will post the link here.

posted about 2 years ago

I had a previous account with at least 500 posts in It, then something happenned in vlr and i lost my account forever, It didn't get banned, i had a post where i commented in the same post of my older account but i can't find It anymore, It was one of my First posts.

Now this account doesn't show It and only goes back to Furia x Sen 11 months ago, so sad.

I think It was Mocca, Moccaz, Moccazin or something along this lines.

posted about 2 years ago

Real Madrid normally know what they are doing, never seen the kid playing but now that i'm seeing It i've instantly noticed that the kid dribbling is very good, he has a great vision of the game and what's gonna happen in seconds of the future, he also is a great finisher.

Hope the best for the kid, he will develop a lot in Real Madrid and has at least 4 years to build acceleration and a great physique.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm officially rooting to this team, you guys killed my Red Canids so don't lose to fucking pdr and friends.

posted about 2 years ago

Between you and me, Brazil gonna have one of this soon. It happens every 30 to 30 years.

posted about 2 years ago

How this bracket works? Or there is no bracket and just friend games?

posted about 2 years ago

This is getting too politics, can an @mods block this thread?

posted about 2 years ago

Están bien manitos? Castillo serás arrestado?

posted about 2 years ago

😔 🇵🇪

posted about 2 years ago

Rest in Peace

posted about 2 years ago

Minha maior decepção, infelizmente.

Era o único time que eu acho tinha uma chance real no Ascention por causa dos players, mas underperforming + pouco tempo de time comparado a outros que já estavam juntos a muito mais tempo fez eles nem classificarem.

Hoje tô no Oddik hype train, mas aquela derrota pra Sealed me machucou um pouco.

posted about 2 years ago

Do you feel mentally exhausted? Take a break, It Will be good for you, kinda like your gaming vacation.

Then go do other things, when you're rested and feel that you want to come back to be a pro player or something you come back, now with a clean mind.

posted about 2 years ago

Quem vocês acham que vai ganhar classificação pro VCT BR?

Pra mim tá entre Adêmicos, Oddik e The Union. O resto eu acho que vai ser uma surpresa boa.

posted about 2 years ago

It's surprisingly cheap wow, If i lived in São Paulo i would go for sure.

posted about 2 years ago

Silentzzz sempre foi duelista, da pra ver que as vezes tem um toque no iniciador mas não é a função principal dele entretanto é muito melhor aprender iniciador agora e ser um monstro nela do que ter que competir com Aspas, Heat, Mw, Dgzin e Xand pela posição no futuro.

posted about 2 years ago

NIP só não ganhou da Zeta por pouco, um time um pouco superior a NIP não é difícil de se fazer, levando que a NIP tinha ganhado da FNATIC, ou seja, material humano nós temos, o que falta é um coach sinistro pra conseguir aplicar tudo isso.

posted about 2 years ago

Leviatán shined today :(

posted about 2 years ago

A fucking VKS(Keyd) deu trabalho pros caras, não duvido que um t2 bem estruturado faça algo parecido e até ganhe, muito desses jogadores aí quando pegaram um time melhor tomaram um pau exemplo G2 contra a Loud, todo mundo dizendo que era pika que ia acabar coma Loud que não ia ter chance nenhuma porque destruíram no EMEA e daí toma dois 13-4 e 13-5 pra aprender a jogar direito.

posted about 2 years ago

Pega 5 desses capetas de Ranked tier 2 e bota numa org boa com um coach bom, os gringos vão ver a gente ganhando de novo e nem vão entender o que aconteceu.

posted about 2 years ago

Ora poisss, sem minha colônia eu num consigussss 😭

posted about 2 years ago

It's not all about aim, but mwzera has so much that he could sell It in eBay If he wanted. Just a little for me would be good.

posted about 2 years ago

Mwzera got his Position, so in aim we didn't lose anything, we actually won.

posted about 2 years ago

E o ouro até agora nada?

posted about 2 years ago

Liazzi foi o único que jogou bem naquela Liberty, não foi ele que foi um fiasco internacional e sim o time inteiro que foi uma bosta completa. Só ver o round deles contra a 100T que ao invés de plantar a Spike correm do bomb na Ascent pro jardim pra morrerem sozinhos sem nenhum motivo, até hoje considerado o pior round internacional já jogado por um time BR.

E foi tão estupido que gerou a frase por parte do Steel vendedor de game por skin do cs

"Do you guys even get paid???!!!!"

Pra nível Ascention sim esses caras são muito bons, o tier 2 BR tá passando por uma peneira e tendo chance de mostrar que tem qualidade sem jogar contra os monstros do nosso cenário, como Loud por exemplo.

posted about 2 years ago
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