Flag: India
Registered: July 2, 2023
Last post: February 28, 2025 at 10:08 AM
Posts: 375
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get my boy SushiBoys along with SScary

posted 7 months ago

100T 2-0 PRX
Send those APAC frauds home

posted 8 months ago

no Shanks ?????

posted 9 months ago

an agent with a scan and a flash would be way to strong

posted 9 months ago

Aspas overall
Texture in 2024

posted 9 months ago

PRX and GENG are both above KRU and LEV rn (no bias)

posted 9 months ago

-Lets compare the top teams from Every region.
-From the Americas we have Lev, Kru, 100T and LOUD
-from EMEA we have NAVI, FUT, TH and KC (maybe FNC if they get their 2023 form back)
-from APAC we have PRX, DRX, GENG and for some reason T1.

-The ones for me which stand out from them are PRX, GENG, LEV and NAVI

-NAVI have already won a trophy with this roster.
-LEV has crazy fire power in Aspas, Kinggg, Tex and even Mazino now.
-GENG despite their losses to the other top teams in the region, They still have crazy fire power and have a feeling will be back for Shanghai
-PRX are looking like best version of themselves rn(even better than their champs form).

  • Out of these 4 I have PRX at top over all other teams simply because they can match all the teams in terms of firepower and as of right now have the best team play.
  • Lev has good protocols but they often break down and things get sloppy with them and are bailed out by their individual mechanics which will not work against a team like PRX who can stoop even lower and get even muddier if needed
  • Same can be said for NAVI, also considering on how much they rely on util, it has been a but sloppy from them in the last few games where Shao would just not use is paranoia to setup his team or the dart timings being a bit off
  • GENG for me were the best team in Madrid despite their loss to SEN and if they can bring back their Madrid form they would be a real threat but seeing them lose to DRX and T1 has shaken my confidence in them.

Honorable mentions

  • 100T have a very high celling and if make it to Shanghai, they will be the dark horse of the tourney
  • LOUD I think they are still a very solid team, I just dont see them winning a tourney this year that being said we are yet to see this roster peak.
  • TH with the Addition of WOOT to the roster they have looked better than before and can very well beat NAVI and take the spot to Shanghai instead.
posted 9 months ago
  • Sen started their season 3 months earlier than most teams and that is why they were able to show their peak when most teams were still figuring their stuff.
  • After almost 6 months of practise and playing, they would obviously not be able to keep their form so it only makes sense that they couldn't qualify.
  • Lets say Sen somehow made it through and went to Shanghai their form would not be good enough to win or even make a deep run.
  • After Shanghai the same worn out SEN would have to play split 2 and who knows how they would be playing then.
  • Instead of getting mad that SEN didn't make playoffs, think of this as an opportunity for the players to take a break and fix a lot of the problems they had in split 1 and be revitalized for split 2 and then Champs.
posted 9 months ago

If we send DRX, PRX and GENG, there is no way we lose this time.(Slight cope)

posted 9 months ago

She reminds me how greasy and muddy the men are.
Thats all

posted 9 months ago

the difference is that EMEA is inconsistent because the teams are good, Americas in inconsistent because the teams are playing like shit. They can obv play better but they are not.

posted 9 months ago

EZ fix (trust)
Put Victor on the raze, i doesnt matter demon1 on raze is better long term because victor would still be a better raze.
We know he can still shoot, so why not put him on a role where he gets to instead of Hard entering.
Ethan calls every map like Ascent. it just doesnt work.
Have more depth in your gameplay, If one strat doesnt work they immediately switch, instead of seeing where it went wrong and how they can work around it.

posted 9 months ago

Americas is a fraudulent region rn,
Apac has the best top teams, (DRX,PRX,GENG)
EMEA has 8 Very strong teams of which either can be number 1 at any given day (Not at the world beater level yet but almost there)
Unlike Emea where you have middle of the pack teams improving and punching for the top spot, here in the Americas you have supposed top teams stooping down.
only 100T and LEV seem impressive rn.

posted 9 months ago

Dont ever compare that dogshit ass terrible player with my pookie Monyet.
Monyet clears the entire TS team, he would never lose to them.
NDG is the coughing baby to Monyet's Hydrogen Bomb.
If you ever disrespect Monyet like that again I will come to your house and skin you in front of your family as they are forced to watch you scream in pain.

posted 9 months ago

Finding players with a humiliation kink is all it takes

posted 9 months ago

y2y ???????

posted 9 months ago

PRX being the second seed will most likely face the 3rd seed from one of the groups for the elimination game. This might give us PRX vs Talon or PRX vs T1.
I hope its PRX vs Talon and T1 vs TS for the elimination games.

posted 9 months ago
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