Flag: United States
Registered: July 25, 2021
Last post: March 18, 2023 at 9:31 PM
Posts: 259
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has to be 100t vs sen?

posted about a year ago

facts bro

posted about a year ago

have fun in the knights monthly

posted about a year ago

are they just hella quiet or are they not in yet im confused?

posted about a year ago

anyone else in NA have really high ping like 60-70 tday

posted about a year ago

i think so, a few people are tweeting about it such as dasnerth

posted about a year ago

is anyone else getting high ping atm? i usually play on 12 but ive been at 60-70 all day and i have noticed that others are too

posted about a year ago

Dead last cry and cope

posted about a year ago

yeah 2-0 DRX

posted about a year ago

Loud over PRX and fnatic? "BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD" according to you deluded fans got shit on in both games they played bro. accept that your team lost and move on

posted about a year ago

Both teams are amazing. best game of the tournament in my opinion

posted about a year ago

Whats important is that leviathan made a name for themselves. Beating NA#1 and 2 round away from beating EU#1. hopefully they go crazy is champs

posted about a year ago

How are they lucky? both teams played amazing but fnatic just played that little bit better

posted about a year ago

Not all NA fans are bad mannn

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Gonna go off at champs

posted about a year ago

In my opinion fnatic fans are the best fans in EMEA. 99.9% of them dont shit talk and they are not delusional. wish i could say the same thing about NA fans lmao

posted about a year ago

Shutup bro. As a FUCKING SENTINELS FAN i can appreciate how good fnatic and other EMEA teams are. sure i want a NA team to win but im not gonna discredit insane EU teams

posted about a year ago

People shit talking boaster after 1 play. Sure he threw that round but he also went 30K 20A

posted about a year ago

how am i being a hypocrite Mozambique shitter. your delusional lmao. NA have the reigning champs and all signs are pointing towards a back to back masters win. does your country even have a esports scene?

posted about a year ago

Your literally a one team region lmao. coming back to this thread in 3 days when optic 2-0 prx and send them to lowers

posted about a year ago

Tell your roster to stick to crypto scams you might be able to afford a LAN trip

posted about a year ago

IMO best rivalry in the the whole VCT circuit. They both had the same energy in Reykjavik with it also being a very close game

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Down 6-0 Your overdosing on the copium

posted about a year ago

Classic brazil fan complaining. Its not our fault your no competition to any other region

posted about a year ago

I cant understand that optic is a better team then LOUD. I mean atm DRX is a better team then loud

posted about a year ago

Didint mean it for mako is the same way. Last masters he was looking like a top 5 player but not atm

posted about a year ago

Your putting a team who just got knocked out by Optic. And lost The Masters Reykjavik finals too? Loud fans are something else lmao

posted about a year ago

Derke this game. day 1 and 2 yay, Mako not looking like himself any ideas what's happening?

posted about a year ago

Snuck loud in there but not optic? cmon man

posted about a year ago

Yeah idk what its called but his neck is fused with his spine.

posted about a year ago

Right now my heart is with optic and they could easily run it back. but my brain says Fnatic they are just so good

posted about a year ago

BcJ was talking mad shit before hand. Its not funny to make fun of the disability he has but the shit talk he gets for his play is deserved

posted about a year ago

Huh? gotta be the stupidest thing ive ever heard

posted about a year ago

another T5 fan talking to me?

posted about a year ago

Your org cant afford bus tickets

posted about a year ago

Are you in love with me? Your deluded. until your team wins a major event a pay no attention to you! your team cant even win the Knights open btw

posted about a year ago

? im just not a immature wierdo. its 9 o clock in nigeria go to bed!

posted about a year ago

If your a fan of an org such as soniqs (A t33 org) dont shit talk. your team cant afford tickets to their local LAN

posted about a year ago

Hope you enjoy the new players you guys pick up in a month!

posted about a year ago

have fun watching those quals! Every org in NA could buy out your whole team just to drop them with no financial effect!

posted about a year ago

whats so funny? Have fun playing the knights monthly cup!

posted about a year ago

Your Orgs players probably dont know how to drive

posted about a year ago

huh? Only chance your team has of traveling is begging sentinels to fly them out in a private jett. Stick to watching SQs quals with 100 other viewers!

posted about a year ago

Your team is owned by a boosted immortal. you play out of a kitchen and swap players every week. As soon as your team has won a major final let me know!

posted about a year ago

your team plays out of a kitchen online please stfu little kid

posted about a year ago

he has a neck condition. your org cant afford a bus ticket to their nearest open LAN

posted about a year ago

he has a neck condition. your org cant even afford fucking plane tickets to get to the NA lcq

posted about a year ago

I find it so fucked up how people talk about BCJs neck when he has a condition where his neck and spine are fused together. trash talk for the right reasons not stuff people cant control

posted about a year ago
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