Flag: | United States |
Registered: | March 25, 2023 |
Last post: | February 16, 2025 at 10:41 PM |
Posts: | 302 |
yo mb about that..
the reason that the "small gap" was there because I used the power rankings list from my first one and forgot to remove the gap
mb mb
also about the 4.5 and 4.6
idk why i didit
sorry mb mb
whaat can i do to make it beter
Alright so on my last power ranking... uh i messed up (putting c9 up there)
Now here are my power ranking AFTER Day of 2 of Playoffs....
No shock here. Some people said that SEN were better at my last power ranking, and they were right, however now into Day 2 of playoffs that seems to have changed a lot.. (Will explain later w/ SEN rating) but uh yeah they totally destroyed KRU going 13-2 Map 1 and 13-4 Map 2. Like demolished em, but it was KRU in the end of the day so I don't think that really shows to much. I'm still gonna put them at the 1 spot since they dominated them but this could be very likely changed by tomorrow when they Face G2.
With how G2 have been playing, destroying SEN earlier and also destroying 100T, they deserve to be promoted. Being the first assension team to qualify to champs is no small feat. Really happy for these guys and let's how they do in champs and in the rest of the playoffs.
Small Gap
4.6 100T
Kinda hard to decide if I should put KRU here or 100T. Decided to go for 100T because they destroyed SEN. Although I believe that again there is something going behind the scenes, their win was so good. Bang went crazy, Boostio great calls, etc etc. This team is great and they might get to champs if they can beat KRU tomorrow. (100T vs KRU gets this spot tmrw) But uh let's see.
4.5 KRU
Almost coming back from the C9 lead was crazy. 1-11 and then it went to 11-13. What a almost comeback. But then you guys did destroy Clown9 on the last map, so it worked out. This team has attended champs no matter what in past 3 years and I think they might continue the streak. Let's see tomorrow during Day 3 of the playoffs.
Although this team did not make playoffs due to them having a ass spilt 1, this team showed so much improvement in spilt 2. They finished 2nd in their group, behind LEV, finishing with a 3-2 record. They added xand instead of kon4n and it helped them so much. I say if they keep this team for 2025, they could be a strong team. We'll have to see.
Bro. Yall have to stop being clowns in playoffs. Like dude, every single time yall have the chance to make a international event, you guys just go "time to play like irons11!!1!!!" and just choke. It's been happening over, and over and even though I am not a C9 fan, I am sick of it. Please Clown9 make a fucking international.
The rest of the power rankings are either predications or something like that due to their season being ded
Their last match vs. 100T showed the old loud again. (Excluding first map... That was just embarrassing) TuyZ finally going on the duelist and they won. We learned that TuyZ (well at least think) that TuyZ aint a jett player but he is a raze player. Playing raze for the last 2 maps and honestly not doing that bad. I know kinda weird to up them so much because of one map, but I mean that's my take and like last time feel free to argue cuz I will listen and change this if I have to.
The only reason I put this team at 9 instead of NRG, is because as of right now, potter is still in EG alongside Dawgemo. Anyways, uh as I said in my last power ranking, this team can't be just hoping on their coach to bail them out everytime. Nor Jawgemo. Please. Get. Some. Help. EG.
Man, this team is sure weird. They made a good decision of dropping Victor but also dropping Chet? I mean, it was necessary, but kinda sad that HE PAYED FOR YOU GUYS TO GET DEMON1 who you BENCHED. Now he is back for 2025, but I mean like bro what are you guys doing. Braindead right now, but if yall get Jawgemo and Potter, this team is going to be the best, mark my words.
Do I even have to say anything for you to know that this team is trash? I mean all it takes is just searching up MIBR in vlr and looking at their match history. That's all I'll say.
Alright so that's my power rankings 4 now, lmk if yall think otherwise and uh have a good day
yall can comeback to this and yell at me for jinixing if they dont qualify (i want them to)
alright man. i might change it in my next power ranking. if c9 bomb out of playoffs, they are being dropped down 100% thx for the feedback!
really? I thought putting FUR at #7 was a hot take in it self
honestly a mistake on my part. Im switching that right now. Mb gang
honeslty i also felt like that. thats why i put a gap in between. but who do you think should be #4 then? cuz i feel like that was the only team that i could put up there
oh fuck that is true yeah? shit i didnt realize that see this is why i post my power rankings on here lmfao
I think this because they are absolutely dismantling all teams that they have faced this spilt. I mean they haven't dropped a map. 5-0 in win/loss and 10/0 in maps. I don't know how you can think that this team is not 1 in the Americas at this moment.
