Wardell has been carrying TSM for over a year.
It’s rare that Wardell isn’t the best player on the server.
He is definitely not the issue. The issue has been he has never had a good 2nd carry.
Corey looks like he ain’t it either.
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | June 9, 2021 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 8:16 PM |
Posts: | 4461 |
Wardell has been carrying TSM for over a year.
It’s rare that Wardell isn’t the best player on the server.
He is definitely not the issue. The issue has been he has never had a good 2nd carry.
Corey looks like he ain’t it either.
Bro…. They just beat them the last match. Not just beat them, smacked them.
Then TSM cried about a coach. Like stunna was the reason Tsm was getting shit on by boomer Steel.
This would also greatly raise the value of coaches.
I would suggest a change to how coaches spectate a game. Maybe they are forced to follow only one pov so they don’t have the advantage of seeing multiple angles.
Force coaches to watch from the “igl” pov only?
Asuna is a god among men
Bro… they lost to T1 THIS qualifier.
Wtf you mean!?!?
“tHeY wErE gOiNg tO cOmE bAcK”!
TSM bailed out.
Sad for T1, but cheating needs to be punished.
The saddest part about this is TSM acting like they deserved the win. They got smacked and it’s not because the coach said “help sewers”. They were getting smashed because they are bad.
Calm down Overwatch! You’re making these cs pros look bad.
Why is Zander so fucking good?
100t dropped the ball
Nothing wrong with the first 2 people playing duelist… you’ll be one of those people sometimes and then you can play duelist.
Lol the whole point is learning to play and enjoy more than 1 role.
I wish I could bet on this too.
Dota 2 had this system and it’s a game with MUCH more defined and crucial roles and it worked out fine.
If you only play duelist or hate playing anything else… go play halo or cod. We don’t want you here.
Also, people pretending like perfect comps matter in ranked is laughable. Until the very highest ranks your team composition matters so much less than your skill.
I am not a fan or a hater of TSM and this is how I see things.
TSM has a lot of expectations. During the off season they made some very mediocre moves that barely moved the needle when they needed to make big moves to keep themselves in relevance.
TSM fans think anything they do is gold and they seem to be brainwashed into thinking the team is amazing.
TSM haters seem to be brainwashed into thinking the team is t3 trash.
Realists see this team as top 10-8 in NA with potential to upset and MAYBE make a deep tournament run, but not good enough to ever qualify for international events.
The rising stars against the team team desperately trying to hang onto relevance. Should be a close match.
2-1 for the new kids.
Rise 2-1 unless Neptune doesn’t show up.
You probably think Wardell is bad so your opinions are trash.
However, besides Wardell the rest of the roster is overrated and there is a very real chance that they lose today.
Wardell is a fucking tool, but you’re just a hater if you think he’s the reason TSM is bad.
People actually taking this seriously?
Zombs is not only the worst player on Sen, but he is very often the worst player ON THE SERVER.
He had the worst hs percentage in ALL OF CHAMPIONS.
He was -20 in the final serious in champions.
He is the biggest liability out of all of the top teams in NA and the only people who should be his fans are not from NA. He is basically other regions MVP.
Imagine a world where Sen isn’t saddled with the worst player in the tournament. Imagine if Sen had Nitro for champions.
Trophy? If guard qualifies for closed I’ll be impressed.
Brazil is going to be good this year.
Still to many slots, but they won’t be dog water.
Pretty cool video. Made me like the guy more.
He was so fucking pumped when they won and I loved seeing that kind of passion.
He also became the face of Indian Valorant.
Being the most recognized player in a country with over 1 billion people is a pretty big accomplishment
I picked TSM, but it’s pretty much a toss up.
Flyuh hasn’t impressed.
Subroza and Cory haven’t looked incredible either.
I think it really depends on who pops off. Wardell or Babybay.
Tsm 2-1
2 NA
3 KR / SEA
4 BR (could swap to 3 if things continue to trend up)
5 Latam (won’t repeat the success of champions)
6 JP
What do I win?
Eu education
1st in Iceland
2nd in Berlin
Quarterfinals at champions
But no one expects people with 1 head takes like this to actually watch the tournaments or know anything about the scene.
Definitely bait.
NAs record last year in the 3 international lans was
Even with the largest player base in the world, EU still struggles against NA.
Ghost 2-0
People think there are ten teams in NA better than TSM?
Realistically though… TSM probably is between 8-10 so…. What’s wrong with the ranking lol
You mean a great duelist did well against two t4 teams?!?!?
No wai
Wardell is so much better with the awp than a rifle. I would say he is one of the most extreme examples of someone who is a WAY better awp than rifler.
What do you gain from being a piece of shit person?
Why do games with female teams always bring out the insecure little children?
You’re trash.
Funny how people are so incredibly bias.
Really just look at the percentages of players at the ranks.
The real unbiased rankings would be
Iron = Bad
Silver / Gold = Average you’ll find most people are silver
Plat / diamond = Great
Immortal = Amazing
Radiant = godlike
Like… players that are t1 now and are new to the t1 scene like Xset cryo or players we think will be T1 in the near future like akrew neon?
Or players we think will be T1 in a few years like 14 year old cracked out reduxx?
NA players new to T1 - T1.5
T1 seven
Faze Larry
Faze Flyuh
Xset Cryo
V1 Zander
TSM Rossi
Cheater cheater pumpkin eater
Baby - Jett
Dicey - Reyna flex
Flyuh - sova
Larry - sentinel
Shotup - Astra
Interesting roles
I’m confused at why you would need a mod for this lol?
Sick and Ethan.
If Envy had Sick instead of Victor they would have a good shot at being the best team in the world.
Definitely not the most skilled ace, but the fact that it happened with the rest of the team in spawn.
What are the odds?
Just a nice little addition to his legend.
Good lists already for USA so I’ll make a top 5 non duelist.
1 Sick
2 Ethan
3 Crashies
4 Shahzam
5 Mitch (not sure if he is USA or Canadian)
Hm: Dapr / Vanity / Supaman
Does he count at USA now that he moved to USA?
Why doesn’t the round change when he wins? Is this a custom game?
Zombs is the worst player on the server for nearly every game at champions.
Soulcas is just the worst player on his team.
Lots of hacks going down on SEA
Crazy to me that this resulted in a 1 year ban and I have seen stuff like this all the time lol
I watch a decent amount of NA streams and most “Fraggers” don’t just do well they almost always DOMINATE in ranked.
If you see a player that consistently struggles to be in the top half of the score board it means he isn’t a fragger.
I think some of us were hoping that maybe ec1s was more of a fragger than most people gave him credit for. If what the OP is saying is true, everyone may be getting exactly what we feared.
A below average fragger with “hopefully” good leadership and IGL skills.