Its happenning NA, China is better.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | December 1, 2021 |
Last post: | January 10, 2025 at 9:15 AM |
Posts: | 6451 |
Its happenning NA, China is better.
All this thanks to Riot Franchise system.
Sacy and PaNcada are National heroes, they've destroyed Sentinels from inside.
Just like i've said It bro, the future of Valorant.
Sempre foram bons em FPS, a gente competia direto com eles no PointBlank e Crossfire.
6 months of training and are already on top with NRG.
NA and EMEA are fucked in the future.
Nats will shit in Less Head.
LOUD vai pegar um time monstruoso, melhor que a Fnatic em alguns aspectos.
Less encontrando um cara tão talentoso quanto ele pela primeira vez.
Aqui já foi rapazeada, podem dar adeus ao Champions porque agora não tem PaNcada pra salvar.
You just did shit.
BELKY #1337
everyone knows what the triple bye bye bird is.
But they say it's impossible to do It.
How do you do It?
How do you do the triple bye bye BIRD?
Riot chose to prioritize Americas on PURPOSE to destroy the Brazilian scene, we have no teams Now.
Well i guess we "fomos de Source 2"
"Went from Source 2" (died)
Riot not only didn't gave us a Franchise, they did It on PURPOSE to destroy the Brazilian scene according to The Union.
Apparently no, the 2024 plan has already been revelead.
Riot will only use the tier 2 as a bakery for tier 1, Riot killed their own game Just like Overwatch.
With The Union leaving there is no more orgs in BR tier 2 scene.
We can say that Brazil is officially dead as a reagion.
Congradulations Riot, you guys got what you wanted.
Acabou, acabou rapazeada. O Valorant MORREU, não tem mais orgs, os players não são nem pagos e virou um jogo elitista de franquia dos estados unidos.
Pode considerar nosso cenário morto, é como se a gente nem tivesse um server próprio, e isso tudo aconteceu porque a Riot resolveu foder o nosso cenário e o cenário do Latam.
A gente merecia ter nossa própria franquia ao invés de ter que jogar com esses Bots do NA, não só nosso server e servidor ficaria mais forte como teríamos um cenário próspero e com futuro pro Valorant BR, parabéns Riot por serem incompetentes.
Here It ends boys.
LOUD 2.0 was a Failure, it failed in Brazil and It failed internationally, and we can say now that Sacy and Pancada really MADE A DIFFERENCE IN THIS TEAM, Holy.
This team was doomed from the start, Saadhak wouldn't be able to deal with all the pressure alone, he missed Sacy so much he had to put Less to do his dirty job of Second calling for him, It didn't worked out, Sacy was already 1 entire year doing that for Saadhak and with a baggage of experience from competing before.
GG NT Loud, you guys didn't do shit this year.
Como o Mw perguntou e vocês devem ter visto nos posts do twitter, o que seria esse tal de tático que nós o público dizemos que está faltando no cenário BR?
Eu tô aqui pra te responder isso Mw, quando o público BR fala que tá faltando tático é que está faltando a estrutura de jogo pra jogar os rounds no Valorant. A Furia e a MIBR, diferente da Loud que o público reconhece, parece que faltam algo muito basilar que todos os outros times tem.
Que é: O jeito de TRABALHAR o Round e usar as utilitárias pra conseguir vantagem no mapa e ao mesmo tempo counterar as jogadas do time inimigo. A impressão do público BR pros times menos desenvolvidos taticamente é que vocês não fazem a ideia de como usar os utilitários na melhor forma possível e na hora certa.