Shouldn't be a shocker either. They are also dismantling every team they see as well. The only MAP that they almost sold was vs. NRG on sunset and that was only because they started throwing a lot. Overall this team is 2.
Another ez take. They are exactly what SEN are right now. (The Match Later today decides who is better) Demolishing everyone they face. KRU & NRG was just some close calls that they overcame. Like dude, I used to be like during kickoff "man why did this ass team get promoted" now I'm like "KEEP THIS TEAM." lmao
Huge/small gap kinda in the middle
100T had a spilt in spilt 1 qualifying to Masters Shanghai and even winning the spilt. However, ever since Spilt 2 has began, they have been looking kinda rocky. Now don't get me wrong, they are going through the same thing I think SEN went through cause they went deep into Masters Shanghai and didn't have much time to prepare for this Spilt so that could be a reason in their sudden change of dominance.
This team looked pretty solid in Spilt 1. However, coming into spilt 2, they decided to bench Klaus and bring back mta. I think Klaus was brought in because of mta getting injured, but honestly, they looked better. I don't know lmao. Like it's kinda weird going from Spilt 1 5-1 win/loss to 1-3.
Same thing that happened with KRU. They went from being a great team to now being horrible again. They also had a 5-1 record going into the playoffs, but then they got destroyed by G2. I don't know how this always happens with C9 honestly. They always have a good group stage but as soon as they get into the playoffs, they bomb out. 2023 same thing. This year, same thing. And now although they qualifed for playoffs, I have no hope in them going to champs. But let's see what happens.
Call me crazy, but I think FUR is doing better then the rest of the teams I have not mentioned. Ever since they brought in xand instead of kon4n they have finished 2nd in the omega group this spilt. But due to them being ass in spilt 1, they didn't qualify. Again this is probably a hot take, but that's just me.
EG, EG EG. Why are you guys not even investing into this game no more? You guys have the one of the best coaches, potter. But of course you guys decided to try and get nobodys again for your team and expect for them to become 2023 EG again. With the help of potter, you guys did look good though but yall need someone besides Jawgemo and friends. That's my take.
Man. Where do I get started with this team? Imma start with this: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LOSE A 12-5 LEAD?!?!?!? AGAINST C9!!?!!?!?!?!??!! They dropped Demon1 (Their star duelist) and Marved (The former ice cold man) for FNS and s0m. Now again don't get me wrong, FNS and s0m are crazy, BUT honestly they should have dropped victor and crashies instead. Like bruh, Victor ain't as good as Demon1 and don't even get me started with crashies. They end 1-3 this spilt and don't make playoffs/a international event ONCE this year. I guess the OPTC core is done for?
What a ending to the LOUD dominance era. They started off the year normal qualifying to Madrid, but ever since then, they are sooooooooo bad. Like I don't get this: They drop QCK1 (Their duelist) and bring in pANcada, not a duelist. Then TuyZ says "no i wil not play duelist becuz me then get benched like QCK" and then saadhak, ANOTHER NOT DUELIST, picks up the role and guess what happens? They lose and bomb out of the spilt. Honestly, TuyZ should have just played duelist for this spilt and I feel like the numbers would be so much better man. Well let's see what changes they make in the off-season.
This is just embarrassing for this org. Being the worst team 2 years in a row?? Like man. They start of their year pretty good I would say in kickoff but ever since then they are again being horrible. 0-5 in spilt 1 and 1-4 in spilt 2. Only getting 1 WIN IN THE ENTIRE YEAR? Like at this point they should be relegated.
Alright well that's my power rankings. (Took like 1 0 minutes to type out the whole thing) Let me know your thoughts and I might change a few in my next power ranking. Ight goodbye.
EDIT 1: Just watching the LOUD VS 100T game.. might have to bump 100T up idk
EDIT 2: I changed KRU and 100T
is that your response to being single
yeah..... even though im a SEN fan, i will have to admit, I think once they get a huge lead, they get in teh mentally of "we're gonna win, let's not try anymore." and that almost costed them twice. let's see how they do now.
i bet u cant even take the sen baby on https://x.com/Sentinels/status/1804663663564828998
why the fuck do you care bruh
bro just made a alt to get reactions lmfaoooooooooooooooo stupido im american... we all have respect for india
wait shit they are a team? mb mb 💀
fur need pancada badly
yes because of EVERY YEAR a shitty format HAS to be there. but i do respect you. You always turn from clown9 to cloud9 during the regular season
hopefully no repeat of last year where u guys got cooked in teh playoffs
this is your cope thread. coping is allowed in here
fuck g2 and riot for the horrible formats, like bro in EMEA it all came down to round diff 3-3
they just did because of such hard throwing from lev bruh
??? he did great last night what r u talkin bout