I would like to bring to your attention the scorekeeper of the Valorant pro team Optic Gaming. I was wondering how a washed CS pro can suddenly have some specific statistical categories that are completely off the charts. I am referring to Yay, who, after instalocking chamber immediately started having extreme outlier eliminations + headshot statistics, leading the entire Valorant scene in kills per game by a wide margin. In fewer duels per game than other players Yay repeatedly gets outlandish eliminations and damage numbers.
I decided to take a closer look at his games and IMMEDIATELY 1 thing became crystal clear. While using Chamber headhunter, he has 69 kills in 5 home games, averaging 13.8 final blows per game, versus just 35 in 5 rifling games, averaging 7 in nearly identical minutes- a 50% increase while playing Chamber's headhunter. While playing Chamber he has been credited with 90 eliminations in 5 home games, versus only 30 eliminations in 5 Jett games. This means he is averaging nearly 18 eliminations per game while playing Chamber, but just 6 eliminations in Jett games per game- an astounding 300% increase while sporting Chamber. In Chamber ult games he has been credited with 88 eliminations + final blows, versus 45 on Jett knives. This equates to an average of an outlandish 50 eliminations with Chamber op in limited duels versus a reasonable and realistic, and still outstanding, 28 eliminations per game on the Jett knives. This equates to a 1.72X home stat increase only in these 2 categories. A 72% increase in performance specifically with Chamber is truly an aberration which should be reviewed. This demonstrates the sort of incredulous statistics which calls for serious analysis.
Just 3 out of his 14 games this season with 15 eliminations have come on Jett. 8 out of 9 of his 16+ elimination games have been recorded playing Chamber. I decided to watch 2 Optic games where he had one of his ludicrous 69 elimination games. By my count he actually had 6 fewer "Assiminations"(some people refer to Assists+Eliminations as Assiminations) than he was credited for. I wonder if the scorekeeper (likely RIOT) has some sort of vested interest in Yay getting maximum high value statistics on Chamber that he thinks he can get away with putting down into the final score.
Yay 2022 started as high as +10,000 for MVP, Player of the Year and eSports player of the Year at certain podcasts after Optic announced he was signed to their roster. Now, in large part thanks to these blatantly wrong statistics, he won two out of three of those awards.
My educated guess is that the pro games Scorekeeper (RIOT) has had a change of plans since last season and/or ULTERIOR MOTIVES, INCENTIVES are now in play with respect to Yay's Chamber statistics.