Flag: Uruguay
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 9:41 PM
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I don't want Loud to win this time.

posted about a year ago

Loud: 1 Year of project, 3 titles winning everything they touch.

Furia: 5 Years of project with 0 relevant titles.

The diff is high.

posted about a year ago

CS:GO Furia never disappoints in losing in the shittiest way possible, they never fix their errors and never become a team better than top 4 at any event.

posted about a year ago

S1mple Truck was the funniest shit i've seen today.


posted about a year ago

He's pretty decent, worked on Gamelanders and won a title in R6 before Valorant. He's a bit unexperienced compared to coachs like Onur, Bzka, Chet and etc but he can eventually fix that.

If i had to create a project i wouldn't think about him at first, he has to get a little more experience so that i could trust in him to command a selection in the future

E-xolos would be a nice way to make him prove that he desearves a space.

posted about a year ago

Oof that's a hard one.

Liazzi >> Jonn
Pollo <=> Bezn
Krain > Silentz
Pleets < BNJ
Flainzz ? Teddy

Teddy for me is confusing af, he sometines is a god, sometines is below average.

Flainzz normaly is decent, he doesn't compromise.

posted about a year ago

Jonn - Bezn - BNJ - Silentz - Teddy

This team is underatedly good, they have solid players in every aspect and for me this team gonna be the most promissing brazilian team out of Ascention.

posted about a year ago

The greatest Idea of doing a meet and greet in the middle of the semis

posted about a year ago

It' just the pure truth, one of the greatest moments in the cs scene and no one can say against It.

posted about a year ago

Brazil happenned.

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

Furia me trollando quando eu mais acreditei.

posted about a year ago


This is Furia! ⚫⚪

posted about a year ago

Thank you for this, didn't know you guys liked us that much.


Edit: oh fuck i didn't put It in off Topic, here we go... Another day ban...

posted about a year ago

Reserva com chance de ter aula de Flex com o Saadhak e poder ainda entrar no lugar do Cauanzin kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

O cara vai sair da academia Loud formado e pronto pra ser tier 1 em qualquer lugar, é assim que se cria a próxima geração.

Cauanzin, TuyZ e Silentzzz vão ser bases de times no futuro, marquem minha palavras.

A futura geração está nascendo na Loud.

posted about a year ago

Absolutely right choice for Loud, i've been watching this kid and talking about him for half a year now, happy to see that i'm not alone seing the Brazilian talents out there.

Silentzzz has an insane potential and can become a key player for any team in the future, i hope he goes well and that Saadhak work him out.

posted about a year ago

Sentinels vs Loud with BR crowd will be insane.

posted about a year ago

He missed the most important shot of the game dude :(

posted about a year ago

The greatest i've remembered was Heat with 129, he almost broke the world Record but literally went 2/xx in the Last map of a b5

posted about a year ago

You will get surprised by the incompetence of our IGLs and teams.

The only team that you could have any faith now is Furia, that's why i'm rooting for them.

posted about a year ago

The skill of the teams are separated across all teams.

FalleN, Cold, Fer, Fnx, Taco = Titles.

FalleN Team, Cold team = No titles.

Btw, the kids have to get even better to compete in an international event, like togs, Noway, lucaozy, chelo and etc.

posted about a year ago

Nope, they are chanting Imperial, Imperial, Imperial.

00nation is also there.

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

S1mple hard diff, GOAT!

posted about a year ago

A diferença entre um jogador de Ranked sério e um pugzero. Tu mesmo te referiu a isso, tu sabe os conceitos, só tá limitando a própria inteligência pra entender algo tão simples.

Você é bom? (top 1), você joga certo?(top 1 Sacy), você é bom e tem um time forte? (Top 1 Sacy da Loud).

Ninguém é top 1 da Ranked sendo um retardado, e se é, ele vai ser passado pelo verdadeiro top 1 que aparecer.

Mwzera tem 10+ títulos nas costas, ele era o top 1, tinha um time forte e era inteligente. Muito simples.

Edit: Sacy, Aspas e Less top 1 de Ranked.
Pancada, Saadhak, melhores de suas respectivas posições e top 10.

