In fraud forsaken we trust.... lets go PRX
Flag: | Portugal |
Registered: | March 18, 2022 |
Last post: | February 22, 2025 at 8:08 AM |
Posts: | 1554 |
In fraud forsaken we trust.... lets go PRX
Not only are DRX by far the most strat heavy team in the tournament.....they are also the most overly confident team, they went against a bunch a teams that had 0 counterplay for them and demolished, and got stunned when optic came well prepared for them. Love to see it
jesus christ man if you had just stopped at the hashtag it would have been a small w.....but you just had to start making up shit, dude said LITERALLY nothing of the sort
i wouldnt really call it a watchparty....dudes team is making a great comeback and he is talking about clapping Nadeshots cheeks in a 1vs1 XDDDDD
Actually on average they are pretty ok.....99% of people didnt even know Loud so they just 0-2 automatically which completely fucked up the pick ems
who on the loud squad used to play paladins?
Hey man dont be so mean....Small indie company doing the best they can
Loud 2-1 G2 if G2 start to look like themselves
If G2 play like they played against Zeta, quick 2-0
G2? Why are G2 basically confirmed semifinalists? Just wait for god Aspas to turn up
I hope so but from what i saw from jamppi today i just think europeans love to tryhard against BR
from what i saw of G2 in the challengers.....maybe
from what i saw today against Zeta..... No, just No
True....g2 were absolutely dog and still managed to 2-0 zeta, really says something about JP
looooool icebox is by far their worst map
Mark my words, Liquid wont get more that 5/6 rounds on haven
Trembolona is mwzera on a burner account so makes sense
Thats definitely what diferentiates them from the rest....not the talent, the discipline.
Watching NIP play is very painful because they just dry peek every round
lol didnt take much to resort to racism XDDD and people say uneducation isnt a major issue.....
ironic coming from NA XDDDD, god aspas smokes your entire region dude
Sinatraa wasnt convicted, and last time i checked, authorities and the court decide what happens, not the army of keyboard warriors on VLR and Twitter so i think its time to just forget about this worn out topic, the girl refused to go to court.... nothing else they could do
Riot has to get their shit games being ruined by the worst production in FPS history
Edit: Im not including the time they tried to do a csgo event outdoors XD
zombs has come a long way since the BR incident....the guy just wants to see his friend at the top again
agreed, and yesterday if optic had won pistol and the following 12 rounds they would have won agaisnt xerxia.....nice logic bud
incoming people who never watched Loud but are still gonna say drx would win
damn, crazy....all of the sudden the thousands of people saying NIP would still get destroyed have now disappeared and apparently everyone knew Fnatic would be weaker and lose, bunch of clowns XD
Doesnt really work since Loud are arguably favorites to win the entire thing....meanwhile NA struggling HARD
not that much better....and optic is struggling against xerxia, imagine what teams like PRX and Loud will do to the guard
welp, soulcas on neon map 1 XDDDDDDD
Ideally i would like for you to deactivate caps lock. And considering Valorant doesnt have cool videos and promos to show inbetween matches like CS does, 1 hour of wait is a bit too much
yes but the 1,5/2 hours between games kill ALL the hype
From what ive seen from kru in the challengers, if TL does all that, its a clean 2-0 no contest
i come from the birthplace of the "0/8" meme my dear friend
is "0/8" a thing here too?
Salty Nut out here trash talking like NA aint nothing more than an overrated region about to get exposed by top tier teams....
No, i meant cutting Zombs and adding sinatraa, then getting shazam to play smokes so that sinatraa could play sova.
I recently changed over from CS to Valorant and am still not really familiarized with the roles and stuff so i have a question to the people that understand this game pretty good. Apart from chemistry and morale, what is stopping Sentinels from for example getting Shazam to play Zombs roles and sinatraa on Sova? Is this purely a PR decision?