Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: December 18, 2023 at 9:22 AM
Posts: 275
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posted about a year ago

yeah and i'm batman

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

My name is Marco and my last name is Da Paçoca

posted about a year ago

one more day, one more L from aTastyCook1e

posted about a year ago

bro just less, much more less man

posted about a year ago

not gonna say lev tier S, but A+
and 100t bruh, they are A or B

posted about a year ago

NA isnt just Nachtel

posted about a year ago

look how NA has changed:
2 years ago: "bronzil kekw" "bra71l" "shit region"
to now: "pls loud dont let emea fuck our asses"

posted about a year ago

pancadinha seria foda tá?

posted about a year ago

Eu me surpreendi com a atuação da furia, esperava um time extremamente desorganizado devido a falta de um igl de ofício mas mostraram um grande potencial, claro que tem pontos que tem q ser revisados e aprimorados, mas considero que se o trabalho certo for feito de forma organizada o futuro deles será mto bom. Pra mim eles são claramente o top2 br e talvez um top5/6 americas, o que acharam?

posted about a year ago

ggs so sad but was just waiting for it, ngl furia impressed me, their future is bright

posted about a year ago
this shit is cursed fr

posted about a year ago

cmom this again no

posted about a year ago

cala boca mlk do crl

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Emea minor region

posted about a year ago

EMEA Minor region

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Team LULquid

posted about a year ago

i'll support lev regardless of keznit playing or not, I don't think it's right to keep regrets from past episodes, besides, as a South American team, Lev will have my support unconditionally

posted about a year ago

cara eu n entendo esse povo, o cara(pancc) admitiu que estava errado, sofreu as medidas cabíveis q foram impostas p ele e está se reintegrando de forma saudável, porque ainda ficar de picuinha com isso mn

posted about a year ago

Sorry bro, I will cheer for my hermanos from leviatan, but anyway, i like so much zeta and i'll cheer for them in the future

posted about a year ago

basically what happened was: Kng(Brazilian player) were late for a match along with his team(immortals), so fns tweeted that kng and his mates were playing drunk so kng "death threatened" fns

posted about a year ago

this comment 🤌🤌
just perfect

posted about a year ago

dont worry bro, hateful comments and actions come from all regions, what changes is how we act in face of it, threads like this are very important to encourage unity. I hope that in the future the union can be healthy and good for all.

posted about a year ago

agree that we need some kind of unity rn, but bruh, the way you say it seems that only SA directs hate to NA when in fact the situation is totally the opposite 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

stay safe bro🙏

posted about a year ago

idk why but ppl are sleeping so hard on leviatan

posted about a year ago

bro just get out of your bedroom and watch some sports matches

posted about a year ago

today nrg, for me now, they are objectively better than loud
2-0 or 2-1

posted about a year ago

realmente, tem mta gnt boa no cenário q faz um trabalho dahora q merece watchparty

posted about a year ago

pro valorant mch representa muito mais coisa q o coringa, esse seu ponto é furado pois eu te garanto q um monte de streamer gigantesco joga valorant bem mais q o mch e não faz watchparty pois sua figuras são pequenas qnd se fala de vlr

posted about a year ago

gosto mto do mch e concordo q a vida dele não gira em torno de vlr, mas po, se isso fosse desculpa p tirar transmissão do cara pq a porra do coringa da loud vai streamar tbm sendo q o conteúdo dele é rp p criançada. o tigrão já se provou como uma figura q consegue gerar entretenimento pra riot fora e dentro da sua stream, o dia que ele foi convidado do vct foi épico e mostrou isso, quem não lembra do valorant de cadeia?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

alguém salva o artzin

posted about a year ago

wtf bruh have Michael Jackson played basketball?💀💀

posted about a year ago

tu é engraçado prc kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

coe gordin tu tá sentindo dmais pai

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ata tlgd

posted about a year ago

zellsis é firmeza po, ela já falou merda p nois?

posted about a year ago

zellsis é firmeza p crl mn kkkkkkkk o cara tá
ouvindo pipokinha

posted about a year ago

eu chuto que vai ter uma galerinha aí das franquia q n vai chegar no radiante kkkkkk

posted about a year ago

sacy ≠ derke

posted about a year ago

the only ppl who call he traitor are the loud fanboys who are 11yo(and trembolonaRage)

posted about a year ago

doq adianta ter bizinha na 00 se na liquid tem >DAIKI y BASTARDA y JOOJINA y BIZERRA y ISAA< ?

posted about a year ago

i've just read this before

posted about a year ago
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