Flag: Brazil
Registered: January 4, 2022
Last post: November 23, 2024 at 10:53 AM
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Spacca é o MAIOR fã do Saadhak que eu conheço, então se ele tá criticando o manito agora, significa que o manito tá errando em algo sim.

E quando erra TEM QUE apontar porra, não tem q passar a mão na cabeça não.

posted about a year ago

NRG has not won a single pistol this series yet, but still managed to bring Bind so close.

Also, even if it's 2x0, we can't count them out. El Clássico is always a banger.

posted about a year ago

Eu sempre muto a stream quando ele entra. Parece q ele nem estuda o jogo, é o famoso comentarista freestyle, inventa tudo na hora

posted about a year ago

No momento que o Saad morreu dava sim, mas era uma decisão de milésimos de segundo.

Não é necessariamente ruim, como eu disse, se ele vence ninguém reclama, mas é uma parada que tem a ver com disciplina. LOUD ano passado não ficava desse jeito em momento algum, era disciplina até o final. Não significa que ela era melhor que essa LOUD ou vice-versa.

posted about a year ago

No caso do Chamber dá pra entender, o Chamber é igual a uma Jett/Reyna, ele consegue fugir.

Mas por exemplo esse último clutch que ficou Tuyz x Crashies, se ele só fecha a mira poderia tentar vencer no tempo, mas quis ficar de mira aberta e perdeu. Se dá certo ninguém reclama, mas quando dá errado fica meio estranho.

posted about a year ago

A LOUD como um todo tá fazendo muito overpeek, buscando as plays mais na mira do que nas skills

Quando dá certo é lindo, mas quando não dá fica muito difícil o round.

posted about a year ago

LOUD won Champions last year without abusing Chamber

Now that no one uses Chamber anymore they pick him

Chaadhak indeed

posted about a year ago

if it was after Tuyz play then it was "UHH TUTU TÁ ON" which is "UHH TUTU (TUYZ) IS ON (LINE)"

posted about a year ago

Sadly the distance from Brazil and US is too big (and costly) so this cannot happen often

posted about a year ago

Mt ego peek quando claramente eles podem só valorizar

Meio parecido com o que a Fnatic fez hoje.

posted about a year ago

Por isso eu assisto a transmissão oficial, muito bom ver com XRM/Bida narrando

posted about a year ago

4 cara gritando mais que umas 100 pessoas KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about a year ago

Chaadhak my favorite Chamber abuser

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NRG(OPTC) vs LOUD record: 4 wins vs 4 wins

They are tied. This is El Clássico of Valorant. Anyone winning is not an upset

posted about a year ago

I love to see FNC lose because their fans are so salty and obnoxious

posted about a year ago

Os cara não entendeu a zika reversa q burrice

posted about a year ago

El Clássico has no such thing as an upset, it's always 50-50

posted about a year ago

FNC has two bans because they came from Upper Bracket, they rested but Liquid didn't. FNC has the upper hand here from the start, meaning that if they lose, they were definetely the worst team.

Winning before doesn't mean shit, they were worst today and that's it.

posted about a year ago

Already crying when the game has not even ended yet XD

posted about a year ago

bros been hitting some DMs

posted about a year ago

I don't think Scream is better than Sayf on the duelist role but that's not the point of the argument I made, hence why it does not matter what you said.

Try to learn a little bit of text interpretation so you can understand what others say.

posted about a year ago

Exactly. Marved was not even an IGL for OPTC and did WAY better than dephh

posted about a year ago

I'm tired of seeing this shit.

This is the first and ONLY split for this year and winning it matters. Not only you get more money, but also clout and an important title.

Stop the cope

posted about a year ago

It doesn't matter, Sayf wouldn't do shit if the IGL was not cooking good strats and reads from the back.

posted about a year ago

IGL is what holded them back. When Scream was KC's IGL the team was atrocious, they put a fucking coach on it and they did WAY better than before

IGL is the most important role in the game even if they don't frag that much

posted about a year ago

Liquid finally living up to the hype everyone was putting on them.

posted about a year ago

Se a LOUD deixasse o que a torcida fala subir a cabeça deles não teriam ganho o Champions. A mentalidade desse core sempre foi ficar blindado e jogar sério. Por isso sempre estão em cima e vão disputar muitos títulos.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That autotranslator is fs looking for some drama

posted about a year ago

Saadhak vs FNS just like the good old days.

3x2 LOUD in a close match I hope!

posted about a year ago

True, but you can't deny that the impact that Demon1 has been having on the team specially on Jett. When you have a guy like him fragging like crazy it makes your team much much better. Watch LOUD, if it wasn't for Aspas and Less fragging their hearts out, would they be here? Even if the other 3 players are awesome I doubt they would carry like those two

posted about a year ago

I mean, would they even win more than 1 series if Demon1 wasn't on the team? They wouldn't even have the chance to make playoffs if not for the guy.

If they put Txozin as their sub for Masters they would win the tourney though

posted about a year ago

First Champions song was hype but there wasn't much storyline to make a hype video. Second one was meh and the video was good.

I hope this one features more storylines from last year (like LOUDxOPTC) and has a hype song.

posted about a year ago

They won't sadly, EG wouldn't even made playoffs if not for him.

posted about a year ago

They had gtn on their team and STILL made a close game against PRIME Gambit...
That shows you guys something...

posted about a year ago

So you can say you were the Champion of the first circuit of your region

posted about a year ago

omg he's shooting boodies what an awful human being :'(

posted about a year ago

0/8 your baits are terrible as always

posted about a year ago

They're mutants and they're representing the X-Men

posted about a year ago

Fracture was EG's pick

posted about a year ago

I disagree. We have tons of good players, but we don't have anyone capable enough to lead them.

posted about a year ago

Independente se der bom ou não, o problema é que não temos IGLs bons pros times se adaptarem de maneira rápida dentro do jogo. O nosso problema é fundamento, claro que temos problemas de disciplina, mas sem aquele fundamento não temos nenhum time capaz de brigar por títulos além da LOUD.

posted about a year ago

As long as we don't have good coaching staff + good IGLs, LOUD will be the only good team we ever had.

posted about a year ago

O problema é que não tem IGL do nível do Saadhak no Brasil. Pode botar 4 sacy no time dando bronca, se não tiver um IGL bom igual o saad não é time pra ser campeão.

posted about a year ago

Ofc, that does not mean they are better than C9 on other maps too. This was EG's pick afterall.

FNC also lost first map against FUT and we know what happened later.

posted about a year ago

EG haven't even won first map yet bro

posted about a year ago

LOUD is just miles ahead of FURIA, no shame on that.

posted about a year ago

FURIA is LOUD's son. They never won against them

posted about a year ago

Is FURIA a NA team?

posted about a year ago
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