Quando a gente fala de tático, é o que os times gringos fazem com vocês, eles lêem a partida sabendo o que vocês vão fazer, e preparam os utilitários de um jeito que vai afetar o máximo possível o time DE VOCÊS, pra cada partida tem que ter um tático, um planejamento, uma execução combinada que vai ser jogada e o pós-plant. Quando o time inimigo faz anti-tatico em vocês, é isso que sentimos, que faltou tático, porque vocês tem que saber destruir as estratégias dos outros times e abusar o jeito que eles jogam, fazer com que o jeito que eles ajam no mapa e recursem utilitários seja punido, e é isso que falta pra Furia e pra MIBR, vocês parecem um time de Ranked, se jogassem respeitando 3x3 da maneira mais covarde e certa possível, ADULTOS, o público BR ia elogiar.
É isso que a gente quer dizer quando falamos em tático, vocês tem que ser ratos não só de FPS, como de utilitária, quando vocês jogam no padrão simplesmente sem se adaptar e sem se preocupar em serem lidos, é quando dizemos que faltou tático.
There is no need for American League to be in BR, they should have their own League and we ours.
The Champions of their League was BR and from Last Chance was a Latam Team kkkkkkkkkk
How can we be good enought If BR can't even train with tier 1?
There isn't even tournaments to be played, the game is dead.
It makes Sense for americans, not for Brazilians and Latam teams, its like the russian League was in China, makes no sense at all.
They call It Americas League.
5 NA teams (Now 6)
Tier 2 NA can train with tier 1 NA, BR can't
Brazilians have 3 teams and all of then are friendship based and not TITLE oriented based.
There is no tournaments in Valorant besides Riot Tournaments.
Why would anyone want to play this game anymore or even study it only to play tier 2?
All that to be a tier 2 player having to play for one spot in a 100% benefited NA game and League?
No, thank you.
There is none, i hope i've could helped It.
Its not that deep bro.
LOUD is just playing bad in a bad form.
Muito simples amigo
Eles tinham um jogador que corrigia as merdas chamado PaNcada
O time fazia merda, mas tu n notava porque ganhavam os clutches
Only got to Lock:In Grand Finals because the other teams were trash and bad trained.
This New Loud is a lie and Will lose 2-0
Couldn't recover from loosing pancada and Sacy
This team is over.
Don't hear this Guy, Loud is getting completely humbled today, this match has already been over.
DRX easy 2-0 on FRAUD.
RB drops 30+ in each map
I am Korean. Live in Seoul, my name is Min-ji Ah (민지)
FRAUD 💩 It's about to be humbled by DRX, the best team in the world in Groups. Did you guys see the promo? With Boaster and Saadhak talking to each other?
ALL of this for NOTHING BRO! 🤣🤣🤣 DRX about to destroy Brazilian dreams and Hope, GG DRX congradulations on your first win.
I have a proposal, If we work together we could Win Champs.
What do you guys think?
É incrível como é sempre as mesmas panelinhas, sempre as mesmas pessoas nos mesmos times.
Passou 3 anos e os mesmos players ainda jogam juntos, a panelinha continua.
Hm, i kinda disagree.
Yes, Loud would have more powerful titles, but in the end what matters is who wins the most.
It would be insane tho.
If Fnatic wins Champions, they become the greatest OAT.
If Loud wins, do we have a rivalry? Then we decide on the next tournament? How does this work?
Prime mwzera is still untouchable.
Get any Raze in the entire history of Valorant, is worst than Prime Raze Mwzera.
My Man, they are good.
But their Raze can't compare to Prime Mwzera.
We already start with a BANGER MATCH.
LOUD will be back on form, the world shouldn't expect them to be weak like in Masters because they will be in a better form than Americas.
I'm gonna trust in Saadhak, Brazil will be back with a 2-0 on DRX, insane game and putting respect in the world once again.
Brasil devia ter vergonha de não ter um time decente depois da Loud, dois times Latams muito bons, dois times Latams na final do LCQ.
Brasileiros deviam se envergonhar, devíamos ter vergonha na cara de não ter IGLs e times minimamente decentes.
Like, tier 2 tournaments?
Or is Just my scene that is completely dead.
Easy fix
+Sacy +Pancada
Wow, not so much fella, never triste Brazilians to work together, they always fail in the end.
Remember Keyd?