A Loud é um time montado de monstros de Ranked.

posted about a year ago

Essa mentalidade de que Ranked não importa foi colocada no BR pelos caras que nunca pegaram top 1 Ranked kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

A insuficiência técnica não se confunde com insuficiência organizacional de um time. O Yay carrega sozinho, e sem o Yay o time não seria o mesmo.
A característica dos teus players importa, a habilidade dos teus players importa, a organização do teus players também importa.
Não adianta tu ter 1 dos 3 quando o outro time tem os 3 juntos, teu time pode acabar vencendo alguém que tenha apenas 2, pois tu teve sorte, mas quando enfrenta alguém com as 3 não tem como ganhar com apenas 1.

Pode ver isso no game da Loud x TBK.

posted about a year ago

Aspas e Sacy, top 1 e top 2 da Ranked respectivamente. Jinnggg e Forsaken, top 1 e top 2 da Ranked respectivamente, e agora mwzera e Dgzin, top 1 e top 2 da Ranked respectivamente.

A Ranked não significa que tu vai ganhar, e sim que tu tem CAPACIDADE para tal, pois se tu tem capacidade para ser o melhor de todo o teu país respectivamente tu também tem para ser melhor que os players do exterior. Quem ignora isso se faz de otário de propósito, rounds de jogadores estrelas salvam campeonatos, quem torce pra Loud e tenta negar isso é retardado pela quantidade de round que o Aspas e o Less ganharam sozinhos.

Além de outros players top 1 que ganham mapas sozinhos, Cryo, Scream etc...

posted about a year ago

Pega top 1 lá então, já que é tão fácil tu deve conseguir também.

posted about a year ago

Mwzera Will be there soon and people Will still sleep on this team.


posted about a year ago

I'm not trembolona. Never forget this.

posted about a year ago

I always tought about the time when he would become an allie instead of being an enemy.

posted about a year ago

I think If he wants to take another step he should send out an public apology message to Dgzin, even If DG doesn't forgive him he will be already done with his own part. Creating a step for things to get better in the future.

posted about a year ago

Finally, It happened. Manito, we never wanted to hate you, we never wanted all the shit that happenned, but the actions you did became all this shit. We can forgive you in the future, but you have to change too and i think you are trying to not be this "anti-brazilians" for no fucking reason, and i think you trying to change and this is the First step, the First thing you should do.

We don't hate you, some things were unfair and others i think were not, you can become someone liked by the Brazilian comunity by helping and relating with them in the future, i Hope you can understand our side like we will try to understand yours.

You still can become someone liked and respected, like you are in Latam, i hope you the best, but i can't oppose others for still not liking you in the future. Start to change, do effort to It... And we will recognize It and see It, good luck Keznit.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Orkut moment

posted about a year ago

People are starting to realise how strong americas gonna really be in comparison to other servers like EU/APAC.

Do you guys realise that when you enter in a game all the sort of monsters could be waiting for you in the other side?


And the list goes on and on...

The real question is: who's gonna be the top 1?
For me is simple: Aspas the Ranked final Boss...

posted about a year ago

How tf america doesn't have a stalking legislation, Bro...

posted about a year ago

Saudade means that your feeling the miss of someone.

Calling an agent Saudade would mean that he was something before the he isn't anymore, It's like calling someone baloon, you know this guy uses weed just by the name, or that he's really fat.

posted about a year ago

Aspas > Dgzin
Cauanzin << Mwzera (xp diff)
Saadhak => Mazin
TuyZ < Khalil (xp diff)
(xp diff) Less > QCK

Saadhak is better at IGL but Furia overall have better players(now).

posted about a year ago

Só com todos os outros clipes 😛

posted about a year ago

You can play in northern with 80-100 in Brazil to USA, the same amount as in the Brazilian server located in Sao Paulo.

Aspas played once in a NA server with 100 ping and reached Radiant by Brazil to USA, this happenned before Loud.

posted about a year ago

Because Sentinels gonna help them it's gonna be really easy to get It. It's like a job contract, so something that might take 6m-1y gonna be done in Just some months.

That's my experience knowing about job contracts in USA, If something is different then i don't know about It.

posted about a year ago

He Will get It back

posted about a year ago

Coitadas essa line da B4, o ano INTEIRO perdendo pra TL só pra sofrer essa virada assustadora no jogo mais importante.

posted about a year ago

Acertei mto forte

posted about a year ago
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