Flag: South Korea
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: October 30, 2022 at 9:27 PM
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top 15 is a stretch, even top 10

Id put him around 8th best jett

posted about 2 years ago

Lets do something, Ill dm you my resume, and you dm me yours, and well see who here needs to "get a job"

posted about 2 years ago

funny thing is vanity starts off by saying its pretty transparent but I guess it wasnt enough for dimwits like you

posted about 2 years ago


watch this u pepega

posted about 2 years ago

yes we should move on because u cant discern fax from stuff u came up from out off your ass

posted about 2 years ago

yeah and our players were getting paid nothing while working at cafe or school and were still competitive, our FA teams were beating JP teams like fennel too

I shouldve known u were talking out of ur ass when u said they should bootcamp in singapore

posted about 2 years ago

lol but its really the same teams since then like boom edg etc, you think u guys are the only ones that improved since then?

if u say DWG and DRX are the only good teams in KR thats like saying PRX, xerxia, FS, secret, maybe bleed are the only good teams in SEA

posted about 2 years ago

LOL, F4q the streamer team was kicking T2 SEA team asses and were only beaten by teams like xerxia and PRX

dont speak out of your ass

posted about 2 years ago

theyre not going there to scrim SEA teams

btw, if they do scrim SEA teams, the same logic u used applies. they play on HK servers and play around 40~ ping both teams

posted about 2 years ago

look man Im gonna make it as simple as possible

lets say you want to scrim kr, jp and china teams

then you would either move to hong kong, seoul, or tokyo to scrim

now out of those 3 seoul is the most affordable, best internet, have good teams, why would u got to singapore and have 60 ping games

posted about 2 years ago

LOL are u fr, korea is pretty much closer to all those regions except SA

check japan team scrims they never scrim outside of KR JP and HK servers

posted about 2 years ago

their coach is ex damwon coach Im sure they can book scrims easily

posted about 2 years ago

Why would they make a new team in KR????

Like an academy team?

posted about 2 years ago

very meh

go back and play those csgo maps and ull realize nostalgia is only thing that makes those maps good

posted about 2 years ago


theres more but Im forgetting rn

posted about 2 years ago

you forgot steel

posted about 2 years ago

100%, there was a guy in immortal 2 lobby that just shot people through smokes

posted about 2 years ago

Lakia fucked that group up no kizzy

but all those players are getting paid now so all is gucci

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah I mean, I saw it coming tbh

xeta was having a few bad games on their losses against big names, and obv vanity isnt going to say "yeah he sucked we had to replace him"

so they went with the "comms issue" that almost every team does when they need to scapegoat someone

problem is I think vanity didnt actually saw the full value xeta provided to the team outside just frags and clutches

posted about 2 years ago

I like the OnSla2ers pick, but tbh I think DRX gets it this masters

they finally stopped the troll comps and they actually put players on roles they should be in, they are 100% my favs to go to masters again

posted about 2 years ago

"T1 management held curry back" is one of my favs

posted about 2 years ago

idk I like boo but guy seems a bit out of touch with the scene

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


are you fr lol

it dont matter if ur teammates are 4 bronze ur under contract u keep ur mouth shut in public

u know if u trashtalk the company u work at they can sue u?

posted about 2 years ago

where? u got source

posted about 2 years ago

Bro who cares about DRX man

Everyone and their mom knows theyre a good team, every single pro respects them

No need to debate about them, one day they will finish top 3 and not a single person (maybe KR haters) will be surprised because thats frankly the expectation of the talent behind the team

posted about 2 years ago

It's not about who's a better player, we did have good chemistry and his english is good but under pressure it breaks down, we sadly hit our ceiling due to these issues and it's 100% not his fault. It's just how it is communicating in a different language

posted about 2 years ago

It's not about who's a better player, we did have good chemistry and his english is good but under pressure it breaks down, we sadly hit our ceiling due to these issues and it's 100% not his fault. It's just how it is communicating in a different language

posted about 2 years ago

It's not about who's a better player, we did have good chemistry and his english is good but under pressure it breaks down, we sadly hit our ceiling due to these issues and it's 100% not his fault. It's just how it is communicating in a different language

posted about 2 years ago

It's not about who's a better player, we did have good chemistry and his english is good but under pressure it breaks down, we sadly hit our ceiling due to these issues and it's 100% not his fault. It's just how it is communicating in a different language

posted about 2 years ago

they broke their ceiling, and now they lowered it

top 8 team NA at BEST with this roster

posted about 2 years ago

youre too dumb to understand how internal roster politics work

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

sheep c9 apologist

posted about 2 years ago

not c9 management u fucking dummy, it was a team decision made by vanity

posted about 2 years ago

if you think xeta asked for a trade when theyre in playoffs for no reason, you are gullible asf

vanity pretty much confirmed it

posted about 2 years ago

C9's new ceiling: top 8 team

posted about 2 years ago

Its classic esports shit, scapegoating when results arent good and wanting to keep roster spot for friends

The bane of many teams in NA, the amount of backstabbing that happened in the last 2 years in insane

posted about 2 years ago

Yep thats what Im saying

posted about 2 years ago

Nothing to do with IGL, its the team captain whos also the IGL

posted about 2 years ago

Yup, Mitch is next then curry

Chaos boys untouchable, never shouldve gave that much power to vanity

posted about 2 years ago

You cant blame the player that comes in when the guy who advocated for the roster move is the team captain playing brim

posted about 2 years ago

pretty good list, but I wouldnt put reject that high up, they still have to prove themselves

I would probably put CR or IGZIST 3rd

posted about 2 years ago


game died when shroud stopped playing it

posted about 2 years ago

there is ranked bruh

posted about 2 years ago

GG, despite the loss I like their new comp, bangnan had a suprisingly off game

posted about 2 years ago

Sheesh papa ullyr

posted about 2 years ago

tesseract is cracked

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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