Faria muito mais sentido então tirar o murizz pra colocar o rafaa em vez do xand. Xand não tem condições de ser IGL num time tier 1, mas ele encaixaria muito bem como duelista/second caller.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | January 4, 2022 |
Last post: | November 23, 2024 at 10:53 AM |
Posts: | 2402 |
Faria muito mais sentido então tirar o murizz pra colocar o rafaa em vez do xand. Xand não tem condições de ser IGL num time tier 1, mas ele encaixaria muito bem como duelista/second caller.
FURIA não faz muita mudança, é uma tendência da org acreditar em mlks novos e projetos a longo prazo. Quanto tempo qck e khalil tão lá? Há muito tempo já, e acredito que vão continuar ainda.
Sacy jogou esses dias pra trás em stream de controlador, Viper na Lotus, Omen na Ascent. Deu a desculpa que estava no roleplay jogando offrole mas ele fez o mesmo quando ia jogar de Jett na época da VKS. Pancada tá lançando um monte de sentinela nas rankeds.
Tirar o pancada do time não faz sentido nem se os caras forem os mais burros do mundo. O cara que melhor jogou pela Sentinels contra a FNC, um jogador pica que pode até não manjar mt do inglês mas ele joga pra caralho.
Noyn pode estar fazendo alvoroço por achar que tirar o pancada de controlador e o sacy do iniciador é uma mudança troll, e como ele mesmo disse em um dos tweets, "Eu não posso falar porque foi decisão estratégica do time(...)".
Duvido muito ele ser substituído, seria uma sacanagem se o fizessem e provavelmente voltariam atrás rapidamente. Mais fácil o dephh sair do que ele. A parada toda deve ser alguma troca de role que rolou no time e ficou meio estranho, tipo o pancada jogar de sentinela e o sacy de controlador (ele tava jogando de Viper na Lotus esses dias pra trás em stream), por aí.
Se ele saísse provavelmente iria pra MIBR pois acho difícil a FURIA tirar o Khalil.
He does have some delusional takes but it's only when he tries to judge some players capabilities (hyping brazilians too much and underating non-brazilians/latinamerican players). When he comes up with inside info of scrims, roster moves and other stuff he always get it right though.
I refuse to believe that they'll replace anyone on the team. I pray that it's just a role swap and they put like pancada on sentinels, sacy on controller and tenz on initiator or some shit like that
iirc Riot BR only allowed team's tags with 3 characters, which is why the chose LLL
Jogador(a) que não sabe receber crítica e não ignora hate (que infelizmente sempre tem) não vai muito longe.
Tem que aumentar urgente o trabalho psicológico aí dos times todos kkkkkkk
Nothing has changed, NA people just started watching him now but he is a true ranked demon
He can play the entire day only ranked and streaming and will be chill the entire day
and a lot of new players that have never played a fps in their lives
He never did, imagine doing it in english LMAO
Little bros are coping with this sacy IGL thing
The truth is that CS fanbase and Valorant fanbase are way different. There are people that played CS playing Valo but they're not the majority.
Sometimes the tickrate are a bit unstable but the general feeling is that Valorant hit detection is really good
Competitive games has been more of a men thing for years. Still is if you consider the fact that many women are harassed by just talking in some games out there (even in Valorant sometimes...) so many of them don't talk or don't even play.
Women just need time to grow talent among them and soon we'll have great T1 women players.
bro rates shonen based on views from tiktok no way
There's the fact that you just watched Water 7/Ennies Lobby which were INSANE arcs, even in the anime.
So watching Thriller Bark after that makes think the arc is not that good XD
The problem isn't the arc itself but the anime. The anime is so dragged out that even some good stories get boring sometimes.
I remember enjoying the shit out of Thriller Bark reading through the manga, but skipping the whole thing when watching the anime (I did read the manga first).
I understand as saadhak saying what the person they were in contact with said. Don't know if it was a literal quote but he didn't make it clear either.
All brazilians in the site knows he only speak bs, but the ideas on this post specifically is just crazy shit.
I genuinely think The Union, Vivo Keyd and RED Canids can win Ascension, but it won't be easy bro.
And stop taking these scrim results as a sign of anything. Sure, if your team have a good result against NRG, 100T, PRX, DRX and more, you can be happy with that, but that doesn't mean you're on the same level as them.
I would love to see Noyn stop with these copes on twitter, he's making the brazilians that are still skeptical about BR Tier2 seem like they're against their our own country or something like that, but they're just thinking realistically about stuff and also remembering how brazilian teams did at internationals (no playoffs besides LOUD). Just because LOUD won Champions in a convincing way, it does not mean the rest of the BR teams are as good as them. In fact, they were all stomped by LOUD the entire year since LOUD never lost a series in Brazil.
how is liberty not doing a change bro, they should think abt it at least
tbf most fans actually feel that way
but im pretty sure old optc and old loud respected each other deeply
Should have been 12 teams honestly.
Caring about scrim results shows how you guys know nothing about the game.
We're all forgetting the true Master of Puppets behind all of this, which is Finesse the Indian Pride. His plans are perfect and he's controlling everyone behind the scenes.
Country: United States
Registered: March 19, 2023
Last post: March 19, 2023 at 10:21 PM
Posts: 1
Bro was refreshing aspas tracker just to make this thread.
Não acredito que só o psicológico de sempre ter confiança + os pés no chão faça um time ser campeão como a LOUD foi.
Lógico que é importante mas o principal motivo sempre foi ter uma base forte, com a teoria e prática do FPS bem jogado bem lapidado em todos os players do time.
Po mano discordo. Xand é um IGL típico brasileiro, com um estilo muito explosivo e call de mid round mt fraca. Na minha visão o xand é um ótimo flex e second-caller mas como IGL é muito fraco a nível mundial.
O khalil é um garoto muito bom, o problema dele é a inconsistência mesmo. Vamos dar a chance pro mazin tentar melhorar na posição de IGL e ver como vai ser.
Furia se tivesse um IGL pica seria o outro supertime brasileiro que teria chances de vencer mundial. O problema deles vai ser justamente esse, pois a bala não tá em falta.
Brasil ano passado foi só 1 time bom. 3 times na franquia já foi demais kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Well, legally sponsors will not have any trouble but... They'll get in trouble with the public though.
As I've said, personally I'll not support people that commited such acts, but I won't judge those that choose to do so because they have already payed for it and many years have passed since.
They should be allowed to compete and to have their careers since they already payed legally for what they've done (at least ntk). But personally I'll not be supporting them and the team they compete at.
No LoL quem não pode streamar é jogador da MESMA liga. Sacy, saad e o resto são jogadores das franquias e não do Challengers.
Mas tu é burro e não entende coisa básica
Saadhak com live aberta ontem durante os games: zzzz
Tu só fala bosta, tenta ser trembolona mas nunca será
OK gimme 2 hours.
He knows Aguero's darkest secrets.
It didn't seem to be the case, as xand looked very sad after receiving the news of his departure.
We don't know how the team relationship was but, xand never looked like the guy to break his team apart.
It was a weird move tbh
liazzi não jogou bem o Masters Berlim, ele literalmente decepcionou naquele camp JUNTO da Liberty inteira
E o pleets é fraco demais como IGL, mas o Brasil inteiro é fraco de IGL por isso não é muito difícil destacar na função aqui dentro.